Chyna: Sorry for the late update but hopefully the quality of this drabble should be worth it :D It's based off an idea endeavor-NeverEnding suggested. They said:

"For another drabble how about either Shark or Yumi catch a cold and the one who didn't goes to to see how their doing."

So enjoy this drabble and keeping sending in those ideas. I should update a major story soon so watch out for that and I hope you enjoy this ^^ I also can't believe Zexal is officially finished, I was sorta expecting it to end like that but I can't believe it still happened!

"I need another tissue," Shark grumbled as he rubbed his already tomato coloured nose.

It turned out that Shark had somehow caught a cold, leaving poor Rio alone to look after him. I didn't understand why she sounded so annoyed on the phone, I mean after all, Shark was usually such an undemanding person so looking after him shouldn't be that bad. Nevertheless I decided to go round her house because when a friend is sick, you can't just abandon them.

It turned out that I was horribly wrong, you see when people get sick their personalities can radically change. Even the most independent of people can turn into vulnerable dragons who keep demanding something every five minutes. Shark was a good example because in his bedridden state, he couldn't do his daily activities and he kept blowing through an entire box of tissues in less than five minutes.

Rio was busy attacking a pot in the kitchen sink after she burnt the bottom of it, trying to make Shark some soup.

"I got this," I sighed as I grabbed a box of unopened tissues from one of the cupboards and ran to Shark's room.

I knocked on the door before walking in, the fourteen year old boy was sitting up in his bed with his arms crossed against his chest.

"Took you long enough," he complained, rubbing his nose once again.

I slammed the box on his bed in irritation, "Here's your tissues and look they have menthol in it, plus they are two ply so you know you're getting the royal treatment. Now will that be all your royal highness?" I asked in a sarcastic tone of voice because he may have been sick, but he was driving everybody insane!

Shark gave me a look and coughed into the back of his hand, "Can I have some orange juice?"

To be fair that is a reasonable request, I thought.

"Of course, how you feeling?" I ruffled the top of his hair which was already messy because he had been in bed all day.

He sunk back into his covers, "Like shit. My nose is blocked, my throat hurts, I can't stop coughing and my body hurts."

"I would apply some vapour rub to your chest but I know you have that thing about personal space." I commented.

Shark sneezed, awww it sounded so cute like a kitten.

"That was before I got sick and it sounds like a logical solution. There's some on my table, I've been inhaling it to try to unlock my nose but for some reason it's not working." I think that was Shark-talk for 'do it'.

I looked over to his desk and picked up the plastic tub, my eyes scanned it's label and I realised why it wasn't working.

"Uh Shark, you do realise this is plain petroleum jelly right? Just how sick are you," I placed the back of my hand on his forehead, he didn't feel too hot.

"I'll go ask Rio where you keep the vapour rub." I walked back to the kitchen where Rio was busy cooking a new pot of soup.

"How's Ryoga, is he still being irritable?" She was chopping a carrot.

"I think his cold is making him delirious, where do you keep the vapour rub? It'll help to unblock his nose and make him feel better." I commented before I took a glass and got some water from the kitchen tap.

"There should be a tub in the kitchen cabinet, have a look and I should be done with the soup in thirty minutes or so. Hopefully it won't burn this time," she almost laughed at her sentence.

"Well to be fair, you did take your eyes off it to watch TV for a while." I said, taking a sip from my glass. "So just pay attention this time."

The pink eyed girl momentarily stopped cutting, "What did you just say?"

I could feel the hairs on the back of my neck rise, "U-u-uh, I'll go get that know."

I ran out of the room before Rio could murder me, I probably shouldn't have said that but it was a simple mistake that anybody could have made.

After stumbling around the rooms of the house, I finally found the bathroom and the vapour rub.

Jackpot, I squealed and snatched the blue tub off its shelf.

I went back to Shark's room, except the poor boy had finally passed out. Shark looked so strange, all defenceless and exhausted but at least he was no longer barking out orders. With one final glance, I closed his bedroom door as quietly as possible.