/Hello guys- Anyway, yes, so what do you guys think? I know right now you're thinking i'm a meanie face for not updating this chapter, and giving you false hope right now by publishing this and NOT an actual chapter, but yeah.. It needs to be done, or I'm going to struggle. Because as of right now, I have a lot of course work, rp's, and i'm in the process of making another fanfic- which is AkaKuro /loltheirony./ ANYWAY, SO. ANYBODY WITH IDEAS JUST PM ME OR COMMENT ON HERE, PLEASE, LIKE, IT WILL BE SO HELPFUL. even the tiniest idea would be amazing- I've planned the next two chapters now for this fic, but I want something... MASSIVE. Like, HUGE to happen. aNYWAY, HOPEFULLY I'LL BE ABLE TO UPDATE IN THE NEXT FEW MONTHS. Or i might take the route of not posting for a white, write out alllll the chapters left, then post them frequently on a weekly bases, one, by, one. :3 That sounnds great, don't you think?~ TILL THEN, TAKE CARE-/
It's nearly been a month, I know. But SERIOUSLY I HAVE AN EXCUSE..
A bad bad case of writers block, and my life has suddenly become very busy because college and stuff-.
But I swear, this story hasn't been abandoned!
But, I must ask you now guys- What are your views on how this story is going? Is it worth saving, and if so, what direction should it take? What do you guys want to happen, or feel should happen? I'm trying to think up some ideas, but right now, my writing's put me in a difficult position.. UGH ME AND MY BIG IDEAS. /sigh/