Hi guys! Thanks for sticking with me this whole time; here is the last bit of Save me from the Cold. Hope you enjoy!

Epilogue: Elsa

Life from then on was a hassle, but it was as happy as could be. I was so done with the whole "conceal don't feel" thing… Jack and Anna both did a pretty thorough job of showing me or, rather, letting me experience how awful life was like that.

I went back to being just normal me; Astrid and I had our normal heart-to-hearts like we used to, her as protective as ever. Flynn and Hiccup were just… well… Flynn and Hiccup, I guess, sweet and gentle yet at the same time strangely bold and powerful (all of this applying to both of them individually.)

I was back to music and writing songs; I even recorded "Let it Go" with a cool mike that Anna had bought me last year, and I made sure to do my own orchestration with my synth and garage band. I scribed down an orchestral arrangement too, just in case I ever needed it. I showed it to the crew one night at the barnhouse and they were so amazingly supportive; Jack and Merida even asked for a copy, and I gladly gave them one. I saw some questionably sarcastic glances between Hiccup, Merida, and Jack. I had made a mental note to remember that if something strange was to happen soon.

I was back to my frequent speeches in student council, and what more could I ask for than a completely successful prom? As leader of the arts board, a lot of it was on me to come up with decorations, furnishings, format, and most important, theme. Thank God Wintervale only had one prom for both juniors and seniors, or else my hair would've gone completely white, though granted my hair is just about that shade of whitish-blonde.

The theme had been unanimously voted as disney; our generation was one that grew up with all of those movies and the adorable mickey mouse, and we wanted to treasure it. Of course, Jack had to throw a few surprises at me; what was the fun in a completely smooth, bump-free night?

Everything was all set in motion, and we knew that the past few weeks of stress and chaos had been worth it. The rest of council and I had just finished decorating the gym; there was a huge cut-out of the Disney castle at the entrance that acted sort of like a walking in entrance; we then had mickey and minnie mouse caps stacked in neat piles throughout the space so that people could grab them at their will.

The plan was for couples to walk in through the gate then follow the blue river-painted carpet (courtesy of Rapunzel) to proceed to get to the real party which was inside of the gym. Then, they would get their photo taken at the wall right by the door with a fire-works wallpaper, very Disney-oriented.

For snacks we (after Flynn's hours of begging) decided to actually have mickey-shaped chicken nuggets with, of course, fruit punch and brownies and other foods; I doubt there was going to be anyone who genuinely didn't want to eat anything that was there.

After a two-hour long decorating session, it was time to head home and get ready. The crew had decided that the girls all get ready together for the sake of a group picture and an opportunity to save the memories. Merida was, awkwardly, going stag, but she didn't mind; she is a strong female with or without a guy.

Flynn was taking Rap, Hiccup and Astrid were officially the sweetest thing ever, and Jack had made the biggest effort to ask me. Nothing fancy, you know, if you call a legitimate little dalmatian at the end of a two-hour long scavenger hunt nothing. We named the plush Olaf; I'd always wanted a pet named Olaf.

While dress shopping seemed like the greatest disaster ever, I'd say we were pretty prepared; Astrid knew she wanted something purple. Strange, at first, but after some thought, we realized it wasn't really strange at all, since the actual dress she picked was a beautiful, rich yet subdued shade of maroon.

Rap was all for the pink; she practically dove into the pink section for the dresses. She found something fitting, though, and pitied me into agreeing to braid flowers into her hair.

Merida wasn't much of a formal dress girl, but she found a nice dark green gown that looked really nice with her wild red hair that she blatantly refused to tie up.

I, on the other hand, spent most of the time helping my friends. At Astrid's begging me to join the fun, I strode over to the blue section, just nonchalantly allowing my gaze to breeze over the hilariously tacky gowns.

Then something caught my eye; it was a light teal blue gown with rectangular sequins on the bodice of it, and the bottom was a flowy-teal skirt that looked like a waterfall with a knee-length slit on the right side.

Merida caught me gazing at the dress and practically tore it from the rack and into the dressing room, forcing me to go put it on. It was absolutely the most perfect picture ever.

Getting ready was amazing; as promised, I braided flowers into Rap's hair. I braided my own, letting it hang over my left shoulder with a few snowflake pins to hold everything in place. The excitement and uncharacteristic giddiness that I felt was almost alarming, but it calmed me to see that Astrid was just as panicked as me.

The guys arrived pretty soon, and I have to say, they clean up amazingly. The three of them showed up at the door, tuxes, corsages and all.

Jack somehow knew that I was going to wear blue; as a matter a fact, all of them knew exactly what we were wearing; I guess it's pretty easy to guess, though, considering they knew us so well. My corsage even had little snowflake embellishments on them.

What could I say? I wasn't expecting the night to go the way that it did at all. Aside from the not-so-surprising fact that Astrid and Hiccup won prom king and queen (because let's face it, they were the most adorable couple ever,) I honestly wasn't sure what my expectations had been at all.

But I do remember that when my favorite song ever started to play, Jack dragged me onto the middle of the dance floor, against my will, of course. Since the theme was Disney, most of our song choices were from Disney movies. The song Life is a Highway started playing, and I found it particularly amusing that Jack seemed to brighten up upon hearing it, because I didn't think he'd remembered it. But upon seeing his devious grin, I knew that he was thinking about the time the two of us went to see Cars alone in the theater when we were only nine years old, spending $20 on popcorn and candy.

While on the dance floor, I wasn't sure if I was just flabberghasted by Jack's insanely good dancing or just by the excitement radiating around me. But whatever it was, it did the job, seeing that I, Elsa Arendelle, highly self-conscious, was dancing in a public area.

But what happened next was most unexpected. Turning towards the DJ to clap, I didn't expect Jack to suddenly just disappear like that. But he did, and before I could find him, the gym went silent.

Everyone faced the stage. And lo and behold, Jack stood in front of everyone. But he had company. Sitting with a guitar was Rap, and Mr. Sebastian, our orchestra director, headed a group of six or seven students I had merely seen in the halls a few times, holding violins and cellos. Then, behind Rap, stood the seven sisters that everyone knew about because they had their own a capella group that was viral all over youtube. It appeared that the Triton sisters were backing up Rap on some song, although she hadn't told me about it which was uncharacteristic and strange.

Then, Jack took the mike.

"Hi everyone!" he chimed, voice radiating innocence but tone dripping with a devious mood. "I hope you all are enjoying the night so far. Anyways, I have a special announcement to make. A few weeks back, I found a stack of paper somewhere, and there was a great deal of music written on it."

My eyes widened; it couldn't be.

"I went and showed it to Mr. Sebastian, seeing that, well, I can't read music, and he said it was one of the 'betta tings dat he 'ad seen in 'is life,'" Jack said in a poor Jamaican accent, imitating our kind-hearted, playful orchestra director. "Anyways, even though the paper was anonymous, I have a good guess as to who wrote it. So, why don't we welcome her to the stage tonight for her debut performance with her beautiful original?"

Some kids whooped and clapped while others waited earnestly for the great reveal. I hoped that they would still be as eager once they found out who it was.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for Elsa Arendelle, our very own head of the arts board!" said Jack, making a grand gesture with his arm.

Contrary to my belief, the crowd went wild, beckoning me to join Jack to the stage with loud and appreciative welcome. My legs seemed to move on their own, going up to the stage without a second thought, taking the mike from Jack.

I smiled slightly and remembered the public speaking tips my mother used to give me when I told her I wanted to be a queen, not a princess. "Hi everyone," I began awkwardly. "Well, you heard Jack, so without further ado, I give you 'Let it Go.'"

As Mr. Sebastian cued the music to began, I closed my eyes and silently dedicated this song to everyone who had ever told me to be myself and just let go of all my fears. I poured my heart and soul into the words that I sang, never opening my eyes once, just letting the music take me through.

I didn't open my eyes until I heard the loudest, most ear-splitting cheer I had ever heard; the entire student body was clapping, and I was strangely pleased to see even Stacy and Gigi resentfully applauding in the corner.

I then heard a shrill whistle and turned to my left to see Jack, the only person I knew who could do that, who crushed me into his arms and kissed my in front of everyone, a gentle kiss that expressed love and utmost fondness.

The night whizzed by so fast; it was all so perfect, more perfect than any fairy tale, despite the enthusiastic, hyper surrounding and so, so many stolen kisses, thanks to Jack's determination to never leave my side ever again.

Though we were ending the school year soon, there wasn't really that much to be disappointed about; Hiccup, genius of a guy and valedictorian, got into MIT and was going to be attending their undergraduate program this fall for engineering.

Astrid was following and being nearby; she was going to go study at Boston College, most likely going into veterinary school afterwards.

Flynn was going to stick around seeing he had no direct family, and after Rap finished highschool they were going to move to some exotically artsy place, sane enough for Flynn not to be driven crazy.

Jack, on the other hand, finalized his plans to stay behind and get a part-time job to support his family. It was most likely going to be coaching the youth hockey teams of Wintervale Rink.

Everything seemed to be so perfect, and though I knew that there would eventually come more struggles and problems, I knew that I still had people who loved me, dead or alive. Mike and Mellie were willing to care for Anna and me one more year before I became a legal guardian; then, they were going to travel the world and build a house on the side of a large, beautiful waterfall that I had only seen photographs of. They were strange people; eccentric, really, but normal enough to have the desire to spend the rest of their lives in a place that they could call paradise.

Anna had gotten her heart broken this year a bit after she came back; that boy, Hans, who was the younger brother of Stacy and Gigi's goons, had dated her just to get close to me and, more specifically, Jack, wanting eventually to have a voice on his side when he planned on being president of the student body. But, fortunately, after having broken Anna's heart, Jack, I, and the rest of the crew made sure the boy was put in his place.

And most importantly, Jack had come to my aid and had saved me from the dark and cold that awaited me after my frighteningly unhealthy withdrawal. He was my hero, cliche as that sounded. He had rescued me from the frigid iciness of solitude and brought my old self back, a self that wasn't afraid to show people who she was, a girl who was willing to let go of all of her fears and chase love instead of self-preservation.

I was through with concealing all of my emotions, since after what seemed like decades of Jack trying to convince me, I came to my senses and realized that I had so much more to offer; more ideas, smarter ways to do things.

So no, nothing was ever going to be perfect. Gosh, we had infinity to travel before we got there. But we had love, which was as close as we would ever get.

She was quiet. But now, everyone knows her. Says hi to her. Compliments her. Reading, drawing, writing music, accepted.

He is outgoing. Everyone sees, knows him. But he only has eyes for one girl.

She is head of the arts board, one of the two boards under the president. She's a great leader, formerly overlooked. But they all respect her for the great things that she's given, and she couldn't have asked for more or better support.

He is the president of the student body. He's a leader, though he listens to others and others care about him. He cares about others, too.

She's unique, original. No one has ever seen anything like it.

He's an amazing star.

And he loves her. She knows that.

She loves him too. And he knows that.

He fixed her once and for all.

But it only took a little bit of love.


I really just want to thank everyone who's read/reviewed/followed/favorited this story; it means so so much to me and I couldn't be more grateful to you all. :)

Just wanted to let you guys know that I do take requests and prompts if you have any for any fandom that you want; I'll write the ones that I know or I think I can.

Alright, well, thanks so much. You know the drill; anything at all to say? Review ;)

For the last time,
