So sorry it's been forever since an update. Life got away from me as it tends to do on occasion. Anyway, wanted to get the last bit out for this one and start updating the others. :)
Six months had passed since a game of chess had brought Rose Tyler into Sherlock's life and during that time the lie he told his mother about her being his girlfriend was no longer a lie. She went on cases with him, sometimes with John, sometimes it was just the two of them, and sometimes she stayed behind, leaving him and John to solve them because she knew they needed that.
Their evenings were usually spent on the sofa watching crap telly. Although his life hadn't drastically changed on the outside he had changed on the inside. That itch that was always present, but could be overridden by a case wasn't there when she was near him. She was the light that banished his darkness.
There were dinners with John and Mary, a few with his parents and she somehow managed to make even those not so dreadful. Mycroft still came round occasionally, but he knew that had to do with both his mother and Rose. He would've been happy without his brother's presence, something he pointed out, but for some reason she didn't believe. Lestrade and Molly visited more often because Rose had a way of drawing people to her and she even managed to set Molly up with someone who was neither a psychopath nor homeless. Kevin was his name. He made sure to remember because that was one of the things she did. She always remembered their names.
She told him her story. A mad impossible story. From the day she took the hand of a man who wasn't merely a man in the basement of a department store to the day her new universe collapsed. As he sat down next to her, wrapping his arm around her after she leaned her head back against his shoulder he glanced at her and couldn't help feeling like the luckiest man in the universe because he had the most mad, impossible woman any universe would ever see and she had him.
Standard Disclaimer.
Thank you to all my brilliant readers!
Reviews are always welcome. :)