It was time for another year at Hogwarts and all of the students were excited. I mean, who wouldn't be excited about another year of witches, wizards, and magical beasts! Merlin, however, was pretty grumpy. He had been trying out a new spell and had fallen asleep for 300 bloody years! All of a sudden he wakes up and there are things like cars and cell phones and what-not. Not to mention a thing called a train.
The train Merlin was on was a blinding shade of red. The first thing (well third, his bladder had been waiting for three hundred years and man had he been hungry!) he had done was check on the development of the wizarding world. It had really gone downhill! Apparently he had slept through an entire wizarding war concerning blood purity of all things.
Not to mention the fact that the entire branch of magical folk in Britain had become completely independant upon wands. When he had first invented wands to help the more mediocre magic users channel their power, he had never guessed that they would eventually be used for everything.
Then he had read up on what had happened in more detail. While in a store called "Flourish and Blotts" he had overheard a young girl asking about where the books for Hogwart were. Merlin had instantly grasped onto the idea of Hogwarts. He had been there only twice before. The first time was when he helped the founders turn the abandoned castle into a school. The second was many years later when he dropped by to visit and was sorted into Slytherin by what Godric had called "The Sorting Hat".
Merlin had sent the current Headmistriss of Hogwarts a letter claiming to be a transfer student. He said he was homeschooled before his parent were killed in the war. Later that week he recieved a letter stating that if he could pass a few tests they would happily accept him as a 7th year.
He had passed their tests with flying colors after they had a teacher who met with him asking basic questions all seventh years were expected to know. He then had to transfigure a napkin into a parrot and brew a potion well within his range.
That brought him here. He was sitting in a small room on the so called train thinking about all of the things he had missed in his sleep. He jumped when the train gave a loud noise and then began to move. Honestly all of this new technology was giving him a headache. So many things that could only have been achieved by magic were now capable with science and new inventions. He had even seen a flying machine the other day.
He was snapped out of his musing by the door of his room opening. Standing in the doorway was a girl with dirty blonde hair and radishes hanging from her earlobes. It looked as though there was metal hanging them there. Wouldn't that hurt?
"Hello" He said to break the awkward silence."My name is Marvin."
"My name is Luna" She said quietly as she almost danced her way into the room. "You wouldn't mind if I sat here would you?" She looked at him in such a way Merlin felt as if she was staring into his soul.
"Umm, no, I don't mind. Go ahead." Maybe some company would do him good
"You know, sleep is good for the soul. Just because the world moves while you slumber does not mean it strays from its course." Luna said softly.
Merlin sat straight up and looked her in the eyes. "What do you mean by that" He said slowly.
"I mean only that though while somethings appearance has changed, that does not mean that it itself is any different." She said with a small smile gracing her face.
Merlin, for the first time, looked at Luna. Really looked. When he felt her aura he gasped. "You're a-"
The door of the compartment slammed open.