Kon'nichiwa minna ^^

Well this is my new story! Hope you enjoy it! :3

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto just this plot ^.^



After the death of Neji, Hinata changed, she became more confident, more out spoken. She did not stutter nor did she blush as often as she used to. She remove the restrains that she placed on herself to protect everyone.

She became powerful and showed everyone what she was really made of. She had attained the rank of ANBU Captain in 6 short months after the war. Her father was shocked, proud but most of all worried about his daughter's sudden change but never the less he was proud of her. He knew she had this kind of strength in her and was happy that she finally bringing out but was sadden that Neji had to die before he could see that the little girl that he thought was cute and trained with for hours at a time blossomed into a one of the greatest and strongest shinobi known to the world.

The war had ended and people were starting to rebuild their lives again but Hinata was grieving over the loss of her nii-san she could not grieve in the middle of the war but now as everything had quietened down the loss of him hit her the hardest. What made it this open wound deeper was the fact that Naruto was too busy going out with Sakura to comfit her in her time of need. She was left a little bitter after that encounter but it only fueled the need to change who she is.


Sasuke returned to Konoha because of his brother's wishes but that wasn't the only reason he returned. He needed to find someone to not only rebuild his clan with but be his companion. Which is a very had task for him. When he returned he chose to join the ANBU. He became Hinata's main stream partner under her command. Even though he might be stronger than her he is still under her rank so he has to listen to whatever she says. That took a big chunk out of the Uchiha's ego.


Almost a year after the war and things are back to normal. The difference is that none of the five shinobi nations will be looking for a war soon and Hinata had taken the oath to lead her clan. She was given sapphire encrusted dagger as her mark as the leader. Her years of training with her father in politics and running the clan's day to day events and problems gave her the knowledge to become a great leader.

She had made major changes to the clan. She had found a way to remove the cage bird seal and removed the branch house and main house laws. The hyüga clan were now one. A new set of rules were drawn up and a new seal was created to protect the bloodline. It was invisible to the naked eye but with the byakugan you could see it clearly. The new seal prevented the byakugan from being removed from the host even if the host is alive; it was a huge break through for them. Changing the beliefs of the elders is not an easy task. Most of the elder opposed the change but the rest of the clan welcomed it and it was with great pride that she delivered the news to the Hokage about the progress of the clan.


Tsunade was making her choice of who would take her place when she retires. Naruto was an obvious choice but he has little training in becoming Hokage. He would have to wait and complete proper training to handle the issues of running a country but she needed someone now to take over when she retires the following year or sooner. Currently she had three names on her list, Hakate Kakashi, Nara Shikamaru and Hyüga Hinata. She had taken notice of the young girls change for the better and found she would make and excellent leader. The way she handled her clan with the merging of the two houses and the removal of the cage bird seal impressed the Hokage as well as the fact she is still a top ANBU Capitan. Running a clan and still going on missions is a huge effort but she handled all her tasks with such grace. The council was also impressed by the young hyüga's progress. A meeting is to be held in two days to discuss the choosing of the next Hokage from the three candidates.


Please review and tell me what to think ^^

Oh and find my instagram account the_art_of_hinata

Ja ne
