Laxus POV

I let out the third most pathetic sigh of my life. The other two being just a few moments before. How am I supposed to get through to her? Lucy has always been a little strong willed but I had used a tone that had always made her become more… submissive? No, that's not correct. More obedient, like a dog. Oh god. Now that's just horrible. This is my sister for the starry heaven's sake.

"Laxus! Fight me!" Natsu yelled, making my ears hurt.

"Screw off, Natsu. I don't have time for you right now.

"I know you're worried just as we are, Laxus." Bixlow said, sitting himself next to me and effectively making Natsu going away. "Though we can't really do anything about it. What if she falls for him, Laxus? What will we do then? Tell her no? After Ryker, she deserves some happiness and from what Wendy told Evergreen about their little dinner the other night, they look like a married couple. I know you think she's moving too fast, but people fall in love at the same speed and the laws of all science and magic can't be held responsible that."

I sighed once again.

"That's the fourth time, Laxus-sama."

I growled and ran a hand through my already disheveled hair. "Shut up, Freed."

"We only say it out of concern, Laxus-sama." Freed defended.

"I said, shut up, Freed. I don't know if she's going to come back. She's going to see Ivan. That's the problem. To make it worse, she went with him. She had to go with him."

"Gajeel isn't a bad person!"

I looked over my shoulder to find a little blue haired bookworm Gajeel seemed so infatuated with until he met Lucy.

"You'd know, huh? Well you'll be thinking the opposite soon enough, seeing as to how he left you in the dust to chase after Lucy." Bixlow laughed. "So, why you defending the tin can?"

She puffed her cheeks out at him. "I know him," She reasoned.

"Elaborate, Levy-san?" Freed asked.

"I know him because he let me in." She blushed. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"The hell does that mean? So what if he talked to you, it was only out of pity anyway. You're weak no matter how you put it. What could you possibly offer Fairy Tail when you can barely defend yourself against attacks?" Bixlow stated with his tongue hanging out of his mouth, flashing his guild mark to the world.

I watched in disgust as the girl started to tear up. "Sh-shut up!" Talk about me all you want. Gajeel is a nice person and proved himself worthy of the guild name. The only ones who have left to prove themselves are you." Levy yelled, catching the rest of the guild's attention

The guild stared at us, since she decided to make a scene. I grew annoyed. "Shut up. You're annoying me. Go read or something. I'm done hearing you sp-" I was cut off by a hand smacking the back of my head. I looked over my shoulder, ready to snap at whoever decided it would be a great idea to hit me. "What the- Oh Lucy! I wasn't doing anything!"

"Oh, yeah? That's something I can see." I watched as her face grew serious, well more serious than normal. "Follow me."

She walked off with Gajeel staring after her. I glared at him before I quickly followed her to Gramps's office. We entered silently staying that way until Lucy decided to speak.

"We have a slight problem…" She paused. "Father has told Ryker of Gajeel. Meaning Ryker sees Gajeel as a threat. I demand that Gajeel has a guard at all times. I request that he is added to the Raijinshu, to be effective immediately." Lucy said sternly. "I know our stars are crossed, Grandfather. You have to trust me on this."

"It's not that I don't trust you. Gajeel was the one who saved you, was he not? I see no reason to add him to this team if he is perfectly capable to protect you. Also, I have a gift for you."

I watched Gramps in awe as he pulled out a silver key from his pocket.

The next sound practically deafened me. Lucy squealed.

Gajeel came busting through the door, panic written across his face. He looked at Lucy with a smile gracing his face and somehow, I felt like I could trust him with the job of protecting my little sister. Not as much as I trust Bixlow or Freed, but it was trust nonetheless. I watched as they, Lucy and Gramps, jumped around and let out more deafening sounds, squealing, as they did their twirling jumps.

"What ya screamin' about, Bunny?" Gajeel winced as she let out another squeal.

"I got it! I got the new key I've been looking for!" She held it out in front of her. "Open! Gate of the Canis Minor! Nikola!"

Out of a silver cloud, a small snowman landed in Lucy's hands.

"Is it supposed to look like that?" I asked.

"Of course! I'm gonna name him… Plue! It's the most adorable name ever for this little guy!" She held the poor thing close to her, squeezing the life out of it. "Yoshiro! Come look at the Celestial version of you!"

The little white dog yipped in happiness. I smirked as Gajeel looked really confused and exhausted at what was going on. "Welcome to the Fairy Tail with Lucy." I walked out of Gramps's office and went back to the Raijinshu.

It was only natural to take up Natsu on his offer for a fight, right? Because I really needed to blow off some steam on someone that could handle it. I let a small smile slip as I entered the all out brawl in search of the little fire-breather I was looking for.

"Hey, Natsu!" I shouted "Let's fight. Just like the good ol' days. What do you say?"

Ohayo, Minna!

It's been awhile, hasn't it? I apologize!

I have a few new stories out, so please check them out!

Today, April 17th, 2014, is my updating day, so here's a quick list of all the stories I'm going to TRY to update:

Take Me Home

Hated With Love

Lucy's Escape

Falling into Song

A Dragon's Powers

Returning Home

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, Let me know what you think will happen next!

Love 'n Lucky,