Hi guys! Third chapter! This is going to be Percy's accidents in school. Don't forget to review!
No one's POV
"Ok so what do you want to know?" Asked Percy. The demigods and the Olympians were sitting on sofa's. On the first sofa was Percy, Annabeth, Thalia, Nico and Will. On the second was Katie, Travis, Clarrisse and Chris. And the third was Leo, Hazel, Frank and Connor. Aphrodite, Ares, Athena and Hephestus were sitting on the fourth. Poseidon, Hades, Artemis and Apollo on the fith. And last but not least Zeus, Hera, Hermes and Demeter.
"All of your: hopefully embarrassing accidents IN HISTORY!" Exclaimed Thalia.
"Hmmm" Percy was rcking his brain, trying to pluck out a story.
"Hurry up!" Shouted The stolls.
"Give me a minute! I'm trying to remember!" Said Percy.
"How could you not remember your famous accidents?" Asked Nico. Percy didnt reply because he was too busy trying to remember.
"OH! I remember now! Okay so in 3rd grade we went to the petting zoo. And we were in the Lion enclosure-" Started percy.
"Oh I know where this is going" Said Annabeth, wide-eyed.
"Dont worry. It's not that bad wise girl. So anyway the tour guide was talking about Lion's blah blah blah. So I got bored. I saw a lever so I pulled it." Said Percy smiling.
"And?" Asked Thalia.
"Oh yeah! The lions got out." Said Percy. Everyone burst of laughing, even Athena and Hades laughed.
"Oh son..." Poseidon shook his head laughing.
"How irresponsible!" Stated Athena.
"I was is 3rd grade! No one got hurt...I think..." Said Percy.
"Okay, woooo, so any more?" Asked Apollo eagerly.
"Hmmm. Got one! So I was in 5th grade, and we had Mrs Bleacher leading the trip. And we went to this catwalk thing-" Said Percy.
"WHOA! Did you see hot chicks?" Asked Connor.
"I dunno. It was boring. Anyway Mrs Bleacher was talking to us and this photo booth kinda thing was behind her, and it had loads of metal arm things with make-up ih the hands. Soooo everyone was pushing and shoving and I got pushed into the teacher and she fell in the machine." Laughed Percy.
"What happened next?!" Questioned everyone.
"She was in their for about a hour and when she came out she looked like she got struck by lightning! She had frizzy hair sticking out and it was hilarious!" Explained Percy.
"LOL" Said Hermes.
"DAD! We told you to stop saying that!" Shouted the stolls.
"Anymore?" Asked Leo.
"Umm-" Percy got interrupted by Annabeth.
"I think that's enough for now. I mean, they were funy and all, but I dont want the stolls getting any prank ideas!" Lots of complains were heard.
"Im hungry!" Whined Leo.
"Your always hungry!" Said Jason.
"Man up! Or boy up!" Shouted Clarisse.
"Yeah I think we should get lunch" Said Poseidon. A lot of "yes's" and "YES PLEASE"'s were heard.
"Okay fine! We will go to the dining room and have lunch. Then continue with the story!" Announce Hera.
They all followed her out into the dining room, smiles on faces.
Thanks for reading! Please review! I migh do the fourth chapter in the same day, or start it!