The Emerald Pensive

Sumery: The second generation is sorted and everyone is in for a shock when quiet little Albus Potter gets sorted into Slytherin. Things after the war aren't as Harry's generation delude themselves into thinking they are and Albus has become the voice of his house, but will anyone hear before it's too late? This is a VERY AU story. Neglect, abuse, bullying, cutting, and suicide may follow

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Chapter Four

September 1st, 2018

We have no new children this year in Slytherin. Being around my family for the summer was unbarrable. Whenever Mum saw me she hounded me for eveything: aparently never writting home even though I wrote them a letter every week, my grades though some times I wonder if she is blaming me for James bad grades and thinks I cheated to get second in the whole school, my anti-social tendencies, and finally the reason she even noticed I was around...

... not coming home for Christmas.

I burned the present from James that made it impossible to ignore, couldn't have been anything good anyway since it was from my brother the King-of-Gryffindor himself.

Scor says they're trying to be good parents and include me in the family even though I no longer belong. Don't see why they have to do that, even when I did "Belong" they ignored me in favor of the other kids. It might have been better if they had continued ignoring me. I could tell from the looks on their faces when I knocked on the door after taking the night bus home from the station it was going to be hell. They pitied me for being in Slytherin...

...more like themselves for being related to a snake. If Uncle Ron comments on it one more time I'll crusio him like Proffessor Creevey does to us during detention.

Coming back after all of that and dealing with Grandma Molly insisting I wear my Christmas sweater to the platform like the rest of us, I wanted to die of embarrasment but settle for sneaking into Scor's strong arms tonight and sleeping cuddled up in that buble of love and belonging I feel when I'm with him. People say that I don't know my place, and maybe I don't, but I know that where ever it is it resides next to his. And when I saw I saw him in the compartment saved for us returning Slytherins and was pulled nearly onto his lap I knew...

... It didn't matter I haven't recieved a sweater from Grandma Molly since I was seven years old. Maybe I'll burn the old ratty thing to prove my point. Yeah, I'll do that...

... When I'm strong enough to admit I have long ago lost the conditional love of my family.

Mum made me swear last night that I would write them every week. We'll see how long it takes for them to forget about me again. I never got a goodbye from my family today so I think they already have...Oh, and I'm the only dissapointment of the family it seems. Lilly Luna Potter got into Gryffenfor today.

Lets see Mum and Dad forget about being proud of HER.

Scor is glaring at me to turn out the light so goodbye for now.

Albus Severus

Aspius Slytherin

2nd year Hogwarts

Albus closes the emerald colored journal with a silver snake pictured slythering around the book as a lock. Not really thinking much about the fact that his password is "Open" in Parceltounge, if he even notices he has the gift. Stowing it under his matress where a worn out five year old sweater is also hidden. Folded carefully so that the large golden A on the front shows.

Climbing into bed and snuggling into the grumpy looking, taller, 12-year-old, Scorpius he falls asleep after spelling off the lights.

Hey everyone! So I haven't updated this in a while and decided that something was better than nothing... what do you think about it so far? Am I overdoing it with the neglect and other stuff or is it about right? Anyway, comments and suggestions are a;ways welcome. Until next time!
