Hi, everybody. So this is my first story, and I just wanna note a few things. This is a Mario/Sonic/Legend of Zelda crossover. In this reality, Mario and Sonic have already met, and are already allies. Bowser and Robotnik have previously joined forces, and been defeated. I don't know if I'll make a prequel explaining that. There will be no pairings, because that's just not my thing. Sorry. It may take me a while to update because of school and stuff, so sorry to anyone who actually reads this. Please read and review, and be honest. Tell me if it's complete crap, and tell me why so I can make it better. Thanks a lot.

Prologue: The Forgotten War

This is but one of the legends of which people speak...

Long ago, there existed a seemingly perfect kingdom. Blessed with the favor of the gods, this nation was free from war and disaster, and all inhabitants lived in peace. Four great spirits of light watched over and protected the provinces of this land, and it seemed no darkness would ever touch it.

That land was Hyrule.

However, that peace was disturbed by the arrival of the thief king. This man was in possession of great and evil powers, and his only goal was to rule. Eventually, this mighty rebel was brought to justice, but no one foresaw the events of his execution. The thief revealed that the power of the gods themselves rested within him, and easily escaped his punishment. Out of desperation, the ancient sages forced the thief into the forbidden world of twilight, and all seemed at peace.

That thief was Ganondorf.

Unfortunately, the day came when the unnatural twilight began to creep into the world of Hyrule, bringing with it shadowy beasts and destruction. Ganondorf, thought to be forever imprisoned and weakened, had gained control over a rogue member of the Twili race. With the aid of his puppet, Ganonodorf eventually materialized in the world of light once more. With his unstoppable power, he spread fear, darkness, and chaos across Hyrule, leaving its people helpless to escape or fight back. But just as the end seemed unavoidable...

A young man clad in green suddenly appeared out of the shadows. He, too, received the blessing of the gods, as well as the aid of the princesses of both Hyrule and the Twilight Realm. Armed with the legendary blade of evil's bane, the man engaged Ganondorf in a chaotic battle that shook the foundation of Hyrule itself. When the dust cleared, only the green man stood victorious, and the king of evil lay slain at his feet.

That man was named Link.

"This is what you got me out of bed for?" snorted Bowser, as he stared at the ancient, withered scroll on the table in front of him. He ran the translator over it once more, but again found nothing of use to him. He turned to glare at his partner.

"I know, it doesn't seem like much," said Dr. Robotnik, speaking quickly so as to avoid an incident. Neither of these two were known for their patience, but for Bowser this was especially true. He was known to set the kitchen on fire if his food was not prepared in a timely manner. "I bought it at an auction a few years back, and spent some time translating it. I thought it was just a stupid fairy tale, but then I found this..." Robotnik reached into his bag and withdrew a small, rectangular box made out of steel.

Bowser took the box, clicked it open, and lifted the lid. The object inside was an old tablet, carved out of a slab of black marble. Bowser guessed it was about twenty by twenty inches, and he instantly recognized the language of the writing as the same from the scroll. To him, the various lines only resembled pieces of letters, but Robotnik was positively ecstatic about the tablet. Bowser rolled his eyes, and placed the translator over the message.

"I am the Lord Ganondorf," he read out loud, "I leave this message to any who would follow in my footsteps. If you wish to fill the world with darkness..." Bowser's eyes widened with each passing sentence, and his mouth dropped open. "You're not serious!" he growled, turning to Robotnik.

The mad doctor grinned. "Oh, I'm completely serious!" he cackled. "Don't you see? If those legends are true, (And there's a mountain of evidence supporting that), then even the plumber and the hedgehog wouldn't stand a chance! This could be our big chance!"

"Hm..." Bowser scratched his chin, as if deep in thought, but the patronizing smirk on his face told the real story. "That would be a great idea...If you hadn't previously woken up that stupid Chaos monster. Ah, it seems like only yesterday that you lost control of it, and it almost destroyed Station Square."

Robotnik's smile faded, replaced by a frustrated grimace. "That was years ago! I made a mistake! And it says right there on the tablet," he seized the translator and ran it over the bottom of the message, " " 'Whosoever accomplishes this task for me shall have my eternal aid, and shall share a section of my empire.' See? This is different! He's not a raging, mindless beast. This man was a legend, and he promises it himself."

Bowser growled. "Don't act like I can't read!" He snarled. "I know what it says! But you're being an idiot! We both want to rule the world, and now you want to settle for being a slave to some thousand year old freak? Sorry, but I, personally, have no desire to be demoted to a minion."

"We'll share a piece of his empire," Robotnik protested. "And we won't just be his servants. Think about it. We both have different visions for the world. This way, we each can build our own version in our corner, and the three of us will have equal power. Not to mention..." his smile stretched across his face, with a devilish look in his eyes, "...revenge."

Bowser seriously considered it. Yes, he hated Mario with every molecule in his body, and he was really getting tired of being smacked around. If this really did mean a chance to finish him off once and for all, it would certainly be worthwhile. On the other hand, both his and Robotnik's schemes involving other parties had a tendency to blow up in their faces, and this "Ganondorf" seemed just as likely, if not more. "I don't know," he said. "What if this whole thing turns out to be a really terrible idea, and we look like idiots, and end up joining forces with our arch enemies again?"

"Is that really any worse than being humiliated by a fat plumber over and over again?"


"Besides, based on how bad Ganondorf sounds, the death those two would face would make any risk completely worthwhile," Robotnik cackled as his face revealed it's full malice in a smile that would have made a child cry. "They'll be begging us to end their lives. It sounds like heaven to me! What do you say?"

Bowser turned to the tablet one last time. Then, he turned back to Robotnik. The same wicked grin plastered across Robotnik's face had transferred to his.

"Let's do it."