I'm a dick, I know. I'm sorry. I really appreciate all the positive feedback and I can't promise quicker updates but I do feel bad for making you wait nearly a year for one. I can't really pinpoint one reason why I haven't updated in so long, but I'll just say it has been a pretty hectic nearly a year.

I also realise that in another triple treble story, Claddagh rings were used but I promise I didn't copy from that. I hadn't even read the story until the other week, but I feel like that because there's many interpretations of the meaning behind the ring it would be fine? Yeah? Yeah. This chapter contains mention of self-harm, angst and contains bestfriendship at its finest.

Disclaimer: I own nothing besides the people and places conjured up by my imagination.

"So, you want a tattoo of a ring?" Johnny asks cautiously, getting his sketchbook out.

"Maybe we could just get the design?" I suggest, my gaze fixed on the two women before me. Aubrey and Chloe exchange glances beofre moving over to me, forming a small group huddle.

"Thoughts?" I ask.

"I don't think getting a tattoo of the full ring is very appealing, so the design does make sense." Chloe smiles sheepishly from my right.

" I tend to agree, not certain how great that would look." Aubrey grimaces from my left.

"Break," Chloe yells before we all turn around in unison, Chloe obviously being the most bold of the group walks over to Johnny.

"J, we agreed the design would look better than the actual ring, can we get that done?" Chloe asks leaning against the counter next to the large man.

"Sounds good to me Red," Johnny smiles, walking over to his computer to look up the design. Aubrey and I make our way over to some seats, while Chloe helps Johnny look for the perfect design.

"So Beca-" Aubrey starts, turning to me. "-on a scale of one to ten how would you rate this day?"

"Depends what the category is," I smile turning to face her.

"Stickler for rules are you Mitchell?" She smirks, nudging me slightly.

"Always, Miss Posen." I smirk in response, doing a little bow in my seat whilst removing my imaginary top hat and dipping it towards her.

"You're such a dork," she laughs, green eyes dancing playfully. "Okay,-" she continues, "-say the category is crazy."

"It's close, but not quite the craziest day I've ever had. I'll give you a nine," I smirk lightly. She laughs casually before raising a hand to her heart in mock hurt and lowering it only moments later.

"Well damn Beca, sure know how to make a girl feel special." She teases.

"Well,-" she begins "-what is the craziest day of your life then?"

"All in good time Miss Posen, can't reveal all of my stories just yet. I will say that it involved a five year old's birthday party, a clown, a runaway alligator and a magician." I smile at the look of disbelief that flashes in her eyes.

"Oh come on Beca, please?" She whines, pulling at my hand like a child.

"Get a couple of beers in me, then I'll let you know." I smirk in response. My eyes catching Chloe's as she waves us over. I get up myself before offering a hand to the blonde who reluctantly accepts it before fixing me with a playful glare and a look that screams that she has taken that as a challenge.

We move over to the joyful red head and the bulky man, sliding behind them to look at the design they had come up with.

"It's fantastic," I smile warmly at the two.

"Agreed," Aubrey choruses from my side.

"Alright then, where do you guys want it?" Johnny asks turning towards us.

"What about behind the ear?" Aubrey asks, breifly checking behind Beca's ear for any other tattoos.

"Perfect, it's probably better for our career choices anyway." Chloe smiles, as they both turn to look at me.

"Are you sure you both want to do this?" I ask one more time. Chloe walk over to me and wraps me up in a tight hug.

"Of course Beca," she breathes into my ear, before releasing me.

"I wouldn't want anything more," Aubrey smiles reassuringly as she reaches for my hand and squeezes it.

"Okay then, behind the ear it is." I turn to Johnny smiling.

"Awesome-," he agrees "-whose up first?" I all but run forward, pulling my braid out and putting my hair up in a ponytail as I go.

"I'll go first," I smile. Johnny laughs at me before gesturing to one of the tattoo seats.

"Okay, lay down with your back facing up and turn your head to the left." He instructs me as he goes to get his equipment.

"Are you excited Becs?" Chloe asks, sitting in the seat in front of me.

"Definitely," I reply genuinely.

"Are you nervous at all?" Aubrey asks as she walks over to us. I look up at her to see she is playing with a bracelet subconsciously.

"I'm not, but you seem to be." I reply giving her a caring smile. She looks at me confused for a second and I gesture down at her bracelet.

"It's just a thing I do, keeps the nerves at bay." She smiles sheepishly at me.

"Aubrey, look at me." I request as I catch her eyes.

"Don't play with it," I say. She looks at me as if I couldn't understand that she needs it but honestly I coudn't understand more.

"When I was younger I used to cut my arms," I begin before she can argue, "There are two reactions- disgust and sympathy- but never understanding, people always tried to fix the problem with all these alternative distraction methods but they didn't solve the problem; they just distracted me from it. What helped me stop was a safe environment, people who care and to face it head on. Of course I fucked up a few times, but you can't get over a fear or a problem unless you face it, no distractions; just you and it. Chloe and I will be right here if you need a hand to hold or someone to talk to, we're not going anywhere and I promise everything will be great." I look at her meaningfully as if to say it's all going to be okay.

"What Beca said," Chloe chimes in as she grabs the blonde's hands between her own and brings them to her lips, peppering small kisses all over the girl's knuckles.

"If this doesn't work, you have to tell me the story whilst I get it done. Deal?" Aubrey replies.

"Deal." I answer.

"Wait-" Chloe interrupts "-what story?"

That's it for now, please don't hate me. What did you think?

This is the link for the tatto design: . /search?sa=G&q=claddagh+trinity+knot+tattoo&tbm=isch&tbs=simg:CAQSigEahwELEKjU2AQaAggDDAsQsIynCBpgCl4IAxIohwXkGZ8P5RnpEYMR2g_1vEbMEsBHGINckviDiLNkkmCSZJLIg6y2tJBow9YZFHjvZLOQkkJ61V5-qv7epuCLORUwzSrpLI-Dvi9ItBwVo_1Wzv2MH1JKN-keENDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIE8sJmTAw&ei=MzGXVbn7EsHGogSmxYLoBQ&ved=0CBkQwg4oAA&biw=1366&bih=657