In the beginning, when the world was not fully formed, it was covered by a dense fog. Nothing but grey crags and arch trees dotted the landscape. And the only known inhabitants were the Everlasting Dragons. Then there was fire, and with fire came disparity. Heat and cold, light and dark, life and death. From the dark crevices of the world, they emerged, and within the fire they found the souls of lords. Gwyn the Lord of Sunlight and his vast armies of faithful knights. Gravelord Nito the First of the Dead. The Witch of Izalith and her Daughters of Chaos. And of course the Furtive Pygmy, so easily forgotten. With this new found power, they challenged the rule of the Everlasting Dragons. Gwyn and his followers hurled mighty bolts that peeled the scales from the Dragons. The Witch of Izalith and her Daughters weaved great firestorms. Nito unleashed a miasma of death and disease upon the Dragons. And the traitor Seath the Scaleless turned on his brethren. And just like that the age of the Ancients collapsed, and the Age of Fire began.

After the war, Gwyn and his family began construction on the great city of Anor Londo. This beautiful city of the gods watched over the Human settlements that began to spring up around the city. The gods felt they had a duty to protect the Humans so Gwyn appointed his four most trustworthy knights to serve as guardians. The Golden Armored Dragonslayer Ornstein served as their Captain. The Fair and Compassionate Knight Artorias and his Wolf companion Sif. Lord's Blade Ciaran the beautiful Master Assassin. And last but certainly not least Hawkeye Gough, the greatest archer to ever live in Lordran.

The other Lords retreated to their own domains in the world. Gravelord Nito took up residence deep inside a great Tomb amongst the Dead he watched over. There he slumbers in a coffin silently protecting his home. The Witch and her Daughters set up in the fiery underground city they named Izalith. And Seath the Scaleless was given the title of Duke and awarded a fragment of Gwyn's Lord Soul. He resides in a vast archive of knowledge atop a mountain overlooking Anor Londo. The Age of Fire ushered in a peace and prosperity that was unknown before, and there were no signs of the Fire ever fading.

"How fare you today, Gough?" I called up to the sitting Giant, seemingly lost in thought.

"Hmm?" the Giant grumbled inquisitively, slowly looking towards me. "Ah, Artorias my friend. I am well, how do you fare?"

"Living the dream my friend. Any movement out there this morning?" I ask.

"Nothing out of the usual, the Human villagers are bustling about, starting their day. Same as usual." Gough replied.

"Well safety is boring, Gough. But it is easy." I sat down on the ledge of the watchtower next to Gough. "You don't mind if I stay do you?"

"Of course not, Artorias. I always welcome company, but don't you have to make your rounds in the burg?"

"Not until noon. I switched shifts with Ciaran, she preferred the early mornings and I prefer the bustling markets at noon. Then of course Ornstein takes the late shift."

"He must have just been put on the late shift, right?" Gough asked.

"No, he's had that shift the whole time. Why?" I asked, confused.

"Well I saw Ornstein heading to his quarters with a courtesan last night. About the time he should have been patrolling the burg."

"Skipping out on patrol duty? That's low even for him. I need to confront him about this, those burg residents' safety are in our hands. We can't have the Captain, of all people, shirking his responsibilities for some courtesan who's name he probably has forgotten by now.

"Her name was Arianna," a voice behind me said matter-of-factly. I turned around to see Ornstein in his brilliant gold armor, standing with his arms crossed. I jumped down from the ledge and walked up to Ornstein.

"Was she worth risking the safety of the Human residents?"

"Well considering most of them are lowly peasants..." Ornstein started to say.

"Ornstein! Lowly peasants or noble Lords, everyone should be as safe as possible. Especially at night, who knows what may be lurking in the shadows."

"Oh unclench Artorias, nothing bad ever happens." Ornstein dismissed the issue.

"Not yet, but something could under your lazy watch. What would Gwyn think of you abandoning your post?"

"I'm sure he doesn't care about them beyond them bringing his morning tea." Ornstein shrugged.

"I'm sure that's not true, or else he wouldn't of given us the job of protecting them. However if that was true, he would scold you for leaving your assigned post. Captain or not, you have a job and you must follow our Lord's wishes." I said trying to stay as calm and collected as possible.

"But I am a Captain, your Captain. I do not have to listen to what you say." Ornstein lowered his arms and walked away.

"What will you do, Artorias?" Gough asked.

"I suppose I'll just take a double shift then. I do not need that much sleep. Besides it's for the good of the residents."
"But Artorias, you can not do all that work on very little sleep. And with so much patrolling you will miss out on meals."

"I know, but I wouldn't be able to rest easy knowing the Humans were unprotected." I admitted.

"I worry about you sometimes Artorias." Gough said.

"Thank you, friend. Your company has been relaxing, but I must get ready for my shift."

"But there's still a couple hours before noon yet." Gough said in confusion.

"I know, but I suppose I could let Ciaran off early so she can get Breakfast. I know she didn't eat before her shift."

I grabbed my trusty Greatsword, and for extra insurance my Greatshield, and made my way down to the Human settlement known as the Stoneburg, or just simply the burg. When I reached the beginning of the burg I saw Ciaran perched high up on a watchtower overlooking the surrounding area. I could tell she noticed be because she snapped her head towards me and then slightly cocked it to the side. She stood up and jumped down from the tower and met up with me.

"Artorias," she said confused. "What are you doing here already?"

"I came to relieve you of duty early. I know you didn't eat before your shift so I thought I would let you get breakfast today."

"Thanks, Artorias, but really I'm fine." As soon as she said that her stomach let out a low but audible grumble. I could not see behind her mask but I knew she was turning red.

"Breakfast Ciaran, now." I said with a smile.

"Fine but you owe me," she replied with a slight chuckle.

"Okay Ciaran," I answered. She turned around and headed back the way I came. I removed my helmet and walked around the burg on my usual route. An old merchant called to me from his stand he had set up in the street.

"Good morning Sir Artorias! Is there anything I can get for you?"

"No thank you, friend. If there's anything I need I'll come to you." I waved a goodbye as I went past. As I was walking I began to hear a howl from behind me. I turned around to see Sif sprinting straight for me. When he reached me he nearly knocked me to the ground.

"Hey boy," I said patting his head. "Guess I couldn't go on patrol without you now could I?" Sif barked with joy and rubbed his head against my armor. We continued on through the burg, saying high to the more friendly residents. Some even approached us asking to pet Sif. Even though he was a wolf he enjoyed the caring pets from the friendly Humans. After a few rounds through the settlement I took up watch from the tallest point in the burg. Sif and I sat looking out at the hustle and bustle of the markets and children playing out in the streets. Then behind us we had a silent visitor.

"You're not as quiet as you think Ciaran." I called out.

"Really you thought I was quiet? I was trying to announce my footsteps." Ciaran joked. She strode over and sat down beside me. I looked over at her and saw she had removed her helmet. I was entranced by her beautiful dark hair, crystal blue eyes, and stunning skin. After a few seconds I realized I was staring and quickly shifted my gaze. I was sure she knew that I had been staring at her but she did not show it.

"You should head back now, get a bit of rest and food." Ciaran finally spoke.

"Why? I've only been at this for three or four hours." I replied

"I know, but I heard from Gough that you were covering for that lazy ass Captain of ours tonight. I figured you could use a bit of a break."

"Thanks Ciaran, but really I'm fine. I feel more at home here anyway."

"Really? Amongst the lowly Humans?"

"Hey now, Ciaran. They're not so bad. Sure they're not Lords or anything but that doesn't mean they are any less meaningful. They have souls and to me that makes them equal as anyone else." I said defending them.

"That's ridiculous, Artorias. You are saying they are equal to us? Or Lord Gwyn?"

"Yes and no. I think they are equal in terms of being alive and important. But obviously they are not near as powerful. But that's what I like about them, they know they are weaker and therefor they are humble. Unlike our big-headed Captain." Ciaran started to laugh.

"Yeah Ornstein is pretty full of himself." Just then there was a loud crashing to the east of us. The booming sound of stone collapsing on stone followed after. We jumped up and looked in the direction of the noise. Within seconds a giant stone arrow sailed through the air, striking the affected area. We looked at Gough on the Watchtower who was knocking another arrow and drawing back. Ciaran, Sif and I started sprinting towards the scene wondering what the trouble could possibly be.