-Reader's Pov-
You were a maid of the Phantomhive Manor. One big problem about your
job. You were in love with the young Master's butler, Sebastian!
Every time he came around you would stumble or break something. But surprisingly, Sebastian just smiled and helped you fix the mess you made. If it had been any of the other servants he would have scolded them. The other servants were very clumsy, much more than you.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a tap on your shoulder. You jumped and turned to find a smiling Sebastian.
"_, I need to talk to you when you are done with your chores. Please meet me in the gardens when you finish." a blush spread across your cheeks as you nodded in agreement.
'Sebastian has never used my name before.' you quickly continued with your chores. Through out the day you bumped into Sebastian a few more times. But when he entered a room and saw you he would turn and leave, finding an excuse as to why he was needed else where.
'Did I do something wrong?' you asked yourself. Trying to shrug off the thought you finished making dinner for Ciel Phantomhive, the young Master. Heading out the door you set down the plaits as Ciel started to reach for food. He waved his hand in the air, telling you to leave.. Bowing, you retreated into the hallway, closing the door behind you.
You felt hands lace themselves around your waist and you quickly looked to see Sebastian, a smile on his face as usual.
"What are you doing?!" You asked him. His smile widened and he nuzzled your neck.
"I was becoming impatient, you have so much work." Shivers spread out through your body as you couldn't help but lean into the chest that was provided to you. When you got control you wiggled to face him, his arms still wrapped around you.
"Impatient for what?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. Sebastian leaned forward and playfully bit your bottom lip, causing you to freeze in your place.
"I love you _. I see the way you act around me, you feel the same way." a blush crept over your cheeks and you tried to play dumb. Crossing your arms and closing your eyes your tried to keep the smile off your face.
"I have no clue what you're talking about." You felt kisses being trailed achingly slow from your ear down to the corner of your mouth. You felt his breath against your lips and waited.
"Do you need me to show you?" he asked you, his voice husky. You opened one eye and looked at Sebastian. His red eyes were filled with passion and love. You nodded your head and his lips crashed against yours. Taken by surprise you clutched onto his shirt, trying not to drown in the kiss.
-Sebastian's Pov-