*peeks head out from under a rock* Hey guys! *ducks as angry readers throw fruit at her* I'm sorry this is so late! I've had a really hectic time getting this to you because firstly I had to turn my laptop into my school for the summer, since I'm renting it from them, so I didn't have a laptop or a computer really for most of the summer. And, I just kind of lost interest in this story, but never fear! I have come back to update and possibly finish this story!
The Next probable update will be around the beginning of December, hopefully that is soon enough for y'all!
Disclaimer: I do not, and will never, own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of these characters. I mean seriously guys, I don't even own the laptop I'm typing this on how could I own Yu-Gi-Oh?
Joey was brought back into consciousness by the shooing of the school nurse.
"Tristan Taylor and Duke Devlin if you two don't stop poking my patient I will make you regret coming to school today! Out! Out, I said! Ms. Wheeler needs her rest and she doesn't need you two hooligans poking her to wake her up. Humph! Now Mr. Mutuo and Mr. Bakura, you will need to rest for a while before heading back to class. You're lucky that it's so early before school, or you might have missed your homeroom." Joey groaned as she fully woke up a pain in the back of her head pounding throughout her head as her groan interrupted the nurse as she spoke.
"Oh good, Ms. Wheeler you're awake. Now can you tell me if you feel any pain?" The nurse asked as she flashed a pen light in front of Joey's eyes.
"Mah head; it's poundin'." Joey groaned out through the pain, wanting to swat the nurse and her light out of her face. Joey's old Brooklyn accent poked its head out as she spoke.
"That's what I expected. You hit your head very badly when you hit the floor. If you're lucky, you'll only have a headache for the rest of the day, but that's only if you're lucky. I would like you to stay in here to take a concussion test if you wouldn't mind?" The nurse tutted as she handed Joey a bag of ice for her head. "I won't be able to give you any aspirin until you take the test, so do you want to take the test now?"
"Yes mah'am." Slurred Joey in her Brooklyn accent as she sat up on the only bed in the nurses' office. "Could ya have that aspirin ready for after mah test? I'd really ahppreciate it if ya would."
The nurse nodded in affirmation and rushed to prepare the aspirin for her patient. As she did this she spoke to Yugi and Ryou. "Now you two need to tell me more about your fainting episode once Ms. Wheeler starts her test, but until then you two need to make as little noise as possible while I prepare the test for Ms. Wheeler. She needs the silence to help her head, so no shouting, questions, or roughhousing do you hear me?" After she had seen Yugi's and Ryou's nods, the nurse bustled off to prepare the test with the aspirin bottle in her hand.
Joey watched the aspirin go with the aura of a child who was watching the toy they wanted be taken away. Her eyes turned very chibi like as the nurse left.
"So, what's your name?" Yugi asked softly so as not to hurt Joey's head. "My name is Yugi Mutuo and this is Ryou Bakura. We met you in the hall before you know." Yugi winced as he mentioned this. It was probably embarrassing for him to ask this, but the ever sweet Yugi couldn't just go around accosting girls in the hallway without learning their names.
Joey swallowed the lump forming in her throat as she looked at Yugi and Ryou. "The name's Juno. Juno Wheeler. Please excuse the accent, it only ahppears when mah head hurts. It's nice to meet you." Joey tried to force a small smile, but even she could tell it looked fake and looked more like a grimace than anything else.
Yugi and Ryou seemed to perk up at the name Wheeler, and Ryou voiced the question the two were thinking over.
"Do you have any affiliation to Joey Wheeler?" Ryou spoke almost as softly as Yugi.
Joey wanted to grimace, to tell Ryou that she was Joey, to do anything but lie to them, but that what she did. Lie.
"He's mah cousin. He's letting me stay at his place while I go to school here. Why do ya ask?" Joey asked.
"Now class settle down, we have three new students joining our class today! Now this is very awkward for students coming in halfway through the term, so I want all of you to give them your warmest of welcomes, alright? Excellent! Now let me make the introductions, please say hello to the handsome men standing next to me, Mr.'s Yami and Bakura Sennen,," The class said hello to the two boys before the teacher continued speaking. "Now please say hello to the young lady to my right the lovely Ms. Juno Wheeler." The teacher's speech was cut off by a whistle from a group of boys up front that whistled again when Joey blushed prettily, not that she knew that it was pretty but there were a fair number of guys and girls that suddenly got nosebleeds as the already pretty blonde's cheeks lightened to an adorable rose hue. After shushing the boys and apologizing to Joey, the teacher continued on with her speech as Joey continued blushing, still causing nosebleeds.
"I hope you make their stay here at Domino City High School as enjoyable as possible. You may now go to your seats while I take roll." The teacher gestured to the three seats by Yugi, the gang, and Kaiba. Joey was blushing all the way to her seat causing more suspicious nosebleeds as she passed; not that she wanted to of course! This was not her original plan!
She'd originally planned on playing it cool and not drawing any attention to herself, but of course her stupid, overfriendly teacher had decided to welcome the three new students to her class! Then once the teacher had said her name everyone's gaze went from checking out Bakura and Yami to checking out her! Curse her new female chemistry that forces her to blush when people look at her!
Joey walked as quietly and quickly to the seats the teacher had gestured to hoping to get one as far from Kabai as possible, he'd been glaring daggers at her since she'd walked through the door with a note from the nurse, but unluckily for her Yami and Bakura, either due to their tall stature and long legs or the fact that the only other two seats were right next to the other halves, made it to the two open desks she'd been aiming for causing her to have to stop and find another desk to sit in.
She glanced around quickly taking everything in; most of the guys, and some of the girls, had either gotten their friends to move or just plain out shoved them out when Joey passed by hoping she would sit next to them no doubt. But the only real choice was sitting in the desk right next to Kaiba; it was either sit next to him or continue standing like an idiot for the rest of homeroom. She sighed mentally as she walked to the open desk. Kaiba's, and almost everyone else's, eyes followed her as she plopped down into the seat and dropped her book bag carelessly on the ground. Her blond hair swung as she sat back in her chair staring at the clock, already wishing class was over.
Joey felt rather than saw the glaring, ice blue eyes as they watched her every breathe as the seconds ticked by, and the class started chattering. She knew that she'd found herself an enemy in Seto Kaiba, again, but she couldn't bring herself to care. She was just glad one thing hadn't changed. Whether she was male or female, Kaiba always seemed to have it out for her and try to put her down as often as possible, and she was glad; she felt the same way.
Or did she? Joey thought as her heart gave a little pang at the thought of hating and being hated by Kaiba. Her blush renewed itself as she thought of the position they'd been in this morning when she'd knocked them over, the reason Kaiba glared at her so scornfully.
Her cheeks were still a bright red when she overheard the quiet tones of Ryou explain what he and Yugi had learned that morning in the Nurse's Office.
"Tristan, are you sure that Joey doesn't have any other family besides her mother and sister?" She heard Ryou ask softly to the pointy haired boy that was her best bud.
Tristan shook his head adamantly. "I've known Joey since we were kids; he only ever mentioned his mom, dad, and Serenity. He said that his mom was an only child and that her parent's had died years ago. I'm not as sure about his dad's side though. Joey is nothing if not private about his dad, he never tried to mention anything unless he had to. So there may be a slight chance that he could have a cousin or two, but surely they would have talked or at least met each other over the years if Joey was willing to loan her his apartment." Tristan shrugged as he finished speaking.
Joey was close to sweating bullets right now; she'd known sneaking the 'I'm Joey's cousin' trick by Tristan would have been harder than the rest of the gang, but she hadn't thought they'd ask him if he knew about her so quickly! She thought that it would at least be at lunch when they finally got around to talking about her, not now!
Joey breathed a deep breathe in when the bell finally rang for first period. As she hurried out the classroom, she turned back to see if anyone in the gang was watching her. Luckily, they weren't, but someone else was though.
Joey gasped quietly as she caught the gaze of the icy eyed brunet. His eyes seemed to freeze her over the longer she stared into them. Finally, he looked away as he clicked shut his briefcase, and she hurried as quickly as possible through the halls the memory of those deep blue eyes filling her mind as she walked farther away from their owner.