A/N: Boy, it is good to be writing again. I've had this idea for quite a while, however it has taken me several months to hash out the plot and all the details. I started writing it down back in September, but then had a medical issue to deal with. In a nutshell I have a Hyperactive Thyroid which I have been treated for. I feel good and am ready to be back into this. I've wanted to write a Grace and Steve centered story for a while. I like their relationship and this is what my muse came up with. I hope you enjoy it.
A/N: I do not own H50. I would like to, but that's just not in the cards for me. Oh well.
The Asian man tapped his fingers on the counter. He watched as the woman behind it put a stamp inside his passport before sliding it over to him.
"Welcome to Hawaii and enjoy your stay," she said with a smile.
Hitoshi Tezaka nodded and picked up his bag. Most of those arriving in the tropical paradise were heading to the baggage claim to get the rest of their luggage, but Tezaka had only a small shoulder bag. If what he had been told was true then his business on the island of Oahu would be over if a few days. He side stepped a woman who tried to put a traditional lai around his neck. He was there strictly on business. He made his way through the crowded airport not wanting to get behind any slow moving tourists.
"Hitoshi," came a familiar voice through the crowd.
Tezaka turned and found its owner immediately. A huge smile crossed his face as he picked up his pace.
Emori Tendo was one of his oldest friends. In fact the pair were more like brothers than anything. The two had grown up together in Japan. The Tendos had taken him in after his father had gone to prison. They had made sure that Hitoshi finished school and went to college. Tezaka owed their family everything he had. If Emori had come through for him then his debt would be even greater.
Two other men stood behind Tendo wearing suits and dark sunglasses. They were both locals and Tendo's hired muscle. They stayed back while the two men greeted each other with an embrace.
"So is it true?" Tezaka asked pulling back and getting right down to business, "You have found her?"
Tendo held up a file folder.
"Come, we will get a drink," he said pointing to the bar.
Tezaka wasn't going to argue. It had been a long flight and the alcohol on the plane only came in teeny bottles. Not enough to give him the buzz that he really needed. Tendo's body guards followed the pair to a table in the back of the crowded bar. One left to go and retrieve drinks while the other continued his surveillance of the area around his employer.
Tendo handed the folder to Hitoshi. A smile crossed the man's face as he opened it and recognized the woman's picture inside. She was older and her hair was lighter, but it was her. The woman had ruined his family's business which had eventually led to his father's suicide. It took all his will power to not destroy the photograph. He knew it would not be enough. His rage would only be eradicated by ending her life. He wanted her to suffer as he had suffered for the last 38 years.
"There's more," Tendo said with an evil smile crossing his lips.
He flipped to the middle of the stack in the folder and produced a photo of a dark haired man. The vengeful glare in Tezaka's eyes changed to curiosity. He had never seen this man before.
"Who is this?" he asked taking the picture and studying it.
"Her son."
A malicious grin came to Hitoshi's lips. He knew exactly what he was going to do and quickly relayed his thoughts to Tendo.
"What's her name?" Tezaka asked.
"From what I can tell she has gone back to her civilian name. . .Doris McGarrett. . . .her son Steven runs the Governor's special police task force. . . .He is also a Navy SEAL. It won't be easy to take him down."
"Everyone has a weakness," Tezaka said obviously not worrying about Steve McGarrett's credentials.
Tendo pulled out several more pictures and handed them to Tezaka.
"His team," Tendo explained.
Tezaka looked at the photos for a brief moment. He was not concerned with any of the law enforcement on this small island. How efficient could they be? Tendo saw the lack of concern in his friend's eyes.
"Don't under estimate them," he warned, "They have quite the reputation here."
Tezaka chuckled still not concerned. Nothing was going to stand in his way of him taking his revenge.
The bodyguard arrived carrying two glasses with a tan liquid inside. He set down the drinks and backed away joining his comrade in surveillance. Tendo and Tezaka picked up their glasses and clinked them together. As the burning liquid went down his throat Tezaka felt the end was near. After so many years of imagining this day and this moment he felt almost released. His mind, body, soul, hell his very being had been consumed for years to find the woman who had taken his father from him. Tezaka finished his drink and set it down on the table.
"Come my friend there's still much to discuss."
(Two days later)
"Buckle up, monkey," Danny said standing next to the passenger side of Steve's truck.
Grace pulled the strap across her shoulder. Steve climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine.
"So we should be at the trail head in about an hour. We probably won't have any cell service once we're there."
"Yeah, I remember," Danny said stepping onto the side of the truck and gave Grace a kiss on the side of the head. While he was up there he checked to make sure that her seat belt was securely around her body.
"Danny will you relax. I am a great driver," Steve said.
"Just be careful. I haven't forgotten what happened the last time," Danny said deciding not to argue with Steve about who the better driver was.
Steve chuckled and turned his attention to Grace.
"Gracie, will you tell your dad to relax."
Grace giggled, turned to her father, and repeated Steve's request. Danny rolled his eyes and stepped down.
"Ha Ha," he said sarcastically.
"How late do you think you'll be?" Steve asked.
Danny took in a deep frustrated breath and shrugged his shoulders.
"Just plan to take her back to your place when you're done. I'll either come and join you tonight or come and get her in the morning."
"Sounds fine to me," Steve said putting the truck into drive.
Grace smiled at her dad as he shut the door. Danny backed away and watched the truck start down the street. As soon as it was out of sight he let out a bitter groan and kicked the grass. His job really really sucked sometimes. Several weeks earlier Steve had been sick putting the New Jersey detective in charge of the task force. They had worked a high profile case which the D.A was getting ready to prosecute. He was waiting for them to call. Danny had decided that it he would rather wait for the cable repairman than wait around for the D.A to call. This meant he had to stay in an area with cell service.
Danny had been working with Grace on earning patches from the Aloha Girls. One was to study the history of the islands. It had been Steve who suggested taking her up to see the petroglyphs. The hike would also give her the opportunity to identify different types of plants and animals that were native to the area as well.
Danny hadn't known when they set the date to go that he would have to stay behind. All the business with the D.A had come up suddenly. Grace and Steve waited as long as they could, but in the end Danny asked Steve if he would take her anyway without him. Although, Grace lived with him full time now that Rachel had moved to Las Vegas, he still hated it when his job kept him from spending time with her.
Danny pulled his phone out of the pocket of his jeans hoping he might have missed the call while he was putting Grace into the truck. No such luck.
"Ring, Damn It!" he yelled at the device.
It sat silently in his hand as if it were mocking him. Danny groaned once again and headed back inside his house to continue to wait.
A/N: Hope you liked it. Doris is in this story. While she's not one of my favorite characters, her involvement became necessary so I could do what I wanted. I will admit it was kind of fun to write her. The next chapter is long and still needs to be edited. I am going to try and have it up tomorrow. If not then it will be a few days. Please review and tell me what you think.