This was causing me a lot of trouble with my muse for True Dragon of Dragons so I went ahead and started making this story. However this will not be originally my old idea of a crossover between High School DxD and Darksiders, but instead I'm taking elements from Darksiders and putting them into this story. The main focus will solely be on one thing and that is Death itself.

This has been rated Mature for the following: Blood, Gore, Character Death, Torture, Mature Content, and Slice of Life.

Issei is very different from his canon self and this chapter will explain his general personality and as too why he is like he is. But I can say he is NOT a pervert by any means.

Constructive criticism is always appreciated!

The translated version of the title is: Legend of the Death Dragon God Emperor

Let's get it started!

Legend of the Shiryō no Kami Kōtei

Prologue: The Beginning

Long ago before the Universe was even brought into existence, there was only Light and Darkness, two opposing forces that clashed endlessly without thought nor reason. The Light represented Law, Order, Justice, and Righteousness. Darkness on the other hand represented, Destruction, Anarchy, Chaos, and Ruin. These two powers clashed violently causing violent ripples all across the realm with no end in sight. It was not until their most violent clash that the two powers had unintentionally created an anomaly with their powers violently clashing against one another.

The two sides clashed and in doing so caused an implosion of the two powers which set off a chain event that both created and destroyed. Both Light and Darkness were reduced to nothing as their powers created and destroyed, shaped and molded the Universe in one giant megaton supernova. So powerful it was it ripped apart the fabric of reality and molded it back again a hundred times as the Universe and all life that came with it was sown.

But in the end of Light and Darkness, in their place was two separate entities, they had no bodies of their own just a floating mass of the combined powers of Light and Darkness, The Firstborn, the Aspect of their essence of having no birth nor end, and that entity was known by one name, Eternity. The younger of the two, formed by the birth of the Universe and the nothingess of its creators end was named, Infinity. These two entities were different from Light and Darkness for they shared sentient thought, the first beings to ever have a self thinking process in all of creation.

It was upon seeing the creation and devastation of that which was caused by their creators that Eternity had decided to live it's life as that which represented by Light and Darkness as a Balance. Therefore in modern days, it has been come to be known simply as, Death. The formless entity that ended all life. While Infinity seeking to choose a different route from its partner had chosen to seek out a place of quietness, a place of solitude. Thus, Infinity solemnly diverted from Eternity never imagining to see it again.

And so with the two powers leaving from what as once an endless struggle of two opposing powers, the resulting explosion created Life. Life blossomed all over the cosmos, but at the very center of the explosion was a single planet formed by the powers of both Light and Darkness. This planet was soon to be known as Earth and with it new life would begin to blossom by younger sentient beings that would soon call themselves Gods which would rule different directions of the Earth.

But as Infinity stayed in solitude and would come to birth itself from the nothingness of its existence, Death on the other hand in its formless shape and power would choose to ravage the world. Casting its shadow upon all those that were within its grasp. Humans, animals and the supposed Gods alike were unable to escape Death's reign over their very souls. Soon the very mention of the word Death would be the seed that would implant itself into the hearts of all sentient beings, they would come to fear Death as they should.

For Death was Eternal and nothing was beyond its cold, soul tearing grip...

But like its partner, Death or Eternity sought to have a material body, but none were so worthy to be the embodiment of its power, the reincarnation of its very existence. That is...until countless millenia had passed...

That Death...had finally found had found it's perfect reincarnation...

Hospital-Labor Room

''I am truly sorry about your loss, Mr and Mrs. Hyoudou, we did all we could is beyond us now.'' a Doctor spoke with his head hung low. He was a middle aged man with graying hair and facial hair with softened black eyes. His voice ran deep and felt like a thousand knifes stabbing into the two heartbroken were-to-be-parents. Mr. Hyoudou, felt tears drop from his eyes, but his arms circled his wife who was still sitting in her bed.

The very same she had not long ago given birth to their first child...

Mrs. Hyoudou was a complete wreck at that very moment, when those words were spoken the woman broke down in wracking sobs. The mother to be had at that very moment felt as if her heart had been torn to shreds and her soul felt as if it were shattered like glass. ''Why! WHY! He was healthy! He was bright, and so full of life in my womb...a-and now when he's born...w-why...why...why...why...''Mr. Hyoudou tightened his hold on his wife trying in vain to ease her pain, but it was not too be.

It was just so strange, their son they had already named had been possibly the liveliest baby the doctors had ever seen. Moving more than most other unborn children did, but on the day his wife's water broke and he was too come out into the world. All activity from the baby stopped after he came out it was as all life from their son had been snuffed out in an instant the moment he was born. just wasn't fair...Did Death find some sort of sick twisted amusement in ending life's that hadn't even seen their first ray of light? Took their first breath and saw the world for the first time? Their had been no signs of infection or knots in the umbilical chord, no defects in his body nor were his organs bad. Their son had just...died for unknown and unexplainable reasons.

''I sorry honey...''he said before casting a painful gaze to the small bed that held their now dead newborn, a clean white blanket covering the babies body completely. Perhaps to hide it so seeing the child wouldn't hurt them more than it currently already was. They had the name picked out, had all the preparations made and his room ready for him to come home too only for the harsh reality to come crashing down on them.

There would be no baby coming home with them...

''My little Issei...why...why...WHY!'' she wailed in his arms as the doctor stood aside painfully mourning for their loss, loathing himself for his failure in saving the child even if it was beyond his control. So it was in that moment many would come to believe the life of a Newborn had been snuffed out, cut at the bud before the child could experience the bright and warmth that was life.

Or was it?

Completely unseen by them all, single orb of mixing colors ranging from black, red, white, blue, purple and green descended upon them. It floated and by some sentient force of its own will, the orb directed itself to the still newborn lying in its crib. It was then the orb floated toward the dead child and slowly began sink itself into the newborns body. Going through the white fabric covering the newborn the orb simply infused itself into the child's body and fused itself with the soul of the child that had yet to be taken.

And as if some miracle had come down too bless these two heartbroken parents...

The blanket shifted...

''...Uwah...wah!...WAAAHHH!'' the sudden wail of a newborn caused all three adults to freeze up before the doctor snapped his head in the direction from where it was coming from and when he did his eyes bulged in shock. The Hyoudou's on the other hand were frozen in stunned silence at the shocking miracle that was happening before them.

''WAAAHH! WAAHH! WAAAH!'' the baby continued to cry and soon the doctor was broken from his shock and quickly went too the child and pulled the blanket off the newborn. It was too his further shock that he saw a lively newborn baby struggling to get out of the confines of its crib. The doctor's professional mind began racing, he was sure the baby was dead as dead could be! No heartbeat, no pulse, the child wasn't breathing, it showed no visible signs of life whatsoever.

'C-could it have been possible I missed something?! No no I checked everything! This baby was dead!' now he was not a religious man by any stretch of the word. He preferred the way of Medicine and Science than an unseen entity that you prayed would fix all your problems. But this was not something he had in all his years experienced before.

This was truly out of his field of expertise...

'' baby...h-he's alive?'' the mother muttered out as she saw the doctor looking down at the lively newborn in a great deal of shock. Still he suppressed it as much as he could and gently wrapped the baby up in his blanket. Making sure he was wrapped up safely he turned to the parents and gave a big smile to the shocked parents.

''Yes, it would seem this boy has someone...or something watching over him, C-Congratulations you two, you have given birth to a healthy baby boy.'' he said handing the crying newborn to his father and to their surprise his cries quickly stopped once he was in the presence of his father and mother. Sitting down next his wife he handed Issei to her, but was mindful to check his son for anything that could affect his health at any given point.

When Mrs. Hyoudou got Issei her tears fell even more though now they were tears of absolute joy once she saw her son, Issei's brown eyes full of innocence looking up at her in awe and childish wonder. So overcome with joy the woman hugged her child, her little Issei with all the gentle motherly care she could muster.

''Oh my little Issei! Our baby, our little miracle!''

Indeed it seemed the happy Hyoudou Couple was now a family...

17 Year's Later

Walking along the streets of Kioto was crowds of people ranging from business men and women to school students, men and women to even parents going out to shop or going to their school. Out of them all it was mostly school students that were heading for their residential academy and many among them were kids and some were teenagers. It was crowded on both sides of the sidewalk like it always was, but it was never as crowded as it was in the streets of Tokyo.

Among these academy students which the majority seem to be teenage girls were all seemingly staring at something in particular then looking away before giggling with blushes on their face. Typical reactions the girls gave when they saw the person that had their attention. The person in question however did not seem to be joined with the other students, infact it seemed as if the student altogether was keeping distance from them.

It was a male wearing the same uniform as the other rare male students consisting of a short sleeved white dress shirt with a black ribbon around the collar but over his dress shirt he wore just a black shirt. He wore black dress pants and black dress shoes and held his bang slung over his shoulder. The male in question had short brown hair with a couple of bangs falling around his light brown eyes. He had a slightly, but healthy pale complexion and for his age he was very well built.

He stood a good 6'0 and having the body of a swimmer one could easily tell the definition of his physique through his shirt alone. Broad shoulders, and a slightly large torso with a hint of a six-pack. His arms were wiry, but were packed with muscle which were coiled and ready to be released at any moments notice. He had a chiseled jawline with not a flab of any baby fat whatsoever on any part of his face and his eyes seemed a tad sharp what with the slightly golden look in his brownish eyes.

The teenager in question seemed to just ignore the looks he was getting and was just more busy reading a book in hand titled 'Mythology – 42 Edition'. The teen was so cut off from the rest of the world that he seemed to just ignore the looks he got from his female academic peers.

But in reality their giggling and non stop staring was starting to annoy him...

'I can never get a break it matter where I go...' thought the male who let out a small sigh as he continued reading his book.

Hyoudou Issei, age 17, was not your typical 17 year old academy student. While he seemed average with a healthy physique that would mistake him for someone that was heavily into sports such as swimming or track. The fact was he wasn't into much sports besides some Martial Arts and Gymnastics which he was put into as a kid. He wasn't much of a friendly person and was sort of loner, but could remain polite when he needed to be. The only couple of friends he had he could count on his fingers. Which was just one at the current moment, but she was all the up in England and they hadn't seen each other in years.

But what made him different from others was because of his rather unique ability, something he's had for as long as he could remember. It was something that scared him at first, but so far he'd grown used to it as if it were an everyday occurrence which it was.

Issei felt a twitch in his brow once he heard the girls giggling again and soon a small scowl formed, it was the same wherever he went the girls that saw him always reacted that way and it was starting to annoy. Don't get him wrong he was a straight man, but most females he ever came across besides his old friend were just hormone driven teenagers who couldn't decide for themselves and let their hormones do it for them. It irked him more than he would admit since he would only be interested in a woman that could be just a bit mature.

Which ruled out about 99% of his generation...

''Why do you continue to not take advantage of your position here, kid? Any man would just die to be in your shoes!'' the twitch in his brow increased even more so before he glanced at the person that spoke. But the thing was the 'person' was not in human form. It was a spectral human man with square glasses and a perverted blush on his cheeks. His body was completely see through and thankfully no one could see him besides himself not that Issei really cared if they could or not.

''Thing is your already dead so what could you even do besides peep under their skirts you lecherous ghost. Besides I don't wanna waste my time on shameless girls that can't even have some self-respect for themselves, but of course you wouldn't know that now would you, you perverted teme?'' the teen mumbled under his breath so the others didn't seem him talk. It was weird enough as it is, it was the basic norm for him, but others would see it like he was talking to thin air.

Yes that's right, Hyoudou Issei for as long as he could remember had been able to see the spirits of the dearly departed.

And it hadn't helped his life really, when he was young many kids that saw him talk to thin air thought he was a freak and weird, some even bullied him as a kid, teachers thought he was doing it to just pass the time and not paying attention which resulted in a scolding. It also didn't help that every time he got really angry that he caused many strange things to happen; like for instance the grass he stood on would turn gray and completely die. If any small animals were in the area they would die, squirrels would fall out of trees while birds would fall from the sky. He didn't know what it was, but since than had done everything he could to keep his anger in check.

Yet in school it got so bad at times his parents had too transfer him too different schools a few times just to escape the chaos. He'd told his parents at a young age that he could see things they couldn't and at first they were understandably worried, but considering his 'unique' birth they figured it had to be a side effect or something.

Yes, he'd known of his birth when his parents told him about it when he was 15 year's of age and it had surprised him to a shocking degree and it made him wonder. Just how exactly had he come back from death?

Nevertheless this wasn't the only thing that made him strange, for as long as he could remember Issei had also been incredibly more fit than kids his age. He had more stamina than others, he was faster, more flexible and stronger than most his generation which his father saw and suggested for him to take up a self-defense course and his mother suggested some gymnastics. So for much of his growth he'd trained himself to be at his peak until it became something of second nature for him.

Wake up, morning exercises, eat breakfast, exercise, go to school use Gym as a means to exercise, go home in a slight jog, eat supper, exercise, take a shower then go to bed. Rinse and repeat a schedule he followed even after both his classes in Martial Arts and Gymnastics were done with. It didn't hurt to be physically fit and it passed the time for him and his somewhat abnormal lifestyle.

''Hey now I am no pervert! I just have a... healthy liking for the female body hehehehe...'' the perverted soul stated causing Issei's eyes to close in irritation. ''Sure, whatever you say and I'm guessing the fact your nose is somehow bleeding and your chuckling like a perverted old hermit doesn't mean anything.'' he mumbled before he pulled up his hand and somehow 'flicked' the spirit in the head.

And somehow it hit!

''Ow! You're mean! I bet I'll see all kinds of pleasurable women up in heaven, hehehe!'' he said as the spot Issei flicked glowed a golden circle before his soul started to fade. ''Whatever, now just go to Heaven or Hell whichever place suits you, you lecherous old goat.'' he said freeing the perverted old mans spirit from the living world and sending it to where it needs to be sent. That had been something else he had been able to do, if he was intent to send a soul and free it from its shackles he could do so.

If he was intending on it that is...

Sighing once again glanced away from his book which he soon saw his new school a few feet from him now, since his last school had proven to be even more troublesome he transferred himself to the next Academy near his house. Which had been Kuoh Academy which had at one point been a private all girls school, but recently it switched to co-ed so male students were allowed to enter. And since the academy was separate from other schools he went too he was hopeful no one would recognize him.

Things like that always resulted in fights... fights he would win mind you, but fights nonetheless.

Closing his book he pocketed it before he walked through the school gates admiring its structure with a raised eyebrow. ''Hm, looks nice...'' and it was but since it was once a Private Academy it suspected it to be on the fancier side of things. So it was with admiring the sights Issei began to walk along to the building intent to get his papers and class schedule. But as he was making his way his eyes caught sight of a large gathering of both male and female students alike, all shouting and or screaming in joy.

''Oh Rias-onee-sama looks lovely as ever today!''

''You're so beautiful Gremory-sempai!''

'Rias? Gremory? hm...' shrugging Issei continued on, but as he walked past the crowd he felt a pair of eyes absolutely boring into his back. Yet he figured it was some girl again and decided too ignore it as he went inside the building.

But it was infact the center of the crowds attention, a girl with a rather buxom figure. Long crimson red hair fell down to her thighs while one strand of hair stuck up. Her blue-green eyes were smoldering as she watched the single boy that hadn't turned too her kept walking into the academy building. An excited almost benevolent smile formed on her face as she twirled a piece of her hair as she watched the strange yet very interesting boy walk on.

'Hm, so he's the transfer student Akeno told me would be enrolling here, but who would have thought he would have such... dark aura around him. It's not evil though it's just...cold. Hm, yes very interesting, you interest me, my intriguing kouhai' the young red head thought with her smile growing just a tad more.


''Okay class before we begin, I would just like to say we are having a new student starting here today. He's just transferred so please welcome him with open arms.'' the teacher said before turning to Issei. ''Okay introduce yourself young man.''

Issei nodded to the teacher before turning to the class and immediately he received mixed looks from the class, from the girls he expected the reaction which was in the form of mass giggling, blushes, whispers that he could clearly hear, but he chose to ignore them and their hungry looks. From the boys he just felt his brow twitch in annoyance once he saw most of the boys cursing him and glaring at him with extreme hate and loathing for their being another 'pretty boy' as they called him.

He even spotted to guys in the back cursing his very existence and for the life of him he just couldn't find the urge to care nor acknowledge them for that matter. So putting up a stoic expression he spoke to the class, ''Hey, my name is Hyoudou Issei, I don't have much too say about myself besides that I am new here. I hope we can get along so, please take care of me.'' he said with a bow. The teacher seemed fine with his introduction and nodded, ''Very good Hyoudou-san, now why don't you go take a seat beside Ms. Amano-san.'' the teach said.

Raising an eyebrow he turned to see a girl with long black hair and violet eyes brimming with innocence as she raised her hand to get his attention. ''Over here Hyoudou-san!'' seeing her he nodded before going to the desk beside her. Setting his stuff down, he sat and was about to look to the front of the class until he felt someone tap him on the shoulder.

Glancing to his right he saw Yuuma looking at him with a smile, but because he was naturally bored out of his mind he never saw the slightest flinch from her shoulders when he looked her way.

'By Azazel-sama! Such a dark aura! I knew Azazel-sama said the kid naturally gave off such an aura, but this?! This is insane!'

''Hello, my name is Amano Yuuma it is a pleasure too meet you, Hyoudou Issei-kun.'' she said while reaching out with her hand and Issei seemed to eye for a good moment, And if he had been a tad sharper he would have seen the nervous sweat going down the back of her neck which was caused from her seeing his abnormally light brown eyes flash gold when he looked at her.

''….Likewise...'' he said clasping her small hand in his own and for a moment Issei swear he felt a strange energy from the girl, but instantly shrugged it off. He then turned his attention back to the front while Yuuma seemed to hold her hand underneath her desk. Smile in place, but inwardly the girl was having a near mental breakdown.

' near him is terrifying enough, but simply touching?! I swear I felt my very soul start screaming! W-what is this guy? I-is he even human?!' the girl thought in panic. Her hand almost felt numb as if she had touched something so cold it numbed all nerves in her hand. Clenching her hand a few time, Yuuma glanced discreetly at the Hyoudou boy and a small frown began to appear.

'So he's the guy Azazel-sama said to watch over...but Kokabiel-sama said to kill him the next chance I get...and I can't defy Kokabiel...he'll kill me without hesitation!' distraught with what to do the girl placed her face in her hands unaware that Issei saw her slight stare and he frowned.

''Oi, you alright?'' he spoke causing Yuuma to flinch before she looked to see Issei gazing at her with a slight concerned expression. For a moment Yuuma thought she would have felt that dark cold aura again, but his eyes just showed concern for her so she just eased up a bit. Letting her cheeks grow a tad pink she showed a small smile towards the Hyoudou.

''Y-yeah I''m don't worry about me, Hyoudou-kun.'' she said causing him to scowl which made her feel nervousness rise up since she thought to have angered him. Yet he just turned away and spoke with his gaze to the forefront.

''Alright if you say so, but just call me Issei I am not one for formalities...'' he said which made her blink before nodding her head.

''V-very well, I-Issei-kun?'' she questioned which made him nod, ''Better than before, Yuuma-san...'' he said and with that the two began listening to the teacher and let time pass by.

It wasn't until School had ended that Issei was beginning to leave the School building and he ignored the stares and looks he got from the other students. Some more than others he thought were staring a tad too deeply at him which had been what happened at Lunch.

'I swear it felt like that girls eyes were boring straight through me or something.' the Hyoudou thought to himself remembering the sight of the girl who he caught staring at him from across the hall. He didn't get a good description of her besides her violet eyes, black hair and red glasses. The stare down didn't last before the girl walked away leaving him behind with a confused frown.

''Doesn't matter I guess, as long as I don't make enemies here than I should be good.'' he said, but inwardly he just knew somehow or someway he would make enemies. That's how it always was since he was young. Whether it be with his fellow students or with teachers he just couldn't get along with any of them. So deep in his thoughts he never heard the shouts of his name.

''…sei-kun?...Issei-kun? Wait!'' the Hyoudou stopped and turned to see to his surprise, Amano Yuuma behind him with a cheerful expression in place. Tilting his head Issei spoke, ''Yuuma? What is it?'' The cheerful girl seemed to lean side too side with an ever cheerful expression.

''I was just wondering umm... I know this is our first day meeting but... can we be friends?'' shyly spoken Yuuma seemed embarrassed by asking him this. But for Issei, having friends was something akin to be impossible for him since everyone was either afraid of him or thought him as some sort of freak or weirdo. Girls mostly saw him as eye candy, but when they got too know him they would give him the cold shoulder just like everyone else. It's why he only had one true friend which made her all the more precious.

Maybe it was his paranoid nature or something, but his gaze turned cold and emotionless as he gazed back down at Yuuma who once again under that abnormal gaze. Those brown orbs somehow flickered to a cold gold made her nearly quiver in her shoes. He was sure Yuuma had felt his dark aura the moment she shook his hand and yet she was still wanting to be friends when in other cases people would run away with fearful eyes.

So yeah he was just a tad suspicious...

After a moment or two though he just shrugged, ''I guess... I was heading to get something too eat you're welcome too join me if you want.'' he said making Yuuma's smile grow, ''I would love too.'' and thus the two walked side by side leaving the academy grounds. Yet as they left Issei couldn't shake the feeling of being stared at, but had no idea as too where or why. The same feeling he'd felt the moment he entered his new Academy.

And he was right...

Standing atop the Academy building three females stood watching Issei leave the Academy, one being Rias Gremory herself. The second was a buxom young woman who was around the same age as Rias. She had long black hair which was tied with a orange ribbon and in a ponytail that went down to her legs and violet eyes that seem to twinkle in amusement and the slight bit of mischief. Like Rias and the other girl she wore the Academy female uniform along with knee-high black socks.

The other female was a petite girl around the same height as Rias, she had a milky white complexion with black hair which was styled in a bob cut. Her violet eyes covered with red framed glasses were narrowed as she watched Issei and Yuuma leave the gates, an ever permanent expression of study and the smallest bit of interest.

''So what do you think, Akeno, Sona? An interesting man he is, that Hyoudou Issei?'' Rias said causing her fellow buxom haired friend and Queen to smile even bigger as she leaned her face onto her hand.

''Arara I must agree Buchou, our little kouhai is a very intriguing man he's got such a dark and sinister aura coming off him. Mmm~ It's giving me goosebumps. Fufufu~'' she giggled while Sona just closed her eyes and pushed up her glasses.

''I will agree that he has earned my attention, never have I felt such a dark aura in all my life. I've not felt something that... cold in all my years not even Onee-sama's presence had ever given off something so frigid. And I believe, Hyoudou-san doesn't even know just how dense his aura is and how far it reaches. But I have seen that he is quite aware of the stares he receives, but chooses to ignore them. Which leads me too believe that he's used too it... hm.'' the Student Council President hummed in thought as Rias just smiled.

''Indeed, and it would seem the others have sensed it too, Azazel already has his Fallen Angels watching him which is the case for that Yuuma girl. But I do find some amusement that while she tries too hide it, the fallen angel is completely terrified of our Kouhai.'' Rias commented causing Akeno to giggle while Sona just sighed.

''It's too be expected the first time I felt this aura I felt as if I had a sword pressed at my throat and the slightest movement would cause it to slit my throat. It's just pure deadly and yet I'm amazed the boy has such control too keep it check. The Fallen Angel that's with him is the closest anyone's got to him such she must be feeling the full effects of it unlike us. There is no telling what it's like...'' Sona drifted off with Rias and Akeno agreeing with her on that statement.

It took her some effort to calm the rest of her peerage down when they too felt the aura enter the Academy grounds, and poor Koneko had been hit by it the worst due thanks to her being sensitive to the Chakra or Life-force of everything around her. The poor Nekoshou had burst into a fit of cries and whimpers while mumbling something about all the life around them was screaming at her that someone...or something was killing it and sucking all life from the nature and the earth.

Poor girl had to be put too sleep by a spell Rias used so she could calm her down and lay her too rest.

''Anyways Rias, I'll be having my peerage on guard in case anything happens, and should it come to a worst case scenario I'll contact my sister and see if she can do anything about it. You on the other hand should remain careful...but considering its you...than you'll jump head first just to learn more about this boy.'' she said knowing more about her childhood friend than most. And her assumption was proven correct when she saw Rias just give a hum while meeting her gaze.

That's all she needed before walking away, she needed to warn her peerage and prepare them for anything, whatever this boy had. Whatever Sacred Gear he possessed had to be immensely strong if it was already leaking such an aura off the boy.

Once Sona was gone Akeno turned to her King, ''So what do you suggest, Buchou?'' she asked making Rias think about it. Issei was clearly different from the other boys who fawned over beautiful women or the perverts she's seen hanging around the Academy. He cared more for his academic studies then lusting after the opposite sex. Which she found endearing about him since it was rare to find males in this school that acted that way.

Thinking about it for a minute Rias gave a sigh before looking to Akeno, ''I'll watch over him for the time being, Akeno I want you too help Kiba take care of Koneko until she's recovered from her incident. I'm sure she'll be very shaken, but help her ease into this aura. I on the other hand we'll keep my eye on our little Kouhai I can't trust that Fallen Angel to abide by Azazel's orders whatever they may be, but he would not order the death of a human for his or her Sacred Gear, but as I said I don't trust that Fallen Angel.''

''Hm hai Buchou consider it done, but don't let anything happen to our cute little Kouhai.'' her face broke into a teasing smile which Rias just gave a small amused one in kind. ''Oh don't worry, for some reason I think he won't go down without a fight.''

Call it intuition, but that's how she felt when she looked at Hyoudou Issei...

'After all someone who gives such a dark aura that it unnerves even us High Class Devils will most definitely fight too their last.'

Thing was she, Akeno, Sona would be prepared for what would come next, no one will be ready for whats to come. No one will be safe and no one will be able to escape it. The dark encroaching grip that ends life, snatches it away with the simplest of effort. The Lord of Death, The Reaper of Souls, The Shinigami by all aspects...

Will be born...very soon...

And that ends this prologue, just something to get my mind off this so I could focus on True Dragon of Dragons. Although I may come back too this later on.

The Main Pairing has been decided for now, but it will probably be a harem, but as of now it will be this: Issei x Ophis

Anyway that's all hopefully I can get back to work on True Dragon of Dragons soon.
