Sorry for taking so long for this chapter I've just been sick these past few days, And I would like to blame my uncle for getting sick. But I'm back now so I hope you like this chapter.
Deadpoools pov
-Dream Flashback-
"Hello there nephew! Hades! What do you want?! I am here to ask for your help in the war were having. There is know way I would help you people after what you did to me! Yes I thought you might say that. So I came up with a back up plan."
"You will help us or I will move your old friends who died in the war to the fields of punishment! You wouldn't dare! I would and I will."
"Hades if you do I swear on the styx that I will hunt you down until your dead!" Hades now looked a little frightend but hid it well. "Well then you won't have to do that if you help us in the war!" I just stared at him for a few minutes thinking what my next move will be."Fine i'll do it! Good now I believe someone wants to talk to you!"
-End of Dream Flashback-
I woke up in a cold sweat and looked around my surroundings. I then realized where I was. I was back in my old cabin that's at camp. "Erghhhhhh! Why did this have to happen to me?! Why did I listen to him? Because your really dumb!" I looked at my shoulder to see a mini me that's completly red and was holding a little pitchfork and had horns on his head except he was in my suit that I now wear everywhere I go.
Suddenly there was a white poof on my other shoulder. "Don't listen to him he doesn't know what its like!" I looked at my other shoulder to see another mini me only this one had my old camp half-blood shirt and jeans and was completly white he also was holding a lyre and had a little halo over his head.
"Its not his fault we had to come back to this dreadful place. Its because of are uncle we don't want anyone to suffer. You two are wimps we should just let are uncle do the stuff he said its bad enough that I'm back at this ugly camp but now well have to deal with all of are old friends and HER! That's it shut up right now! I am tired of you two always arguing I just want to be alone right now so please leave."
And with that they dissapeared in two puffs of smoke. Why cant I just be normal? I never wanted any of this. Those were the thoughts floating around in my head as I walked to dinner hopeing that know one will notice me.
Natasha's pov
So far Fury is so mad right now that we let Deadpool get away that he locked himself in his room. And frankly I'm mad to I mean we had him on the carrier and he still managed to slip off undetected. Its a good thing I had put a tracer on him but that didn't seem to stop him. Once he had gotten to some stawberry farm he dissapeared.
Now I have to go tell Fury what happened. "Agent Fury! Yes what is it? We lost him. Where was he last spotted? Near a strawberry farm. Alright I would like you to go check it out with Thor. Yes sir. When do you want us to leave? Right now."
~~~~ Hello I'm Larry the linebreak~~~
I was getting really worried we had been searching around the farm and not a trace of Deadpool was found. And when we tried to get to the farm we always were turned back by Thor.
"I still don't understand why cant we go to the farm? It is not my place to say however I can tell you that this is a place that not even I knew existed. Well what place is this? I can not say... Before he could finish a huge explosion was heard I looked over and saw that a bunch of the men that came with us were fighting a giant man who was holding a club and had one eye.
Deadpools pov
I had hoped they wouldn't find me but of course they had to. Now I have to save there sorry butts from a cyclops. And with that I charged the cyclops. After a few swings I had killed him and made him turn into a bunch of golden dust.
"How did you kill that? We've been shooting it with are bullets for an hour and you kill it with a few swings of your sword! That's because it was a monster a cyclops to be exact and it can only be killed by celestial bronze or imperial gold."
"What are you talking about there are no monsters or cyclops there just myths." I looked over and saw the one person I wanted to see the most, agent rommanoff. I shook my head where did those thoughts come from?
"That's what the gods would like you to think but they have been around for a long time moving with the heart of the west. And how do you expect us to believe that? Come with me and I'll show you."And with that I started walking back to the big house.
Well I hoped you like that I would have made it a whole lot longer but like I said I was sick and it's still taking its toll on me, also don't forget to favorite follow or review. By the way here is something that I want you to do if you don't give me the answer then I won't do the next chapter.
A boy leaves his puppy outside to go to the bathroom. While he's gone the puppy sees a bunny he chases after it and runs into the street right when the boy comes out of the bathroom. What does the boy do?