Hey guys!

What I meant by the ideas thing is that I know what is going to happen in this chapter (obviously since I'm writing this!) and somewhat what is going to happen in the next, but after that I only have one idea and it'll be hard. I was wondering if I should add in small things, like Leo getting married (Just a random example Rachel! Nothing more!) to make it more interesting and longer.

I have no idea who to thank, and I'm not thanking Rachel, so I guess I thank myself. :D (Maybe next time Rachel, maybe next time!)

Adam's P.O.V. (The next morning)

I woke up to seeing Bree glaring at Chase.

I had forgotten what had happened way earlier this morning so I walked out of my capsule care free.

"Hey guys." I said, yawning a bit, "Chase, did you steal Bree's hairbrush again?"

"No!" Chase said before realizing what he'd done.

"AGAIN?!" Bree yelled.

Bree was getting ready to kick him straight across the face when Mr. Davenport walked in.

"Guys stop fighting!" Mr. Davenport yelled, "You're all getting an extra day grounded for this!"

"But I didn't do it!" I said.

"Yeah that is true. But you did start it, so you get the same grounding as Leo." He said.

"Yes!" I said. Chase looked at me weirdly.

Chase's P.O.V.

I looked at Adam. "Wow" I thought, "He can be really thick sometimes."

"But how is his punishment different from ours?" I asked.

"I am so very glad you asked Chase! Just hold on a second." he said, clearly excited that he gets to punish us.

He turned to Adam.

"Adam." he started, "There's hot chocolate and french toast waiting for you upstairs. Go up and enjoy it."

"Yes!" he said again, and he ran upstairs.

I can't believe he got to go upstairs!

"So about your punishments..." he started.

"Wait a second. Why do I get punished as much as Chase? I'm as innocent as Adam!" she said.

"True, but you got in a fight with Chase, so you and him both get similar punishments." he said.

"So, Chase, I will be calling to principle Perry for you to get no homework for the rest of the week and you can't do anything in the newspaper for the same time!" he said, sadly not finished. "Also, for today and tomorrow you must stay only on the ground floor."

"Bree, you get extra homework for the rest of the week and you must stay in the lab except for meals and school." he finished.

"Now both of you come up and have some cereal while you watch us have hot chocolate and french toast." he said, turning around and going up the elevator.

"Well this sucks..." She said miserably.

I wasn't really listening. I was coming up with an idea of how Mr. Davenport's punishments could help us get that info.

"Bree." I said excitedly, "I have a plan!"

The next chapter will have them getting the info, so stay tuned!