This is a story suggested by adventuremaker16, gave me plot and some ideas so givin' 'em creds for it. Just hope i can keep up on it, i always feel kinda bad when i don't post or update in a while. Hope you enjoy it! And try to leave reviews, authors love reviews, authors keep posting cause of reviews, reviews are like senzu beans that push us authors into super saiyan mode. Now on with the words of fiction.
Within the large universe, and inside the rather young solar system, existed a tiny blue planet. The planet is well known as Pekopon and is a big attraction for alien invaders. One kind in particular is the keronians, but unfortunately for them their prepatory platoon was vanquished on a small island called Japan. Abandoned by their kind the five frogs were forced to live and build a lifestyle with the pekoponians that defeated them; the Hinatas. Now their days are filled with whatever kind of invasion plan their leader can muster; but until a successful plan comes along they each have to find their own way to pass the time.
The lowest ranking private second class Tamama spends his time training to proceed to the next rank and defeat any nemesis he deems unsuitable for existence. After his hard work he will retire to the couch and eat his daily mountain of treats.
Above him ranks Lance Corporal Dororo who takes time in enjoying the planet around them. He often meditates and drinks tea with his pekoponian friend after training the ninja arts.
Next is Corporal Giroro. This red frog prefers to keep his weapons cleaned and organized in case of an attack. Each morning he fallows a strict regimen of exercises and will often keep an eye on the war mistress Natsumi; in case he finds her weakness. Every now and then he will go out and buy weapons and ammo just to feel like he's still part of a war.
The next ranking member of the platoon is their Leader Sergeant Keroro. When he isn't filling out paperwork or forced to clean the house, he's chilling out with a couple comrades like Angol Mois and Tamama watching his favorite cartoon. Then he will often build Pekoponian Gundam and read comics.
At the very top of the chart for this platoon is the Sergeant Major Kururu. This creepy yellow frog doesn't care for much except his curry and torturing others around him. He keeps to his dark lab building and testing new weapons that could be used for the invasion.
Today he was working on a weapon that wasn't exactly a failure but the entire mission it was built for flopped like every other invasion plan. It was a ray gun built to transform animals into pekoponian form so the Platoon can use them as recruits for the invasion.
The yellow toad had been thinking about how the plan would have succeeded if they brainwashed the target as well. He loved forcing others to do things and animals from a foreign planet were no exception.
Sadly for him he was working during Keroro's boredom phase between gundam, comics, tv, and chores. This is usually when Keroro would come and bother him for nothing. Being so caught up in the calculations and reconstruction tests, Kururu didn't even hear his leader arrive. Keroro took advantage of his unacknowledged presence and peered at Kururu's collection of experiments in progress.
He looked at the grand shelves of objects and noticed that the top was barely visible. Kururu always had a project to work on. Keroro scanned his eyes over a small collection of pink vials, odd space toys in order by color, and bottles of pickled fruits from unknown origins. He settled on picking up a small lighter. It was an odd device and colored pink. He recognized it from a few pekoponian movies he had seen and decided to try flicking it alight in one movement like them.
A few failed attempts were followed by his one successful flick. He was about to marvel at the tiny flame inside but was confused when bubbles and sparkles danced in its place.
"Well that's not right." Keroro quickly clamped his hand over his mouth hoping that Kururu hadn't heard him. He turned only to see a pair of glowing circles stare at him.
"Oh look a little useless rat is moussing around in my things. Kukuku, I wonder how I should punish it?"
Keroro noticed the gun under modifications in front of Kururu and tried to change the subject as a distraction. He dashed over and took a closer look at the gun.
"Hey there, what are you up to today?" Soon he realized that he had seen the gun before. "Isn't that the Animal Animalizer?"
"Yes it is. I'm making some modifications to it out of boredom."
"I wonder what would happen if we could turn them into keronians instead of pekoponians." This is a rare moment where Keroro's brain has an almost brilliant idea.
"Kuku I already built one that can transform any living creature into one of us."
"Really? That would be super cool. Hey I bet Fuyuki would love the chance to be a keronian."
"Yes but he wouldn't be able to hold the form long, he's too weak."
"Say What?! You mean it won't like really transform him like this one does?"
"Exactly, holding a smaller form is much harder than holding a bigger one. The original gun adds particles to you so you aren't really doing anything to have a bigger shape. The new beam is shrinking you since removing particles could be fatal and cause severe consequences. Kukukuu. So it requires effort on the target's behalf. Natsumi would have a better chance at holding the form than Fuyuki."
"Yeah, but Fuyuki would have that main character's determination! The determination that gives character's strength to do anything they want!" Keroro struck a pose. "I bet you it would help him last longer in keronian form than Natsumi's strength would."
"Kukuku…. Want to make a bet?" the yellow frog chuckled behind his hand, now he could have a little fun. "I'll shoot them both with the ray and if you can get Fuyuki to hold the shape longer than Natsumi then I will acquire you gundam models for the rest of your life. On the other hand if Natsumi lasts longer than Fuyuki, kuku, you have to dress up in my costume of choice and cook me curry once a week for the rest of my life."
"Oh IT IS ON!" In his excitement Keroro pounded his fist onto the desk and accidentally pushed one of Kururu's big red buttons. A loud ZAP thundered through the room. Keroro had to cover his ears, but once the sound had died he turned to see Kururu completely unaffected and typing away at his computer. "What on Pekopon was that?!"
"You pushed the 'Frog Prince' ray button. I need to stop leaving things where you can reach them." Soon he pulled up the video feed from one of his Kuru-bots. It displayed the high school in which the Hinata children attended and a bolt of burning yellow light flying through the air. "Kukuku this could be tragically hilarious."