Two years later

Yuugi glanced nervously down at his skates as they were laced up, fidgeting a bit. He was excited and afraid to try this, but he wasn't about to back out. This was something that he had been looking forward to his entire life.

He shivered a little in the cold and Yami stood up from tying his skates, smiling. "Are you ready, aibou? I have to go back to work in three hours, so we should probably go ahead and get started." He said. Yuugi gulped and nodded, reaching a hand up to place firmly in Yami's, their gloves sliding against each other. He stood up and his legs wobbled underneath him until Yami wrapped an arm around him, steadying his shaking body. It was cold in Antarctica.

His last two years with Yami had been the best times of his life. With the entirety of the government ordeal entirely out of the way, and Yami's new job keeping them moving all over the world, they hadn't stopped having fun and seeing interesting and cool things. Nights were spent snuggled up against Yami in any cheap hotel they could find, and days were spent sightseeing and enjoying the world around them. That is, when Yami's new job didn't interfere.

Yami's new job, which he loved. Yami got to help animals and people alike, and he was revolutionizing the world of science yet again with some new projects he was working on in his own free time. It paid generously despite the fact that the motels that were rented for them weren't always top quality, and he got to meet scientists he admired from all across the globe.

"Come on." Yami said, letting go once Yuugi was firmly standing on his own two feet. Yami skated out onto the lake, wobbling madly the entire time. He'd been roller skating, but he'd never been ice skating before, so he was still unsteady on his feet. He found it to be mostly like roller skating though, and he'd googled tips for it before they'd come here so he wouldn't make a fool of himself.

"Okay." Yuugi said distastefully, moving just the slightest bit. He wobbled, but he moved his feet just a little bit more, his skates just beginning to sink into the ice so he could really get his footing. What luck that Yami's job would lead them to Antarctica; it was the best place he could have asked for to learn.

He shakily slid a couple of inches further along, putting his hands out to balance him. He was taking to this fairly well, like he had taken to life outside of the computer.

In the two years that Yami had been on the job, he had been doing online college while he was away. Yuugi figured that he might as well make his job something that would fit in with Yami's, so he'd decided to get a double major—One in regular culture, and one in Egyptology. He found that he absolutely adored his time in Egypt, and he wanted to learn more about the amazing and beautiful land. He was almost done with his hierogliffics course, and he could read almost anything that was put in front of him, given he had enough time and a translator for the Arabic words. He'd gotten Rosetta stone for the Arabic, but hadn't had much time to work on it thanks to the college classes. He was making A's, B's, and one C, which was pretty good for someone who was only technically two years old.

"Come on, we don't have all day." Yami teased, skating back towards Yuugi. He reached forward and grabbed Yuugi's hand, pulling him along slowly and clumsily on the ice. Yuugi felt his center of balance tip as he leaned a little too far backwards, and suddenly his hands flailed. Since he was still holding hands with Yami, he was thrown off too, and both of them came crashing down onto the ice, Yuugi managing to land in Yami's lap thanks to a quick pull towards him on Yami's part.

Yuugi sat there for a moment, astounded, before he finally broke out into joyous laughter. Yami wasn't quite so exuberant but he joined Yuugi with a chuckle, smiling broadly. His butt hurt and was now wet and cold, but he lived for these stolen moments with Yuugi, these tender minutes of love and happiness. He lived for seeing Yuugi happy.

Which is why he had the amethyst ring in his coat pocket. He didn't yet know when he would give it to Yuugi, but he knew that the perfect moment would undoubtedly happen soon. He decided not to plan anything on purpose though. One thing that being with Yuugi had taught him over the years was that being spontaneous was sometimes the most fun one could have. He smiled a little bit and shoved Yuugi off his lap, earning himself a glare and a playful, "Hey!"

They might get engaged tomorrow, or it might happen a year from then. He didn't know and he honestly didn't care. Marriage was just a piece of paper and he was with Yuugi forever now either way, tying the knot or not.

He stood up slowly, using his ice skate's blades to dig into the ice so he wouldn't slip when he did. He was fully up and he brushed himself off, reaching a hand downwards to help Yuugi up.

They continued to skate for the next few hours, falling all over each other part of the time before slowly getting the hang of it, and by the end of two hours, Yuugi was gliding along the ice like it was what he had been born to do. However, both of them were soaked to the bone and shivering considerably, Yuugi periodically twitching because he really wasn't a fan of getting wet. Yami laughed at his razzed expression, reaching out and grabbing his hand to pull him off to the side of the rink. They both climbed into the car that was waiting for them, and Yami turned the heat onto full blast as they sat in the back, shivering slowly turning to pleasant hums of appreciation in the warmth.

Yami reached up and grabbed the hot cocoa in his thermos, happy to find that at the very least it was still warm. He drank half and gave the rest to Yuugi, watching as his boyfriend guzzled the rest of the container before setting it back onto the console.

Yami noticed a small drop of hot cocoa on Yuugi's lip and he leaned forward to gently kiss it away, his lips lingering a little longer than usual. Yuugi grabbed his shirt after he pulled away and pulled him back, pressing their lips together with more force as his eyebrows scrunched up.

"Don't be a tease." He growled playfully against Yami's lips. Yami chuckled. Yuugi had gotten much more outgoing over the last couple of years, and he really liked it.

Then again, there really wasn't anything about Yuugi that he didn't like.

Okay guys. Check my profile for my other stories, dates when new stories are approximated to be coming out, (Barrier should be sometime over the summer, I'm halfway done with chapter six)just to generally learn about me. Message me to give me advice or just generally talk, I won't bite ;-).Please leave a review, like, favorite, mind wash an army into reading this fanfic... you know, the usual stuff. It's been a fun ride and I can't wait to see you all again for Barrier!