A black and white squad car moved through the city street stopping at all the traffic signals clearly on patrol and not in pursuit. It was a bright, sunny beautiful day the sidewalks filled with people and their Pokémon as they walked onto their various tasks. Behind the wheel of the squad car was an officer in his mid 30s. He had short black hair that was neatly combed, tanned skin and brown eyes. He had a content half smile on his face as he watched the trainers and their Pokémon. The name above his badge read: Officer Ramirez His partner that rode in the passenger seat was younger, couldn't be more then 25. He had a crew cut, green eyes and four scars that ran from the side of his forehead down his cheek to his chin on his right side. His name plate said Officer Grimm and unlike his partner he wore a scowl as he glared at the Pokémon. Ramirez was a 10 year veteran of the police force, his partner was newer but wasn't a rookie since this was his second year on the force. Ramirez glanced at Grimm and the way he glared at the Pokémon and knew exactly what he was thinking about. He was about to say something when their radio squawked to life.
"Any unit, any unit we have a 415 at 1010 fifth street," The dispatcher said calmly and evenly.
"This is unit five, five," Ramirez said picking up the radio handset. "We are two minutes out responding."
"Understood," The dispatcher said. "Be advised unit five, five Papa Mikes involved." Grimm grunted as the dispatcher used the code for Pokémon. Ramirez hung the handset back on its hook as the engine increased in pitch as the car picked up speed. He didn't flip on the lights or sirens for they were so close. He turned onto fifth street and could see the disturbance right away. It was a couple of teenagers having a Pokémon battle in the middle of a vacant lot between two buildings. One Pokémon shot a jet of fire at the other missing and blackening the pavement. The other Pokémon countered by shooting some kind of bright beam at it that caused a patch of ice to form on the side of the building behind the first Pokémon. They were so involved in their battle they didn't see the squad car as it approached. However once Ramirez parked it across from them, turned on the lights and blared the siren a single time they looked over wide eyed. Their Pokémon did as well stopping with their battle to look at the police car with the flashing lights. Luckily fifth street was a side street so there was no traffic that would have to avoid the stopped car or witness the battle. Before Ramirez could do anything Grimm was already out of the car, the passenger side was facing them.
"Good afternoon," Grimm said hands on his hips his right hand resting on his pistol's grip as it sat in his holster. "Would you do me a favor and recall your Pokémon for me?" Ramirez was shocked that Grimm was being so calm and pleasant. Normally he had already drawn his pistol and was pointing it at them. It was within his rights since Pokémon could be used to injury people and had been used in crimes before. Ramirez got out of the car as well placing his brimmed cap on his head as the two young trainers recalled their Pokémon into their Pokéballs.
"How you boys doing today?" Ramirez asked folding his arms and placing them on the roof of the squad car.
"Uhm good sir," One of them side unsure as they both fidgeted nervously.
"What were you two doing?" Ramirez asked as he watched Grimm drum his fingers on his pistol's grip.
"Having a Pokémon battle," The other said sheepishly.
"You do realize that while in the city limits it is illegal to have any kind of Pokémon battle?" Ramirez asked. "Expect in designated fighting arenas at the posted times and the gym."
"No sir we did not," One said gulping. "We're new in this city."
"Yeah we just got in today for the tournament," The other added.
"Ignorance is no excuse," Ramirez said flatly. "Now I'll let you off with a warning if you promise me you two will keep your Pokémon battles to the arenas."
"We promise," The two young trainers said in unison.
"Good," Ramirez said as he got back into the car.
"If I catch you doing this again," Grimm said coldly. "Or breaking the law in any other way. I will arrest you, lock you up, give you a fine, confiscate your Pokémon, and have your licenses suspended for up to two years. You have nice day." Grimm said as he got back into the car and closed the door. Ramirez drove away turning off the lights leaving the two trainers to stare wide eyed in fear. Ramirez glanced over at Grimm again as he continued to scowl out the window, it deepened ever time his eyes saw a Pokémon. Ramirez picked up the handset and keyed it.
"This is unit five, five responding to 415 at 1010 fifth street," Ramirez said into the handset.
"Go ahead unit five, five," The dispatcher said.
"We are code 12, no arrests, no citations," Ramirez reported.
"Understood unit five, five," The dispatcher said as Ramirez hung up the handset again.
"Why do you hate Pokémon so much?" Ramirez asked as he drove glancing at his partner.
"You know why," Grimm said as he still looked out the window but subconsciously touching his scar.
"Yeah," Ramirez snorted. "But that happened once nearly two years ago."
"What are you saying? I need another reason to hate Pokémon?" Grimm demanded turning to face his partner.
"Yeah I am," Ramirez said with a short chuckle.
"What? Getting jumped once isn't enough?" Grimm demanded.
"It was for the first mouth," Ramirez explained. "You've got to move on man. If a couple of humans would have jumped you you'd distrust humans for a while but would have moved on, eventually...Unless something else happened that you haven't told me?"
"No," Grimm said quickly turning to look out the window again. "They jumped me, beat the shit out of me and left me." Ramirez eyed Grimm suspiciously, they had been partners for two years now and he could tell when he was lying. However he didn't press his partner for that was the story he had told since the night it happened and it had been the story he has stuck with.
"Relax man I was just screwing with," Ramirez said as he turned onto another street and then a quick right into a diner parking lot. He parked the car near the front and turned the engine off. "Come on let's get lunch." Ramirez said as he got out of the car followed by Grimm. "I'll buy."
"Seriously?" Grimm asked raising an eyebrow his partner was known throughout the force as the biggest tight wad ever.
"Yep," Ramirez said simply. "If you promise to explain to me why you hate Pokémon." Grimm eyed Ramirez closely but the thought of a free lunch was too tempting to pass up.
"Alright," Grimm agreed. "But you're also getting the tip."
"Don't I always?" Ramirez mocked holding the door open for his partner. Grimm walked in and looked around, the place was already starting to fill up from the lunch rush. People and Pokémon alike were seating at booths and tables either eating or waiting for their food. Grimm casted sideways glares at the Pokémon before he made his way to their usual table in the back. Ramirez sat down across from him as the waitress walked over pouring them a cup of coffee each. The two police officers frequented this diner and the waitress knew what they wanted for they never got anything else for their two years as partners. After their cups were filled she walked away leaving them to it. Ramirez poured a spoonful of cream into his coffee along with a healthy amount of sugar before stirring it. Grimm picked his cup up and started drinking it black, a habit from his previous job.
"Alright," Ramirez said putting his cup down. "Explain to me why you hate Pokémon."
"Alright first off," Grimm said setting his own cup down and pointing at Ramirez with a knife hand. "I don't hate Pokémon themselves I hate the whole Pokémon thing."
"Oh," Ramirez said arching an eyebrow. "And what is this 'whole Pokémon thing'?"
"It's really fucked up when you really think about it," Grimm explained. "What's the youngest someone can get their Pokémon license?"
"10," Ramirez said taking a drink of coffee.
"Exactly," Grimm said lightly slamming his fist on the table. "We have become a society that not only condones but practically encourages 10 year olds to leave their homes, venture out into the wilderness to capture wild animals. It used to be illegal for someone under the age of 16 to fly or ride a train by themselves. Now we're letting kids that haven't even finished high school, go stay in the woods and travel great distances to capture Pokémon. You've seen the results first hand. How many mangled bodies have we pulled from frosts or the bottom of lakes and rivers? How many have we failed to even find?"
"I don't know," Ramirez said. "Dozens?"
"Exactly dozens," Grimm said drinking some more coffee. "Dozens every year and despite that fact you still have kids that want to go on grand adventures. Then for what? To fight Pokémon with other Pokémon for fame? That's another fucked up bit. We have discovered some of the most amazing animals and creatures on this planet and what do we do? Capture them and force them to fight for our amusement. Peta is rolling in their fucking graves."
"So what you don't think people should own Pokémon?" Ramirez asked arching an eye brow. "You know who you sound like right?"
"Not like that you jackass," Grimm said rolling his eyes. "I could care less if people own Pokémon. I mean we see these amazing animals so we capture them, which is fine I don't give a fuck about that. It's just that after we started capturing them our first instinct is to pit them against each other in fights."
"They seem to enjoy it," Ramirez remarked. "The Pokémon I mean."
"Do they really?" Grimm asked. "Does a dog enjoy doing a trick or just the reward at the end for completing the trick?"
"Uhm," Ramirez said for Grimm was bringing up a lot of good points.
"Dog fights used to be illegal," Grimm explained. "They still are in fact any kind of animal fights are illegal expect Pokémon. Then Pokémon have powers that make them far deadlier than any other animals yet we not only let them fight but order them to use their powers. Then there are the matches themselves. It is still illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to gamble yet those 10 year old kids can wager on matches. How many kids have we found in the wilderness starving because they loss everything on a match?"
"A lot more then the dead," Ramirez admitted.
"What the fuck are we teaching today's youth?" Grimm asked with a single shake of his head. "That at age 10 they can go off on their own without finishing school to gamble on animal fights. Then there's the Pokémon themselves. Taken out of their natural habitat to fight other Pokémon. What happens when they get too injured to fight anymore or killed? Some are just discarded like trash and they can't go back to the wild to live on their own, not anymore."
"But Pokémon are easy to heal," Ramirez pointed out. "And the Pokémon center offers a free service and a place to stay."
"Which only adds fuel to my 'we encourage them' theory," Grimm said lightly pounding the table again. "Just think of all the time, money, tech and research that goes into Pokémon. How to heal them, how to make them stronger, faster, better. Money and time that could be spent towards cancer and other such research. There's another aspect: the crime Pokémon cause."
"Hang on now," Ramirez said holding up a hand. "There has been few very actual crimes committed by Pokémon."
"I'm talking about the crimes people committee due to Pokémon," Grimm explained. "Directly and indirectly. We were there when those guys used those...what the fuck were they?"
"Lucarios," Ramirez said.
"Yeah those, to rob that bank," Grimm said. "It wasn't the Pokémon but the humans that told them to. No but I talking about the underground trade of illegal drugs that 'enhance' your Pokémon. You know the drug what the fuck is it called...ah yes street name: 'rare candy'. It's 'guaranteed' to make Pokémon stronger but it's fucking legal. But like the name implies its rare and in very high demand. Some people want it more than others and they are willing to kill for it."
"So what there has always been a drug trade," Ramirez said.
"Yeah and there still is," Grimm said drinking more coffee. "But with the underground Pokémon drug running and fights it's just another organized crime syndicate we have to deal with. Then there's the abuse of Pokémon and the...the sexual abuse. What pisses me off the most is there is nothing we can really do."
"You do have a point," Ramirez muttered. Pokémon abuse was all too common and illegal but it was very hard to prove. Without actually catching someone in the act it was nearly impossible to prove, since any wounds and marks could be explained away by past battles. Also because most Pokémon couldn't tell their side of the story it left the only side to be heard was the abusive trainer. Even then if they are convicted they have their Pokémon taken away, license suspended(or revoked), and pay a fine. A slap on the wrist as far as Ramirez and Grimm were concerned. What was more troubling though was the increasingly growing trend of people having sexual intercourse with Pokémon.
This was something that was also a huge headache for law enforcement. While it wasn't technically illegal(yet) for a human to have sex with a Pokémon it was a huge gray area. It was illegal to force a Pokémon to have sex with a human but like the abuse it was nearly impossible to prove Pokémon rape unless they were caught in the act. And even then since most Pokémon can't talk the trainer can simple say it was consensual. It frustrated Ramirez and Grimm to no end for they had caught a few scum bags raping their Pokémon but couldn't prove it. All they could do was slap him with a fine of indecent exposure but that was all. Then there were the kids that were way too young to have sex at all and were sleeping with their Pokémon. There were even a few reported cases of Pokémon raping their trainers.
"So no I don't hate Pokémon," Grimm explained. "Well some I actually do. What I really hate is how we, as humanity, have influenced them."
"Wow that sure is-" Ramirez started but was cut off by Grimm.
"If you say 'grim outlook' I swear I'll shoot you," Grimm said crossing his arms. "Anyway do you think those Pokémon would have jumped me if they hadn't been exposed to the darker side of humanity?"
"They're still animals and could have still mauled you over," Ramirez said with a shrug.
"Yeah if I would have been in a forest," Grimm said. "No they did it like a gang...they were a gang. I should have seen it coming, I acted just like a fucking rookie."
"You were a rookie," Ramirez said finishing his coffee.
"Yeah on the civilian force," Grimm said his fist clenched in anger. "I was a MP for five years I should have seen that ambush coming. The only reason I didn't was because I was trusting. I gave her the benefit of the doubt I never would have done that if it would have been a person."
"Her?" Ramirez asked for it was the first he had heard about his attacker being a she. Grimm had never mentioned it before and he had assumed they were male. Grimm looked up sharply having looked down as he relived the memory.
"Forget about it," Grimm said with a wave of his hand. "It doesn't matter." Ramirez could tell that Grimm was uncomfortable and decided not to press anymore. In fact he decided to change the topic.
"I've got some bad news for you," Ramirez said.
"Oh?" Grimm asked finishing his own coffee.
"You've got Pokémon sitter duty tonight," Ramirez said just as the waitress come over to refill their cups and bring their plates of food.
"Ah man I hate that detail," Grimm groaned as he picked up his fork. "I hate staying up all night."
"Hey but you get tomorrow off," Ramirez said.
"Yeah but it's a Wednesday," Grimm said taking a bite of his burger. "What the fuck is there to do on a Wednesday?"
"I don't know," Ramirez admitted as he watched Grimm eat, his own food yet to be touched. "Hey Grimm I've got something else to tell you." Grimm looked up locking eyes with Ramirez still chewing a mouthful of food. Before Ramirez could speak both Grimm's and Ramirez's radios that were clipped to their belts went off.
"All units, all units," The dispatcher said speaking quickly and clearly. "211 in progress at Pokémart on Pleasant View Drive. Be advised shots fired officer needs assistants." Ramirez grabbed the radio mic that was clipped to his shoulder as Grimm continued to chew.
"This is unit five, five," Ramirez said into the handset. "We are ten minutes out responding to 211." Ramirez quickly got to his feet as his radio continued to chatter as other officer responded to the call. Grimm got to his feet as well as Ramirez pulled out his wallet flinging a couple of bills on the table to cover the meal they had yet to really eat.
"Always when we're eating," Grimm said finally swallowing his food.
"Quit griping," Ramirez said as the two police officers jogged out of the diner and got into their squad car. Ramirez started the engine as Grimm flipped on the lights and sirens as the car peeled out of the parking lot. Ramirez gunned the engine as he shrived to avoid the other cars the sirens blaring.
"How much you want to bet this is Pokémon related?" Grimm asked as he stared intently out the windshield.
"What?" Ramirez demanded as he jerked the wheel to avoid another car.
"How much do you want to beat the 211 is Pokémon related?" Grimm asked again speaking slower.
"They robbed a Pokémart," Ramirez said not taking his eyes off the road. "Probably just wanted to score some quick cash."
"How much?" Grimm repeated.
"20," Ramirez said coldly.
"I'll take that," Grimm said a cold smile on his lips.
"All unit, all units," The dispatcher said over the radio. "Be advised 211 suspect fleeing the sense on foot. Last seen heading north on Westwood Ave. Suspect is a male teenage Caucasian with black hair. Suspect is wearing blue jeans, black shirt, blue jacket, red cap and green backpack. Suspect is armed and considered to be dangerous." The dispatcher had just finished as Ramirez and Grimm's squad car was entering the intersection of Westwood Ave and Park Ave. Ramirez turned the wheel sharply turning onto Westwood Ave squealing the tries again and cutting another car off. They hadn't gotten far when Grimm shouted.
"Look there!" Grimm shouted pointing at a teenager matching the suspect's description running towards them.
"I got him," Ramirez said turning the car to cut the fleeing suspect off. The kid saw the cop car screaming towards him his eyes growing wide as he turned down a narrow alleyway. Ramirez stopped the car next to the alleyway that was too narrow to fit the vehicle down.
"No I've got him," Grimm said as he jumped out of the car and gave chase on foot running down the alleyway after the kid. "STOP POLICE!" Grimm shouted after the kid. The kid turned around saw Grimm chasing him and gaining his eyes growing wide. He turned back around and ran faster quickly approaching a chain link fence. The kid reached it and started to scramble up it landing in a heap on the other side. "I live for this shit." Grimm muttered to himself as he reached the fence as the kid was starting to get to his feet. Grimm reached the fence, jumped up grabbing the top and vaulted over landing on his feet just as the kid started running again. Grimm took after him his equipment belt rattling as he ran.
The kid looked back and saw that Grimm was much closer as they neared the end of the alley. The suspect looked forward just in time to see Ramirez pull the squad car up, sirens still blaring, blocking the alleyway. With nowhere left to go the kid turned to the right and jumped a shorter wooden fence into a backyard. Without a second though Grimm hopped the fence right behind the kid. The suspect turned around to check on Grimm's progress seeing he was now within arm's reach. He then saw Grimm leap forward and felt his body slam into him as he tackled him. The kid landed hard on his stomach Grimm landing on top of him. Grimm pressed a knee into the kids back and then jerked the kid's arms behind his back before placing a pair of handcuffs on them tightly. After the suspect was in cuffs Grimm stood back up and keyed his radio.
"This is Officer Adam Grimm," Grimm said. "211 suspect in custody." He then reached down and pulled the kid to his feet. The kid was soaked in sweat and panting heavily where Grimm was barely only winded. "You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney present during questioning. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand these rights as they have been read to you?"
"Yes," The kid wheezed.
"Good work," Ramirez said as he walked towards the two. "What do we got?"
"I was just about to search him," Grimm said as he took the kid's backpack off his back. "What's in the bag?"
"Nothing," The kid said.
"We'll see about that," Grimm said as he tossed the bag to Ramirez. He opened the bag and pulled out a box of pills used to increase a Pokémon's defense.
"You've got a receipt for these?" Ramirez asked shaking the box and causing the piles to rattle. The kid sighed in defeat and Ramirez went through the rest of the bag's contents. More pills, ointment, potions, and other like items all for Pokémon. In that bag had to be thousands of dollars worth of merchandise but more importantly Grimm was right. "Damn." Ramirez said as he realized that.
"What?" Grimm asked as he started to search the kid himself.
"Nothing," Ramirez said as he zipped up the backpack.
"I was right wasn't I?" Grimm asked as he ran his hand through the kid's belt line pulling a small revolver from it. "What do we have here?" Grimm asked holding the revolver out so the kid could see it.
"That isn't mine," The kid grunted.
"Right," Grimm said handing the weapon off to his partner. He then pulled the kid's wallet out of his back pocket, opened it and looked at his ID. "Well Aeschliman Williams." Grimm said reading his ID. "Looks like you're going to be going away for awhile. Hope you don't have plans for tonight." Grimm then removed the Pokéballs from Aeschliman's belt. The two officers lead the kid to the squad car. The siren wasn't blaring anymore but the lights still flashed. They helped the kid into the back of the car as they took their usually seats: Ramirez driver, Grimm passenger. Ramirez turned the lights off and he eased the car to a start again. As they drove Grimm's stomach growled.
"Kid you're going to pay for ruining my lunch," Grimm muttered as he rubbed his hungry stomach. The rest of the ride was in silence until Ramirez pulled in to the police station. The rest of the afternoon was spent booking the kid, filling out his paper work and their reports. By the time it was done it was 8:30 at night and time for the two officers' shifts to be ending expect for Grimm who had the 11pm to 10am guard shift at the Pokémon center that night. Since the Pokémon center was free and since it was always full of Pokémon, medicine and usually weary trainers made it a prime target for break ins. Because it was free all the money it did get went toward the center itself and the treatment of Pokémon rather than security. That being the case at least one officer was always on duty there, even when it was closed, to keep an eye on things. Ramirez was about to leave dressed in street clothes when he saw Grimm still working at his desk. He walked over to him and waited for Grimm to look up before he spoke.
"You still hungry?" Ramirez asked with a knowing smile.
"Considering I've only had a bag of chips from a vending machine," Grimm said setting his pen down. "I'm starving."
"Let got get dinner before your shift, my treat," Ramirez said jerking his head towards the elevator.
"Wow two meals in one day you feeling alright?" Grimm asked getting to his feet cracking his back.
"I've got something to tell you," Ramirez explained. "I was going to tell you at lunch but we got distracted."
"Offering to pay for my food again," Grimm remarked as he started to walk towards the elevator. "Must be bad news."
"You'll find out," Ramirez said as he followed his partner. They walked outside the cool night air greeting them as they walked to Ramirez's car. Once inside the car Ramirez behind the wheel and Grimm in the passenger seat(just like odd times) Ramirez started the car. He drove them to a cafe that was right across from the Pokémon center. They walked in the people inside turning to look at them stopping to linger on Grimm still in his uniform. They took a seat at a table in the back. A waiter came over to get their orders and bring them drinks. Ramirez had water while Grimm got a pot of coffee for he was going to need it. Grimm casted a weary glance at the Pokémon center through the cafe window.
"I hate Pokémon center duty," Grimm mumbled as he drank his coffee. Ramirez watched Grimm for a few second thinking how to begin but Grim beat him to it."So what happened to that kid we booked toady?"
"The 211 suspect?" Ramirez asked. Grimm nodded. "Well the desk jockeys officered him a deal. They'd drop the attempted murder charge, when he fired upon the first responding officers. If he pled guilty to the armed robbery charge, weapon charge and eluding charge."
"So he take it?" Grim asked sipping his coffee.
"You bet your ass he did," Ramirez said with a chuckle. "Doing 10 years instead of 25."
"So what'd you want to talk about?" Grimm asked. Ramirez looked around not really sure how to begin.
"I'll come straight out and say," Ramirez said. "You're being transferred." Grimm's eyes widen and then dropped a little bit when he quickly realized he and Ramirez weren't going to be partners anymore.
"Where?" Grimm asked somberly.
"Hey," Ramirez said holding up his hands."You're not changing precincts we'll still see each other every day. You're just getting a new partner is all."
"But you said I was getting transferred," Grimm said his brow winkled in confusion.
"You are," Ramirez explained. "You were a dog handler when you were an MP were you not?"
"I was," Grimm said starting to get an idea where Ramirez was going.
"You're being transferred to the canine unit," Ramirez explained. "That's going to be your new partner."
"Oh ok," Grimm said relieved. "So what's the breed? German shepherd? Lab?" Ramirez dropped his gaze as he didn't know how he was going to explain this next part.
"A Houndoom," Ramirez coughed as he took a drink of water.
"Excuse me," Grimm said being unable to hear Ramirez clearly.
"A Houndoom," Ramirez said with a sigh.
"I'm not familiar with that breed," Grimm admitted but had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"That's because it's a Pokémon," Ramirez said sighing again. "I know how you feel about them. I tried to talk the captain out of it but he wasn't having any of it."
"That's why you wanted to know why I hated Pokémon," Grimm said his eyes narrow and arms crossed.
"Yes," Ramirez admitted. Grimm opened his mouth wide probably to yell when the waiter came back over. Grimm closed his mouth as the waiter set their food down. Grimm who was still extremely hungry started to eat right away. The two ate in silence for awhile.
"This is bullshit," Grimm muttered in-between bites.
"Yeah I know," Ramirez said. The two finished their meals in silence and when the bill came Ramirez paid it as promised. When they stood up to leave it was 10:07 Grimm's shift starting in 53 minutes. They walked out into the night area Ramirez heading to his car and Grimm to the Pokémon center figuring he could start a little early.
"Hey," Ramirez called after Grimm as he crossed the street. Grimm stopped turning to look at Ramirez. "I truly am sorry."
"It's not your fault," Grimm said with a shrug as he walked into the Pokémon center. He nodded to the officer sitting at the desk to the main entrance's left as he walked up to the front counter.
"Hello Adam," Nurse Joy said as he signed in.
"Evening doc," Grimm said as he signed in and took the keycard that granted him access to the entire facility.
"I'm not a doctor," Nurse Joy said.
"I know," Grimm said with a chuckle as he walked over to the desk for the officers on security detail. "Go home buddy."
"You sure?" The officer asked getting to his feet sitting his newspaper down. "Your shift doesn't start for another 40 minutes."
"Yeah," Grimm said. "If you could leave your paper though."
"Sure thing," The officer said. Grimm watched him go taking his seat behind the desk. He picked up the paper and started to read it. The next thing he knew he felt a presence in front of him and Grimm lowered the paper to see Nurse Joy standing in front of the desk.
"Well the place is yours Adam," Joy said cheerfully. "I'm closing it down for the night." Grimm turned his wrist to look at his watch, he couldn't believe it, it was already midnight.
"Well you have a good night doc," Grimm said getting to his feet and walking her to the door.
"You to Adam," Joy said walking out the door. He watched her go locking the door behind her. That was also something that didn't sit right with him, he had heard of family businesses but the Pokémon centers were ridiculous. Once the place was empty he started his rounds, even the rooms for trainers to stay the night in were empty. He truly had the place to himself, well except for the Pokémon of course. Grimm found himself in the record room and seating at a computer terminal. He inserted his keycard in the slot on the keyboard logging him in. He choose the search record option and was presented with a field of questions to answer which he quickly did.
Pokémon nomenclature: Zoroark, Gender: Female, Trainer: N/A, Pokémon nickname: N/A, Pokémon's last known address: N/A. He then pressed enter causing an hour glass to appear and spin as it search though all the Pokémon centers in the region's treatment records. 48 possible matches found the search reported. He huffed in annoyance, not at the number but because he had forgotten the most import part of the search. He had been doing this every time he had this detail for two years and forgot that. Grimm refined his search, adding to it. Under Pokémon identifying marks He typed Scars on muzzle near right eye with scar tissue in right eye giving it a cloudy or milky appearance. He pressed search again causing the hour glass to spin again but this time No treatment records exist to match Pokémon described in search parameters appeared on the screen. Grimm huffed again as he restarted his search again, it had been two years and he was still coming up empty.
Pokémon nomenclature: Lucario, Gender: Female, Trainer: N/A, Pokémon nickname: N/A, Pokémon's last known address: N/A, Pokémon identifying marks: Damage to left ear leading to small portion of ear tissue missing and the discoloration of fur around left ear. He pressed search again and after a moment, No treatment records exist to match Pokémon described in search parameters appeared again. Grimm started over again down to his third and last chance.
Pokémon nomenclature: Blaziken, Gender: Female, Trainer: N/A, Pokémon nickname: N/A, Pokémon's last known address: N/A, Pokémon identifying marks: Large scars on back caused by deep lacerations. Grimm pressed search one last time hoping and praying at the same time. No treatment records exist to match Pokémon described in search parameters appeared for the third and final time. Sighing heavily he got to his feet removing his key card and logging him out. He sat back down at the desk and prepared for a long and boring night.