Hello everyone ! Here we are for the last chapter of Shabaody. So, lot's of things we'll be done today. It's was hard to write about it in french, so, I do hope it will be okay in english.
Sooo… do enjoy the chapter and see you next time !
Tray D. Sheila : The translation is still ongoing. The original story is big enough for it to last a long time and, this is just the first part of it. / I do like writing about cute things. / It's was funny to shattered Sanji's dream. I do it in post-time skip in Luffy's version of the story./ Making Marco jaleous is Ace's game, everyone knows about it, but nobody wants an angry Phoenix on his case. So, even if it's Ann, you can't stare. You stare, you're dead. Kidd and Law are juste fearless./ We'll see about the consequence of this sentence.
GreenDarkness : Sorry, LawLu will not be a thing. Law is for someone else, not because I'm the writer, but because this story is part of an universe of lots of other story, so, one of them is taking care of Law (Misstykata's stories).
«I think it's time for me to go » said Rayleigh. «Listen to your brother, Luffy and don't go looking for troubles, you're almost in the Shin Sekai, it would be a shame if anything happened to you.»
«Haiii~!» assured Luffy while Ace closed his hand on his brother's collar.
Thatch watched his colleague action with a raised eyebrow.
All right, what was he doing, there?
«Ace, find me here tonight, so we can enjoy some time together, with Luffy, okay? And…»
«Take care of your little brother… you don't need to tell me, Ji-chan, it's for this mission that I was born before Sabo and Luffy. It's my job as the oldest to look after them. »
Rayleigh nodded proudly in front of the responsibility of the oldest toward his younger brothers. Always there to protect them, as much as Fate allowed him to. The Mei-Ô couldn't help but smile seeing Luffy puff his cheeks and turn his head sideway, pouting, not liking to be babied like that. Ace ignored his little brother's pout. Seeing as he attracted trouble as easily as Kidd attracted metals… he wouldn't let him get easily out of his sight.
«Stop making this face, Luffy, I know that you can defend yourself, just let your brother keep an eye on you, to make him happy, and reassure me » asked the ex-pirate as he ruffled his hairs before putting back the straw-hat on his head.
«It's really because you ask » mumbled Luffy.
Rayleigh looked with affection as his boys walked away with Thatch and Luffy's crew.
«Still, who would have thought that a story like that could be possible» commented Franky.
«I'm good for a headache. On one part, we have the Mei»Ô and on the other we have Ace…» moaned Nami while massaging her nose.
«The Spades tried to tear me into pieces when I finally revealed the secret of the identity of my father. Saying that I was lacking trust in them and everything» sighed Ace.
«We still are trying to get used to the idea ourselves, » snickered Thatch. «Ooooh ! How I would like to be a fly on the wall, the day Squardo will learn the truth of who you are! »
«If you don't want for it to end in a bloodbath with him, it would be better for it to not happen. »
«Who is this Squardo? Asked Usopp.
«To be Roger's son isn't the best thing to be, even with the pirates, to befriend people, and Squardo is part of those that have a thing against my father. He already didn't like me because Rayleigh is my godfather, what would it be if he learned that I am the son of his worst enemy…»
«Shirohige wasn't enemy with Roger? » inquired Zoro.
«Rivals, but not enemies. They even had a lot of respect for each other. Oyaji even let a tear fall at the statement of his death, and Marco flew there specially to see the event himself with Frey, may he rest in peace. And even if we had been enemies, what importance would have Ace identity, anyway? He is himself, not his father. That's as simple as that. However, there is one thing that is sure between all the commanders about him! »
«What is it that I don't know yet? » Sighed Ace, making laugh his little brother. «And you, stop laughing, stupid monkey! »
«All the commander, even Marco, say that deep down inside, you are a Roger Kaizoku that doesn't know it himself. »
«Thing absolutely impossible since Ji-chan made it clear, in case you had a sudden crisis of deafness, that the crew was disbanded before my birth. Now, shut up and walk. »
«Ne, Ace? » asked Luffy.
«What? »
«Would you release my collar? I can walk alone, you know, I'm a big boy…»
Ace released his brother's collar while the others laughed. He would regret releasing him, he was sure of that, but if his brother felt old enough… well fuck, the poor eldest was feeling a little useless…Thatch put a hand on his shoulder with a big grin, but he received an elbow in his stomach from his friend.
Oooh, shame, if he couldn't even tease Ace with his comportment with his little brother, what did he still have?
«Even so… how to say it… even with the age, your uncle has an amazing charisma…» commented Franky, still pensive.
«He is Roger's right-hand man!» smiled Usopp. «And without wanting to offend you, but Marco doesn't have an aura like that. »
«The Haoshoku must be for something in this, or the age. » commented Thatch.
«Marco doesn't need of such an aura to be respected… when he is really angry, it's everyone for themselves. You couldn't realize it, during the events at the auction room, how much of a scary aura Marco can release, which prompt the respect, because you didn't, on one part, allow him to go to the end of the original plan and secondly, when he began to show signs of anger, you were too worried about Keimi-kun to realize what was happening. » said Ace.
«For curiosity's sake, what happened to the Oro Jackson…? » asked Franky.
«I asked the same question to Ji-chan, when I was a kid, and he told me that he, himself, didn't know… and anyway, it would be cheating if I became the Kaizoku Ou, as was my ambition at this time, using a ship that had already seen the worst battles. » yawned Ace.
Everyone watched him with some worry, which surprised him. What, he couldn't yawn now?
«You won't have an attack, there, and now…. » worried Luffy.
«Lack of sleep, this time, that's all. Why are you interested in the Oro Jackson, Franky-san? . » mumbled Hiken.
He may be narcoleptic, but let's not exaggerate.
«My master was the creator. I must say that I am proud of Tom-san, and most of all, very happy and honored to have met the Mei-Ô. »
«Oooh…. » understood Ace. «You found a real gem there, Lu'.»
Luffy just giggled. How did his brother found guys as exceptional as them? Ace was proud of the Spades, but those… they were the best of the best.
«I would have never thought I would see you respect the old people, Franky» wondered Usopp.
«I am allowed to be like this, sometime! » said a flustered Cyborg.
The two Shirohige shared a laugh with the captain with the mugiwara boshi.
They had sped up their steps, the moment they had sensed the Voice of the Admiral and heard the crash of one of the trees of the mangrove.
Then, there was Kuma… or something looking very similar to Kuma, but not with his Voice. For the Mugiwara, it had been easy to see, since the one who had the Haki, in their crew, easily understood this. Luffy denied, when someone told him that the thing before him was Kuma. That's right, they had already met the man, so, they could sense if he was the true one or not… albeit…
It wasn't even human, so…
More so when they saw the hole in his hand. This made tilt in the Shirohige's memory. Sabo had told Marco about it, one day, who had told it to the others…
«Shimata! Pacifista! » Roared Ace. «Get out of the way! »
And everyone moved away, avoiding narrowly the explosion.
«A what? » Asked Robin.
«Pacifista. Sabo-kun shared some informations on the shenanigans of the Marine, and in the pile, there was the Pacifista Project, the creation of a robotic human weapon with the face of Bartholomew Kuma. » grunted Thatch pulling out his weapons. «Ace, I'll take care of it, take the rookies and get away! »
«I'm higher up than you! » Ace roared.
«Fuku»-enshô's order, Ace! » scolded Marco landing smoothly on the ground, near Thatch. «I came to warn you of the presence of a tens of Pacifista, plus Kizaru and a lot of marines, yoi. We also have one knowledgeable in Haki on our arms, added to the monkey. Ace! Don't stay here like this and run! »
«Fourth Commander of Shirohige Thatch. Bounty Five hundred twenty thousand million berrys, » said the cyborg with an emotionless voice, so similar to Kuma's. « First Commander of Shirohige, Fushishou Marco. Bounty seven hundred and fifty millions berrys. »
«Ace! Run! » Roared Marco preparing himself for the attack.
Ace's fists tightened visibly fighting against his wish to stay and the security of his brother, but Luffy didn't let him any choice by taking his hand and dragging him in a run with him and his crew.
Several meters away, when they couldn't discern anything of the fight against the Pacifista, two others showed up.
«Shit! » swore Ace. « Luffy! »
Luffy had already took his fighting stance, while the others did the same.
«High priority target locked on, Second Commander of Shirohige, Hiken no Portgas D. Ace» said the first Pacifista in front of which Ace showed up. «Six hundred millions berrys. »
«Touch my otouto fucking pile of scrap and I'll destroy your face…»
«High priority target locked on, Mugiwara no Monkey D. Luffy, four hundred fifty millions berrys, » stated the second Pacifista.
Franky charged his arms for a Coup de Vent which propelled their opponent very far. On his side, Ace had disappeared to destroy his Pacifista with a punch black with Haki and surrounded by flame as hot as hell on the head. Hiken took a step back to not be taken in the explosion and watched his fist, dumbfound, by the quantity of Haki he had to put to destroy the robot.
The explosion made all of them take some steps back.
«One less, the other will show up shortly » hissed Ace.
«Gear Second! » Hissed Luffy.
Indeed the strange robot was standing once more before them, after his encounter with a tree.
«Ace, step back, please…» demanded Luffy. This thing is strong, seeing the amount of Haki you put in your punch, so, we won't held back… YOU'RE WITH ME, YARRO DOMO?! »
In answer, everybody took a stance to follow Luffy. Ace took a step back with difficulty. He didn't want to see his brother hurt, but he knew that if he protected him too much, he would be crushed on the other side of the Red Line…
«Scared for your otouto? » Smiled Sanji.
«What aniki wouldn't be in my place» sighed Hiken. «Luffy is strong, but… I can't help but worry about him, as for Sab'. »
«Then, worry yourself sick about Sab', because I'm alright! Let's go! » replied Luffy.
And Luffy quickly disappeared, his elephant-sword in hand.
While his crew was distracting their opponent, Luffy came as close as he could of the cyborg, avoiding the shots of lasers. Ace stayed where he was, not participating to the conflict, letting his brother fight alone, like Luffy wanted to. He tightened his fists as he fought his protective instinct that ordered him to push his brother from there and to disintegrate the threat, like he always did when they were at Dawn.
Sanji and Zoro tried to put the robot down, but nothing to do, they were ineffective.
And then, they jumped away, leaving Luffy falling down the neck of the Pacifista with his weapon covered in Haki, leaving a deep cut in the metallic circuit.
The robot went to hit a wall and exploded there.
«What are those beams that explode? » breathed out Zoro huffing.
«Kizaru's beam, the logia admiral that ate the pika pika no mi. Vegapunk is doing some fishy things…» growled Ace. «Let's not linger here, let's go. »
«Why are you both priority targets? » Asked Nami.
«Because Luffy gave a good right hook to Saint Charlos and that I finished the job with a bullet between the eyes. Zoro, something isn't right, What is wrong with you? »
Zoro was on his knees, his breath short.
«I had my reason… to be stupid on Thriller Bark, and I took a lot of damages…» gasped Zoro. «And when I thought that I was all better, it got worse with Shiki. »
Luffy inclined his hat on his head, and Ace raised an eyebrow.
«Well, I guess that it is your business. Let's go before… oh crap. »
He had raised his nose toward a branch, like his brother.
«Ni-chan…» whispered Luffy.
Ace's eyes became hard, he didn't like the Voice of this one.
«You have guts, you there! » yelled someone.
This time, all the pirates raised their noses toward the branch, frowning. Three silhouettes were drawn in the shadow of the branch. They quickly jumped on the ground.
«Dare da! » barked Luffy.
«What a shame you are, PX-Four, PX-Five! Making Pacifista like you two is as expensive as making a warship! » Continued the unknown. « 'taku, What will I tell to the old punk in my report? »
«To continue the old way and abandon the project Pacifista? » Proposed innocently Ace.
It was a free shot, after all…
Luffy held the laugh that threaten to come out in front of his brother's lack of shame.
«You believe yourself funny, Nibantaï Taïshou no Shirohige Kaizoku, Hiken no Portgas D. Ace?» growled the man with the axe, still between two other Pacifista.
Extremely… and seeing the brief smirk on Ace's face, it was clear that he was proud of his humor.
«Warship are more effective, and more fun, when it comes to play with them, I agree with Ace! » laughed Luffy.
The two brothers exchange a big grin.
«They really went over the edge of sanity, those two » commented Franky.
«That's nothing new» added Sanj, under the discreet giggle of Robin.
«Well, so, Axe-nii-san, what's your little name? » Asked Ace.
«What is this manner of calling someone by the name of his weapon?! »
«How do you want us to call you if we don't know your name…» asked Luffy picking his nose, imitated by his brother.
«There is no reason to ask! I won't tell you anything! I have the best defense in the world! And my mouth is sealed closed! »
«Come on, you could at least tell us your name! » exclaimed Usopp.
«I don't have to answer you! I already told you! I am Sentomaru, the mutest man in the world! »
«Oh, so ka, so you are Sentomaru…» said Usopp.
«Yosh, it's noted! » Said Ace writing the name in his hand with a marker.
He would give this name to Sabo, when he came back, to see what he could find about this man. Or, to his colleagues. He must however, be linked to the scientific part of the Marine… after all, he talked about Vegapunk in a very familiar way…
«That was so you know! I told you on purpose! I won't answer your questions! »
«You wouldn't have the personal number of Aokiji, by any chance? » Asked Ace. «Or… mmm… Smoker's! »
«You're interested in the Kemuri? » Wondered Luffy.
«I want to corrupt him… »
And Ace laughed evilly. Yeah, if Smoker came in the Shin Sekai, he would happily go barking mad the moment he saw him… but he had to find the good rope to pull, in that case.
«He really smoked something, Portgas-aniki… » commented Franky.
Everyone, except Luffy and Sentomaru, nodded their heads. It wasn't anything new that there wasn't one to make up for the other between the two siblings. God, how did Sabo survive after Rayleigh's departure?
«PX-One, PX-Two… go! »
The two Pacifista began glowing entirely and everybody was taken in the explosion.
Ace, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji found the best they could their balance on the ground.
«Shit! Two other Pacifistas! » Swore Ace.
«The security is more important in this case! We still haven't met the admiral! » Pointed Zoro.
«We get away from here! Everyone… but not all together! Let form small groups! Ace will be able to hold them back… we'll find each other later, in three days, at Ji-chan's side, to go to the Shin Sekai. Zoro, don't force too much! Sanji, you go with Nami and Franky! » ordered Luffy.
«Hai! »
And Sanji ran to join the redhead and the cyborg, who ran away on their side.
«Zoro! You go with Brook and Usopp! I'll take care of Robin and Chopper! Ace! Tag out! »
«Tag in! Enkai! » Roared Ace as the flames gathered around him. «Don't forget the rule of the Grey Terminal and Goa! »
« 'Don't trust anyone!' rehearsed Luffy running away. «I'll repay you that one day, Ace! »
«Doke, Hiken…» demanded Sentomaru. «I'll take care of you later. I want Mugiwara first and foremost. »
Ace didn't move. If his sole presence on this invisible road could protect his brother, he would stay where he was, even if he died.
Ace chuckled, but didn't say a word. Luffy had more chance to die than him, and it should be him, and not Luffy that should have asked the other not to die, but he would let this pass for once… after all, it was their way of saying they loved each other.
Sanji group came to a sudden halt when the bridge was destroyed by a beam, making them swear.
Ace intercepted an attack from Sentomaru. Hearing the problem that had just showed up, he couldn't hold in the swear when his opponent managed to escape. He was going after Luffy…
«LUFFY! » warned Ace.
Luffy took his battle stance, as Sentomaru showed up in front of him.
«It isn't the time to worry for your brother, nor your crew, Mugiwara. Not that the pirates mean anything to me…»
«Gomu gomu no gatling gun! »
Sentomaru intercepted the punch with his two hands.
Shit! Sentomaru was more experienced and had more strength than Luffy, and his Haki was more powerful because of this!
«Your power of attack isn't bad, but you think that you can get me with such a low level of Haki? » asked Sentomaru as Luffy stood up once more after having been swept away. «I have the most powerful guard in the world! »
And with another blow, he sent Luffy back into the ruins. Ace bit his lip as he rushed to join his brother. Seeing the force of the blow, and the dose of Haki, Luffy must have taken a lot of damages.
«LUFFY! » Exclaimed Robin and Chopper.
Luffy stood up again.
«So that you know, I don't have any akuma no mi, » Sentomaru told him. «I also must inform you that your weapon is a propriety of the World Government, so I must take her back! »
«K'ssou… we will level up then! » grinded Luffy.
He had just raised Funkfreed above his head when Ace swore and turned around. This vVice! It must be the admiral.
«ZORO! » screamed Luffy behind his brother.
Indeed, on the side of Zoro's group, Kizaru had just appeared. Hiken didn't know what to do anymore.
Ace was fast enough to change the trajectory and to take the blow instead, not that it damaged him a lot, after having taken care of one of the Pacifista on his way.
«Who is this guy? » Asked Usopp readying his weapon.
«It's useless against him, he is an admiral, and all the admiral are logias…» growled Ace as he took his stance, a saber in one hand, his knife in the other, the two blades blackened with Haki and burning in fire.
«Ale… if it isn't Hiken-kun… Monkey-Chûjo is still as disappointed as ever that you didn't join the Marineeeeee, » said Kizaru with his drawling voice.
«Freedom is too sweet to my eyes to even think of being a dog of the Marine» gritted Ace.
He may have chosen the Marine if it didn't have such dirty hands behind his disguise of a lamb. At least, he was a pirate, he assumed directly the role of the bad guy, and didn't showed any idea of Justice to commit atrocities. If he killed, stole, tricked and others, it was to stay free, him.
«I should take the opportunity to kill you, anyway, with what you did to Saint Charlos… The forces of Shirohige would be reduced of one sixteenth with one of their commander lessssss. Where are your others comradeeeeeeees? »
«Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you, Kizaru. By the way, pink suits you better. »
«You're late, Kizaru no Ojiki! » called out Sentomaru.
«Oi, Brook-san, Usopp… take Zoro, I think that when I pushed him, I worsened his injuries» said Ace, still on his guard.
«GET ZORO AWAY FROM HERE! » ordered Luffy.
«It's too late, nooooooow… commented Kizaru. With your bounties, I suppose that you are the one to kill first, Hiken no Portgas D. Ace, but I don't want to waste any tiiiiiiiime…»
«The marimo heddô is unable to fight… but that's true, your notion of Uncertain Justice allows you to hit a defenseless man. Why did you come here, you're even lazier than Aokiji! » Ace hissed.
«Youth is really scary, with how scathing it became now a day»… smiled Borsalino. «Still, what a surprise, I had heard things about the force of the Demon of the East Blue, and he is unable to stand up alone while you just pushed him out of the way, Portgas-kuuuuuun… His exhaustion must be one of the cauuuuuse…»
Kizaru moved quickly, finding himself once again near Zoro who was spitting blood.
«You'll be able to have a long and pleasant reeeeeest…»
And the foot of the admiral took on a glow.
«You forget that I am here or what, ahou! »
Kizaru took a flaming kick in the face from Ace, pushing him away from his original target.
Ace bought his leg back on the ground, still on guard. His eyes were clearly saying 'come if you dare'.
«The Shirohige Taishou are scaaaaaaaary» commented Kizaru with a smile, settling for arranging his cloak and his glasses.
Ace tightened his grip on his weapons. He had no duty to the crew of his brother, except to save Luffy, because he was family… but those men and women accepted him for who he was, without judging him. They were friends. And he wasn't one to let his friends in difficulty, without doing anything.
«Someone takes Zoro out of here or he'll take a lost bullet! » roared Luffy.
Good idea, Luffy.
«It's useless… I'll begin with hiiiiiiim…» stated calmly Kizaru. «And I'll finish with you and your otouto, Portgas-kuuuuun…. Even if Garp-chûjo won't like thaaaaat…»
«Zoro! If you can move, it's now or never! » growled Ace intercepting a blow that could have killed the marimo with his sword.
Zoro moaned slightly in answer, shook, but didn't move further.
«ROBIN! » yelled Luffy.
«Veinte Fleurs! »
And hands bloomed on the ground, making the swordsman roll out of the fighting zone. Ace moved from his position, going on the offensive, to keep the admiral from going after Zoro.
Except that Kizaru had moved again at the speed of light and succeed in interrupting the evacuation of the crew's first-mate, blocking him with his leg on his back, his other leg still ready to fire, getting a head start on Ace.
«ZORO! » screamed Luffy.
«Don't even think about it…» hissed Ace.
And he run toward the admiral, while Robin fought to continue to make Zoro roll.
«Trying to escape is useleeeeeeess… Ima shinuuuuu…» drawled Kizaru.
Everything happened in slow motion. Everybody dived to save Zoro, when…
Ace flashed a smile as he dived to the ground, allowing his uncle to pass above him.
Kizaru lost his balance and fell, allowing Ace to pick Zoro up and to get him beside Brook where he put him down. Kizaru's beam came out but exploded in the sky, hurting no one.
Meanwhile, the admiral was standing up again, facing his new opponent: the Mei-Ô who didn't look happy. Of course, he couldn't stay without acting when he saw his boys in difficulty.
Luffy let out a deep sigh as he stood up. Ace understood his relief. Their uncle could resolve any situation that could pop up. They could get out of here, now that Rayleigh was here.
«So it's finally your tiiiiiiime… Mei-Ô Rayleigh » noted Kizaru.
«You truly didn't understand that to go after my boys, that's to make me angry. The Shirohige can take on those Pacifista and you, but not Luffy's crew. It's still too early for them. And what sort of uncle would I be if I let a man like you break one of my boys…»
«Uncle? » Repeated Kizaru, confused.
«He is surprising, » commented Sentomaru watching Rayleigh over his shoulder.
«Yes, their uncle. I am the one who raised Ace and Luffy. I am the one who changed their diaper until they grew into valorous teenage boys, that are strong men today, so I can only be proud. And no, I am not the one responsible for their orientation toward piracy. It's the world that pushed them there, with a big unwanted help from Garp » sighed Rayleigh. «You don't want to go back to Mariejoa, and leave them alone? »
«My ears had heard that you were on that islannnnnnnnd, » drawled Kizaru. «So it was truuuue… From what I see, you're still a fucking pirateeee, Rayleigh-san…»
«Watch your fucking tongue when speaking about Ji-chan! » hissed Ace, his eyes mere slit.
No one insult his uncle, he was a valorous man, the best person in the world… his uncle. His godfather. It was him, the first, that had given him a family, a paternal figure… the one he owed almost everything. Ace wouldn't stay idle if Kizaru badmouth his uncle.
«Ace, it's not worth it » said Rayleigh, calling his godson to order. «If you let my boys go without causing more problems, I'll let you go with your live…»
«The sins of a pirate don't disappear like thaaaaat… and even less those of a Roger Kaizokuuuu… you won't be the easiest, not to say the hardeeeeeest…»
«So you refuse to let my two boys and the men of my little sneak go, Kizaru-kun? Ace, stay here, I promised Marco that you would still have all your freckles when they would be finished with the auction house. I'm not any younger, so don't make me run everywhere, like when you were little with your brothers. »
Oh, so, they went to blow up the auction house, things that they weren't able to do before, taking advantage of the big mess on the archipelago to mess with Doflamingo as much as they could by destroying his shop! This allowed him to understand why they hadn't joined him. Well, Ace wouldn't have said no for a helping hand, or wing, really, but he didn't resent them. No one would have thought that Kizaru himself would have showed up against Luffy.
«Even if I would love to do so, the situation isn't really good for that» assured Ace who kept Zoro against him, a blade covered with Haki ready to fight in his hand.
«Please, Rayleigh-san, don't try to play on my feelings by saying such thiiiiiings…» continued Kizaru. «You know that I have to capture them, or the Headquarter in Marijoa will scold me for doing nothing. And your boys went after a Tenryuubito… That's something we can't let go since Saint Charlos took a punch in the face and a bullet in the heaaaaaad. So, don't come in my waaaaaaaay…»
Ace saw a small hand gesture from Rayleigh.
Got it. Even if the meaning was the opposite to what he had just said, it would be done.
«USOPP! BROOK! TAKE ZORO AND GO! » roared Luffy who had seen it too.
Ace held the marimo to the two others and stood up, running to meet the last Pacifista still standing. He would destroy it, to facilitate the escape of his brother.
«You're noisy…» commented Kizaru as he looked at Luffy. «It's unpleasaaaaaaant…»
«Hiken! »
And the cyborg was toppled.
«Ace! Your brother! Make sure he doesn't go on the side of the revolutionaries! » Rayleigh yelled, still in front of Kizaru.
Ace turned around, without making sure that the Pacifista was really disabled or not, and signaled his brother to follow him, while everybody was running away. His brother would be his priority, never mind the Pacifista.
«AYE, JI-CHAN! » assured the two boys.
«Yata no kagami»… said Kizaru.
And he threw himself on the way of Zoro, Usopp and Brook…
But it was without factoring Rayleigh who preceded him.
Who did he think he was, believing to pass in front of the Mei-Ô like it was nothing?
«You leave Luffy's men alone, and you stay here » Rayleigh told him shaking his weapon, after cutting Kizaru's road. «The last time I used my sword, it was against that man… who would have though that in less than a year, I would have to us it a second time. »
Poor Rayleigh, and to think that he was retired. He could have hoped for a little of tranquility, now that he didn't have to keep an eye on the boys at Dawn, well nope! The world wanted to keep him from having a family gathering!
Ace heard the fight between Kizaru and Rayleigh, but couldn't allow himself to watch, after all, he was firmly holding his brother's hand, pulling him behind him. Rayleigh was buying time for them, Ace couldn't allow himself to make this gesture pointless, and put his brother into danger.
«Houuu, I find myself in quite the situatiooooooon… When I think that was feeling sluggish when I arriveeeeed… »
«Life is full of little surprise like this one, Kizaru-kun. And I developed with the years something that must be very close to paternal instinct, so, I won't move. Like Roger himself wouldn't when his sole presence would protect his crew behind him. »
«I'll have quite a lot of question to ask to Garp-Chujô at my retuuuuuurn… »
Sentomaru watched in interest the fight. The Mei»Ô was strong, that was for sure. No one had ever succeeded in stopping Kizaru before.
The order fell, like a condemnation for Luffy:
«PX-One, Roronoa is our main target, follow him! »
Shit! Ace knew that he should have checked that the Pacifista was down for the count!
And he watched with worried eyes as Sanji joined Zoro's group, to help them, as they were still followed by the Pacifista. Ace released his brother and began to run backward, targeting the Pacifista, long spears of fire appeared in his hands and waited for the good time to throw them. If he aimed well, he could have it and slow it down, or even totally destroy it.
Luffy recognizing his position moved slightly away, crossing his fingers.
«Shinka: Shiranui! »
And he touched the Pacifista, greatly damaging it, but not enough, because he did shoot.
The explosion worried everybody, but the Haki told them they were still alive.
Rayleigh could only briefly glance toward them before he had to concentrate on his fight with Kizaru. Luffy wished to go help them but Ace held him back with all his force, his teeth gritting. They couldn't do anything in this situation, neither could. The Commander knew that it was hard for Luffy to leave his men like this, in danger, but as a big brother, Hiken couldn't allow himself to let his baby brother run head first into trouble.
Fortunately, the attack had luckily missed them. The blast has send the four men flying, and Zoro fell a little further away in front of Usopp who got worried.
«Continue running, Luffy! »Roared Ace.
«But I have to help them! » Raged Luffy.
«You don't have the time to worry about them! » Roared Sentomaru who had caught up with them.
And Ace didn't have the time to get between them that Luffy took a blow, flying far away and losing his sword at the same time... sword that Sentomaru picked up.
«Oi, Funkfreed is my brother's propriety now, so, you will put this sword-zoan down right this instant » hissed Ace as he took his stance, cutting Sentomaru's way so that he didn't join immediatly Luffy.
Usopp's cry caught the attention of everyone. We could see that the Pacifista had enough dragging him and had picked him up, ready to shoot a beam at him at short range...
And this was what he did, before attacking Usopp, hurting him on his shoulder, and making him release his grip on Zoro that he had picked up before.
On the other side, there was an explosion, as Ace slided a long way backward, his hat sended in his back, some scratches on his body.
In front of this, Chopper directly crushed three rumbles. And from Luffy's face, it wasn't a good thing.
«CHOPPER! NO! » Screamed Luffy.
«What is he doing, k'ssou... what is that? » Chocked Ace, his eyes wide in front of the monster that had taken the place of the adorable reindeer.
Even Sentomaru was stunned.
«What is that thing? » He asked.
And Chopper's hand descended on the site where Sentomaru was standing and the man immediately stepped back, allowing Ace to join his brother's side.
«What is he doing? » Ace asked his otouto.
«Three rumbles and he totally lose control of his akuma no mi. When he came back to himself, he won't be able to move... but until he calm himself and take back his normal appearance... He will attack everyone without distinction, ally or enemy... He's hurting himself for nothing... am I so weak that I am unable to protect my own crew? » moaned Luffy.
Ace looked at him but said nothing. No, Luffy wasn't weak, he was strong enough to reach here. The world just want to keep them from living, and put obstacles in front of them that were for now unbeattable. Robin came to join them and they evacuated together the place, leaving it to Ace to cover for them while the woman held Luffy that couldn't stand anymore.
«KUMA! »
Luffy's yell in all the grove gave a cold shower to everyone.
«And damnit all to hell... » groaned Ace.
As if they didn't have enough troubles like that, and now the Tyrant showed up.
The strangest, was that the Pacifista ceased his attack.
Usopp stayed paralyzed because of the fear, not daring to turn around.
Brook recovered and opened his mouth wide in fear.
With difficulty, Zoro straightened and stared at Kuma, shaking in pain, gritting his teeth, and his breathing short.
This time, the Voice was human, and it could only mean one thing... it wasn't a Pacifista, but the true Kuma.
«So you survived, Roronoa » commented Kuma.
Was that surprise in his voice? Maybe slightly, but it looked like it.
Ace frowned. Was Kuma responsible for Zoro's state? What the hell had happened on Thriller Bark?
«ZORO! » screamed Luffy perceiving what would happen.
Why was there, however, no danger in the gesture?! What was happening with his Haki?
A simple gesture of Kuma's hand... and Zoro disappeared, under the heartbreaking scream of Luffy.
They were all puzzled and sick with worry. Even with Haki, impossible to understand what was happening.
«What was that? » Breathed Ace as he swallowed.
Nothing to do… Zoro had… disappeared, as if he had never been on the island.
The Voice didn't die out… it was as if it had been swept away, pushed away, send far away from here…
Did that mean that Zoro was still alive?
Somewhere on the archipelago, a bubble popped without leaving the zone of the mangrove…
Usopp stayed stunned, his arms outstretched toward the area where Zoro had been moment before.
Luffy fought and succeed in standing on his own feet, passing quickly between Robin and his brother, yelling at Usopp to take Sanji and Brook, and to run.
But Usopp didn't react that way.
«Teme… » he chocked arming his slingshot. «What did you do to Zoro?! He was just there! »
«LUFFY, COME BACK! » Ace yelled as he went after his brother.
«LUFFY! STAY WITH YOUR BROTHER! » yelled Rayleigh.
Ace did catch up with Luffy and catch his arm but his brother managed to free himself, forcing him to continue running after him. Hiken swore and accelerated seeing Luffy run a little faster. He could just hear him repeat Zoro's name over and over, like a broken record.
Ace felt pain for him, and was feeling sick. He liked Zoro, it couldn't be happening!
It was then that the scream from Chopper bought him back to reality, and he turned around to see Robin avoid narrowly the attack coming from the out of control reindeer.
«YAMETTE, CHOPPER! » screamed Robin.
But Chopper continued to destroy everything on his way, and he seemed strangely fixated on Sentomaru, main target of his attacks, but the man was avoiding all his blows… until the reindeer got tired and began to punch one point, again and again, just in front of him, proof that he had lost all his senses.
Rayleigh was carrying on his fight with Kizaru. He could only trust Ace with the rest, but he had his hands full. He couldn't protect and his brother, and his crew. Even if Rayleigh let Kizaru go, he would attack another, and he wouldn't have the time to intervene.
But what was Kuma doing here? What did he want?
He gritted his teeth, praying that everything would go well, but didn't shift away from Kizaru. Of all, he was the most dangerous. He knew that his boys were respectively the sons of the Kaizoku Ou and the Revolutionary Leader, he would go after them, without hesitation. Ace was maybe capable of holding against Kizaru, but with a lot of troubles, but if Sentomaru, the Pacifista, or Kuma went after him, with the admiral, he would die. And as for Luffy… he wasn't strong nor fast enough yet to take on the others opponents. The Pacifista, but not the others.
"May Davy Jones save my boys." prayed the old man as he put more pressure on Kizaru.
«Where is Zoro?! » roared Luffy.
«I am not required to answer» Sentomaru told him, not far from him, without looking at him. «I am the most reliable mouth sewn in the world! It is said that anyone touched by the paws of Kuma fly in the sky for three days and three nights, even if I don't know if it is true or not. No one, except for the one 'sent' know the destination, but it's probably not this island, or anywhere else that you could find them quickly. They'll end their trio in a sea far far away from here. »
«Nani?! »
Ace took advantage of the distraction of his little brother to catch him and grab him by the waist. He threw him on his shoulder and ran toward Robin to help her stand up.
«Let me go, Ace! » Roared Luffy hitting the back of his brother with all his forces so that he would let him go.
«No, I take you out of here immediately! » Hissed Ace. «Robin, you can run? »
Robin nodded and stood up on her own.
Ace tightened his grip on his brother, using Haki to be sure that he wouldn't slip between his fingers. He hated running away, but his brother was his first priority.
The yell of Luffy pierced his eardrum, but he gritted his teeth. It was the best thing to do.
This gave the stimulus needed to everybody and the pirates did their best to disperse. Usopp took Sanji on his back, but Kuma turned toward them.
«Attention! » Brook told them getting in the middle.
«BROOOOOOOOOK! » Screamed Luffy's voice in echo with Usopp's.
But Brook didn't move when Kuma's hand rushed toward him.
«I'll protect you! » He assured, with determined eyes. Even if it cost me my life! »
He began a skull joke, but…
One less Mugiwara.
Why didn't the Haki warned them that they were in danger! Why!?
Luffy screamed himself sick, watching, powerless, the progressive loss of his crew.
Somewhere on the archipelago, another bubble burst.
Mugiwara struggled in his brother's grip, but Ace tightened his hold, keeping him from getting away, still running, holding Robin in his free arm. Hiken even raised the quantity of Haki. He would have like to go faster, but Robin was doing her best.
«He did it again» grumbled Sentomaru.
«SANJI! GET AWAY! » ordered Luffy.
And now Sanji… It was a slaughter without any drop of blood.
Frustrated, Luffy pushed his nails into the flesh of his brother back, using, consciously or not, Haki, making blood run on the tattoo of his older brother. Ace opted for the radical solution.
«Wari, Luffy… it's for your own good…» whispered Ace.
A Haki covered blow in his neck had Luffy fall unconscious on his older brother's shoulder.
So Luffy didn't see Sanji being sent flying onto the ground, leaving a defenseless Usopp. He didn't see Usopp shooting shot after shot, panicking, yelling to the Shichibukai to not come near him.
He didn't see Usopp disappear too.
Plop, did the third bubble on the archipelago as she burst.
Plop, did the fourth bubble on the archipelago as she burst.
This time Sanji was caught as he tried another attack.
Rayleigh couldn't watch this situation anymore.
Luffy's men were strong, but to see them like this, disappear… He mentally thanked Ace to have knocked his brother out. He would have lost all control and his mental sanity if he had continued to assist at such a show. If only he could end his fight with Kizaru quickly…
He parried a blow of the light sword from the admiral, avoid a second one, and tried an attack.
«I begin to get too old to be at more than one place at once… what a miserable uncle I am, unable to keep one of my boys from suffering this way…» growled Rayleigh.
«You keep a Kaigun Taishou away, and you would like to do mooooooore? » Commented Kizaru. «You make me pass of as a weakling, so stop that! »
Kizaru gave a powerful blow which made Rayleigh step back.
His breath slightly short, the old man took his stance again.
«KIZARU! » Yelled Ace.
«Mmmmmm? »
The admiral turned his head toward Ace who put his thumb on his throath, before giving him the middle finger. He was telling him that he would get his head and to go fuck himself.
«No vulgarity like this, Ace! » Roared Rayleigh as he sent another blow toward the admiral who narrowly avoid it. « And I am here, Kizaru-kun! »
Rayleigh found a way to scold him for his gesture in the middle of a fight?! But what was this old man thinking?!
New impact between the two blades.
«You really are the Mei-Ô Rayleigh, da na? » Asked Kuma's voice as he appeared in the middle of the two opponents, surprising the old man.
«JI-CHAN! » Yelled Ace.
He stopped, gave Luffy to Robin and rushed toward his uncle, running so fast that his legs caught fire. No! He wouldn't let Kuma go after his uncle. Not Rayleigh!
«Kuma? » wondered Kizaru.
Against all expectations, Kuma leaned toward Rayleigh and whispered something which made the pirate briefly raise his eyebrows, before frowning again. He didn't like it.
«You think I will believe what you're telling me? » growled the old man.
«Believe me or not, I don't care » Kuma answered, who had put a knee on the ground to be at the same level as him. «I already jeopardized my own post. »
«What are you scheeeeeeeming, Kuma? » asked Kizaru.
«So long as it doesn't directly affect the World Government, we don't have any reason to get along with the Marine. I won't answer this question» stated Kuma as he stood back up.
This allowed Ace to prepare himself:
«Enkai! »
«Ace! Your brother! Now! » roared Rayleigh seeing his godson stop near, ready to attack Kuma.
Luffy groaned and raised his head, in time to see Kuma disappear and reappear in front of Franky and Nami.
«Gear Second! »
«Matte! Luffy! » called Robin as she saw Luffy disappear.
Ace swore and condensed the flames in his body to raise his speed, disappearing just as fast as his brother, following the same objective as him: save Nami and Franky. The Jet Pistol was unfortunately deflected and Ace had to throw himself to the ground to avoid it. As he stood up, he threw a Hiken which ended on one of the fallen buildings. Luffy came to contact and put his fist black with Haki in Kuma's hand who took a few steps back, leaving a long trail on the ground.
«LUFFY! STOP! ACE! TAKE YOUR BROTHER AND ESCAPE! » screamed Rayleigh without ceasing his fight with Kizaru.
Luffy was thrown back and rammed into Ace's chest, laying the both of them into the ruins.
«Luffy! » called Franky.
Too late for him.
In a flash, Kuma was on the Cyborg and eject him.
And yet another bubble burst in the archipelago.
Nami's scream called the attention of the two siblings as they stood up.
As if in slow motion, Kuma came on her, as the redhead, eyes filled with fear, held her hand toward her captain.
«Luffy! Tasu-!»
«NAMIIIIII! » screamed Luffy.
And another bubble exploded, leaving only three in the sky.
Luffy fell, out of breath, totally despairing.
«ACE! » called Rayleigh.
«Wari, Luffy…» apologized Ace lifting his brother once more on his shoulder.
He rushed with all his speed toward Robin, trying to save her. Chopper answered to nothing, Ace couldn't save him, but Robin, maybe…
The ground shook, and Ace lost his balance, hitting a rock and making his brother fall. Shit! In a situation like this, he couldn't abandon his brother.
Chopper had, in his folly, came closer to Robin.
Kuma appeared in front of the reindeer.
«CHOPPER! NOOOOOOO! » screamed Luffy, standing on his feet with difficulty.
Kuma took a step back, on his guard, still impassive, and Chopper rushed toward him.
Another bubble exploded.
And Kuma continued on his way, toward Robin who tried to run away.
Ace hardly stood up, as Luffy stayed stunned, not answering correctly to the situation anymore.
«Yamerro… » whispered the young captain.
And he repeated those words a little louder before yelling them, letting his King's Haki escape.
Ace almost fell once more but continued his race to save Robin. If Luffy was losing control now, it was the last warning before he would fall to his all low.
«Uso! Haoshoku?! » Chocked Sentomaru.
«He isn't Garp's grandson for nothiiiiing…» noted Kizaru.
Rayleigh gritted his teeth, ignoring the tears that began to fill his eyes. He had never seen Luffy hurt so much mentally. He knew that he needed others, his people to stay standing, and this loss of control was proof that he was beginning to crumble mentally. He would soon pass the no return point. Ace accelerated toward Kuma, leaving a trail of angry fire behind him. If he saved Robin, Luffy could stand back up.
Luffy began running once more, going with all his speed toward Robin who called to him.
But Kuma was already there.
«Robin! »
«Luffy! »
She was here, only one step…
He could catch her hand!
Luffy's hand closed on the empty air and he fell to his knees.
Another bubble burst, leaving only one whole.
Ace rushed toward his brother and caught him to keep him from hurting himself. Mugiwara fought in the arms of the oldest, screaming in a heartbreaking voice his hurt and his pain.
Hiken tightened his grip on his brother, trying to calm him, tears in his eyes. He would have been as desperate as Luffy if he had seen his crew disappearing in front of his eyes, unable to do a thing, but they were strong, there may be hope yet, after all!
«Luffy, come on, they'll be alright, believe me, it'll be alright…»
«Luffy! » yelled Rayleigh.
Nothing to do, Luffy was unresponsive, he screamed and cried. His older brother tried to shake him, but nothing to do. All his attention on his otouto, he only saw at the last moment Kuma's hand slip between them.
Ace was ejected on the other side of the grove, releasing his hold on his brother and took a house on his head. Swearing and scowling under the impact, he stood up, flames healing his wounds.
Kizaru asked Kuma something, but didn't make any sense to Ace's ear. No, Kuma was here, on his brother who wasn't in any state to fight and it meant only one thing to Ace: he had failed to save his little brother.
This time, it was Kizaru that was holding back Rayleigh, who wanted at all price to go save his boys.
Ace stood the best he could and watched as Luffy raised his head toward Kuma, eyes full with tears, defying one last time the Shichibukai silently.
Kuma stepped toward Luffy who didn't look away.
«We will never see each other again » calmly stated Kuma to the crying boy.
And he raised his hand.
«Wari, Ace, Ji-chan…» whispered Luffy watching the hand come toward him.
And he them gave a poor smile.
«LUFFYYYYY! Screamed Ace and Rayleigh.
The last bubble exploded.
Ace took a stance and the flames invade their surroundings. This man had dared to make his brother disappear. All the fibers in Ace body called for revenge…
«Dai Enkai…»
He didn't have the time to finish his attack.
Kuma was in front of him.
«Davy Jones curse you Kuma! » hissed Ace, a titanic fireball in his hand.
«The day you will thank me for saving him, I will not be here to hear it anymore. Goodbye. »
«Ace! » Yelled Rayleigh.
The contact with water woke Ace up.
He looked, unable to move, the surface move away quickly above his head.
Already his lungs were screaming for air.
Someone dove and bought him up to the surface.
When the head of the young man pierced the free air, he coughs a lot, and glanced at the one who saved him.
«Ace? » Namur asked keeping him afloat.
«I lost Luffy… » murmured Ace.
And he fell into unconsciousness.