Hey everybody! Sorry if I surprised any of you by posting another chapter, but I just wanted to tell you all that I've finally written and posted the prologue to the sequel!

*waits for applause*

It's called 'Many Forms of Sacrifice,' and I'm sure you can find it easily in my story library or something. It's sort of going to be very different from this fanfic, so let me point out a few things about it before you go looking for it.

First of all, it's a lot more action-y and movie-like than the first one. For those of you that prefer things with more emotional depth and feelings (such as myself) please stick with me! It might take a few chapters, but I wrote my first outline ever for this fanfic and I actually have some very dark scenes coming up that I think you'll all like. It's not as cheesy as the description makes it sound.

Secondly, it's not so much a sequel to this fanfic as it is to just 'Frozen' in general. I don't know why I planned it that way, but it's just how it turned out. I hope this doesn't disappoint any of you, but I personally feel that this chapter of Elsa's life is over for her, so I'm only going to have small references towards her past. I didn't even write 'sequel' in the description because I wanted more people to click on it.

Last of all, I've been having a very busy summer lately, so my updating might not be as clean as it was for my first fanfic (or at least the begging of my first fanfic, I sort of got lazy near the end). I'm currently working on writing two novels, both which I'm very excited about, so for all the time I'm not doing anything, I'm mostly working on those. I will try to squeeze in the sequel when I can, though, so hopefully things shouldn't be too bad.

Well, that's pretty much it. I really do hope you enjoy my sequel, and I can't wait for your feedback. Just as a warning, though, the prologue to the story is kind of lame, but I couldn't think of any way to make it better XD. See you guys later!