I am so sorry for the delay! At the time I had writers block and in August I just started high school! But here is the long awaited chapter if anyone still reads this. Also I'm going to rewrite some chapters so be prepared.

Sydney's POV

1..2..3! I kicked out my leg, causing flames to shoot out. My hair was up in a high ponytail with my bangs sticking out. I had on red and yellow armor that revealed a little too much skin for my liking. A chainmail skirt rose up to my thighs, while a breast plate stopped right above my bellybutton, armor gloves covered my arms up to my elbows, and metal knee high boots protected my lower legs. I had recovered from the "incident" about 3 weeks ago, and I had changed drastically according to Rachel. I was withdrawn, and kept what happened in my coma a secret. She says I had put a wall around myself and won't let anyone in.

Whatever, I don't care.

"SYYYYDNEEEEEEY!" I winced at the voice calling to me, remembering how she had looked at me in horror in my dream…

My monologue was interrupted by the said voice running into me, and tackling me into a large bear hug. Kelly looked at me with her multi-colored eyes clearly silently begging. I had found out that despite her age, she has a very childlike personality. It's honestly refreshing. Hang on, where's the stick-in-the-a-


There you are.

Brandon walked over with large bags in his arms, obviously both of them where in the Shopping District. His golden hair swayed as he attempted to do some odd run/waddle thing towards us. Said Sorcerer screeched and picked me up hurriedly.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled angrily.

"Brandons' mean! He won't hurt me if I run with a person!" With that, she sprinted away with me slung over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, also while Brandon yelled angrily at her, while I screamed in terror at the speed she was going. Jesus Christ girl, are you hyped up on sugar?!

Still screaming, we passed several citizens all giving us odd looks but saying nothing. After a while of running, she finally seemed to have tired down and set me on the ground gently. As soon as my feet touched the ground, I whirled around, releasing my fury. "Why the hell did you do that?!"

"To get you back to normal" she stated, surprisingly mature.

"What? I am nor-"

"No you're not Fireyes!" she snapped, "God, sense you woke up, you've barely even had a conversation with us!" she grabbed her pigtails and pulled at them, her eyes flashing angrily, "Do you know how worried we are?! Yes we barely know you and Rachel, but your part of the School Guardians! You're our family now, and families stick together!"

"Kelly" I stated calmly, struggling to keep my anger under control, focusing on only two words, "What are the School Guardians?"

She paled, clearly not purposely saying that, "Th-that's not the poi-"

"What are they?!" I roared, feeling something in my chest desperately needing to know.

Her eyes clouded over, "You will soon find out….. Guardian of Flame." All of a sudden, her personality switched back to normal, "C'mon, let's fight some Lost Souls and let off some steam." She stated, giving a bright smile.

It's clear, I'm not the only one with secrets

Scurvy's POV

I flipped through the book boringly, my eyes growing heavy with fatigue.

No, stay awake, or the nightmares will be back.

The nightmares of Krokotopia, the nightmares of a whip-

No Scurvy, stop

I sighed, and grabbed another book, one that told of an ancient legend.

The History of the Guardian's

Every 300 years, 7 children are born with immense power, one for each School of Magic. They must protect the Spiral from threats, but must be cautious, for if one is manipulated, or destroyed that school will fall. There was once 10 Schools of Magic. Balance, Myth, Life, Death, Storm, Fire, Ice, Light, Shadow, and Chaos. Shadow was the first to fall, its Guardian giving into the lust it felt for another. But this School is not completely extinct.

Chaos was the next, its Guardian brainwashed into greed for gold. The Guardian destroyed several worlds on their quest, and was soon fallen by the other Guardians.

Light was the last. This Guardian was sadly killed as a young baby, causing this school to go into chaos. These Guardian's names will not be mentioned, for their families are forever shamed by society for their ancestor's failures.

I closed the book with a thud it echoing loudly in the library.