Title: The Comedy Routine Quandry
Author: S J Smith
Rating: K+
Disclaimer: Absolutely not.
Summary: Watching Monty Python with Sheldon is an adventure in and of itself.
"How can a bird pine for the fjords?"
"It's a comedy routine, Sheldon!" Leonard rolled his eyes.
"But it's silly. Birds don't pine. I don't think birds are smart enough to have emotions. Well, aside from knowing they should eat, and defecate, and procreate." Sheldon pursed his lips.
Raj offered, "What about parrots?" I've heard parrots get depressed if their owners die."
"Parrots bite." Sheldon wrinkled his nose, recoiling. "And roosters peck." He shuddered. "Lovey Dovey aside, birds are awful."
"Lovey Dovey?" Raj asked Howard. Howard shrugged his lack of knowledge.
Sheldon snapped, "I'm just saying birds can't pine!"
"Eat your noodles, Sheldon, and let us watch the show," Leonard groaned.
~ end ~