Ok, it has come to my attention that you guys haven't been posting any Nicktoons Unite Stories. And since Ed, Edd n Eddy or practically the basis of nostalgia, I decided to do a fanfiction about them. Now even though I have multiple Fanfictions on my account, doesn't mean I can't keep track of them. I hope you people love this.

I do not own Ed, Edd n Eddy, they belong to Cartoon Network.

I do not own Nicktoons Unite! they belong to THQ games.

Chapter one: A new threat
We come to a small land known as Peach Creek. This land contains a Cul-De-Sac with extraordinary inhabitants. Three teens about seventeen years old walk to the local junkyard. The three teens have very distinct features.

One has long, black hair, which sticks up at three points; a yellow jacket with a single, vertical red stripe; blue jeans with a wallet chain; and red shoes. His sapphire eyes glisten. He is mildly short and the shortest one of the group. His name is Eddy McGee.

Another teen has orange, moderately spiky hair. He wears an olive-green jacket, T-shirt with red and white horizontal stripes underneath, blue jeans, and onyx tennis shoes. His turquoise eyes pan about. He is the tallest one of the trio. His name is Ed Hunter.

The remaining one wears a glistening obsidian cap that covers his grey hair. He has a long, red, short-sleeve T-shirt and black jeans. His emerald-green eyes scan about analytically. His height is roughly the average of the two other boys'. His name is Eddward Jackson, but he prefers to be called Double D on account of his name.

"Double D, can I see those blueprints again?" Eddy asks, grinning.

Edd reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small, blue piece of paper folded neatly into a square. He relinquishes the paper to Eddy. Eddy unfolds it and smiles. It is blueprints for an underground hideout for him and his friends. It contains everything they desire: a computer room, a gaming room, a dining room, a living room, and a study. It has taken them over eight months for them to build, and they are finally going to complete it today.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Edd asks, smiling serenely.

"Yeah, our own hideout. This is going to be sweet!" Eddy replies, tossing the unfolded blueprints to Edd. Edd starts to refold the blueprints until Ed snatches them up to read them.

"Will this be like our own Batcave, Double D?" Ed asks goofily. Edd smiles at his friend's excitement.

"Indeed, Ed, this will be our own personal hideaway; we can use it to finish our homework or work on science pro…"

Eddy, slapping Edd upside the head, interrupts him. "Get real, Double D. This hideout is good for one thing and one thing only: getting *away* from school and school work," Eddy walks ahead of his friends as Edd rubs his cheek. "Besides, it's summer vacation, the season of relaxation."

When they reach the junkyard, they look around, scanning the area. They walk over to a purple van with hotrod flames and a teardrop painted on its side. Eddy walks to its back and opens the doors. Inside are two back seats, a waterbed, and a shag carpet. Edd walks inside first. He removes the shag carpeting, revealing a numbered keypad. Edd types in a number algorithm that causes the water bed to lift up. Under the water bed is an elevator lift. The three teens walk into the elevator. Ed closes the van doors behind him. Eddy pushes the down button inside the elevator, causing it to go down. After a few minutes, the elevator reaches its destination. The elevator doors open to reveal a bachelor pad, customized to each Ed's preference.

On the right is a 3-foot-wide by 5-foot-tall computer screen with a keyboard extending the length of the computer screen. On the left are three desks with individual items corresponding to the Eds' personalities. Ed's desk has a stack of zombie comic books; Edd's desk has scientific magazines on it; Eddy's desk has multiple nude magazines. In the center are three beanbag chairs in front of a 25-inch plasma screen television. The beanbag chairs are colored; one red, one yellow, and one green. The hideout already appears finished except for one issue: the power relay. They couldn't find an energy source that was silent, clean, and wouldn't drain the entire town's energy supply.

Edd now has a solution. He has created a device that reuses a strong source of electricity (however brief) for eight years. The device's moniker was the Energy Synthesizer (ES). The only problem is that the device needs 1.58 gigawatts of electricity, and the only way to get this much power is through either a lightning bolt or plutonium. Luckily, the weather forecast calls for a thunder storm today. The Eds are planning on using the lightning storm to charge the ES. The lightning storm would pass over the junkyard at 7:30 P.M.

"There are still 20 minutes until the lightning storm, gentlemen; what would you want to do 'til then?" Edd asks his friends.

"We could play video games," Eddy suggests.

"That would require power that we don't have." Edd points out.

"We could build a portal to Mars," Ed suggests, which evokes awkward stares from his two friends.

"Why don't we just stay here and wait?" Eddy asks.

"Because you and Ed have short attention spans," Edd points out.

"Hey, I don't have a short attention span; Ed does." Eddy points to where Ed would have been standing. Ed is stationed at his desk with the zombie comics, reading a horror-action comic. "Well what do you want to do, Double D?"

"Well, I was thinking about working on the Energy Synthesizer. You know, to make sure it's in working condition and to make a few improvements," Edd states astutely.

"Alright; beats sitting in the dark," Eddy replies. "What do you need?" Ed walks over to Edd and Eddy. Edd explains that they needed a car battery, a metal box, two light bulb sockets, a few wires, a circuit board from an old computer, and a few spark plugs. Eddy and Ed nodded and walked into the elevator. Eddy burst through the van's doors and ran into the junkyard looking for the materials.

10 minutes later...

Eddy had his hands full carrying every item listed by Edd. He was about to rush back until he tripped over a rock. He growled and looked at the rock. His expression changed from anger to surprise. On the rock are drawings of a cent sign, of some buttered toast, and of the sun. The drawings on the rock were made by trio in days past. Edd made the sun to symbolize that, if he had never moved to the Cul-De-Sac, they would never be friends. Eddy smiles and starts to write something on the rock and soon ran back to the van. He wrote: "Our friendship is stronger than the bonds of time."

Eddy made it back to the van to see Edd standing next to Ed, who was holding the items he had gathered back up.

"Splendid, I'll have the device ready in a few minutes." Edd stated, getting the items from his two friends.

6 minutes later...

Edd comes out of the van holding a device. The device was small and shaped like a cube, and it had a strange cylindrical case on one side. Inside it had a see-through box that contained electrical parts. A few cords are visible; of them one is red; another is blue, and a third is yellow. There are long jumper cables coming out of the back of it. The jumper cables are connected to four pipes.

"Ed, could you do me a favor by putting each of these pipes on the highest piles of garbage in the Junkyard." Edd asks. Ed runs off with the pipes and does so.

"So, what are the pipes for?" Eddy asks.

"Well, since we don't have the traditional lightning rods, I've coated the pipes in a highly electro-conductive wax that should attract the lightning like a moth to a flame." Edd explains. "We should have the electricity to power our hangout for eight years."

"Yeah baby yeah," Eddy states, doing an Austin Powers impression.

Ed arrives back, running. As he approaches, he falls on his face. "The pipes are in place."

"Now the time is right. I've created an area that won't attract any electricity," Edd states, placing the ES on the ground. He leads his friends to a small hut made entirely out of rubber. The lightning bolts soon began to strike across the junkyard. The lightning suddenly struck the pipes simultaneously, electrifying the ES. "Incredible, I never intended for multiple lightning strikes on all of the pipes at once." When the lightning strikes stopped, the Eds walk over to the ES'. Edd uncouples the energy container, and notices something strange about the lightning in the containment unit. It is dark purple. "This is strange."

"What? We got the lightning. Enough for a few years." Eddy states.

"Yes, but lightning, when contained, is perceived by the eyes as blue," Edd states, showing the contained purple lightning, "Yet, this is purple."

"So?" Eddy asks. Suddenly a bolt of lightning strikes the ground near them, startling the pondering Eds. "Fuck, man!"

"Eddy, watch your language!" Edd scolds.

"That lightning bolt almost killed us, and you're worried about my fucking language!?" Eddy shouts in exasperation.

"Still, being a potty-mouthed sailor won't solve things." Edd states. Another bolt of lightning strikes a pile of old cars. The car pile starts to move, beginning to form a creature. The creature is dark black with purple highlights around the cracks. Its eyes are purple. The Eds turn to see the creature glaring down at them. Ed walks up to the creature, smiling goofily.

"Hello, otherworldly creature, I am E-" Ed is interrupted by the creature smacking him across the county line. Eddy and Edd are astonished by the fact their friend was just given a one-way trip to Lemon Brook. The creature roars in the remaining two Eds' faces. Eddy and Edd soon break into a run as fast as they can from the mechanized monster. The mechanized monster starts to chase after them. Edd nearly stops when he realized they were heading for the Cul-De-Sac.

"Wait!" Edd shouts while running. "We can't lead this beast to the Cul-De-Sac!"

"At least, we'll have backup!" Eddy states.

"Not even Ed could take that beast on!" Edd states. He remembers something: the ES' energy container! If he could tinker with it a little, he could possibly turn it into an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) explosive device. Edd pulls the container out of his pocket.

"Let's split up; it can't chase us both!" Eddy states. When they split up, the monster goes after Edd. Edd is confused at why it chose to chase him. He realizes the monster is after the energy container. Of course, a monster, made out of electricity and cars, needs energy to survive. Edd runs into an old, worn out RV, locking it from the inside. He starts to search for parts for the EMP bomb. The monster starts to rip open the RV like a can opener. When the monster is almost inside, Edd hears a loud, familiar voice.

"Hey! Carzilla! Over here!" The voice shouted. The monster turns to see Eddy, who is waving a car battery. "I got some food for ya."

The metal monster started to chase Eddy, buying time for Edd. Eddy continues running until he trips on a pipe, landing face-first on the ground, dropping the battery in front of him. The monster is about to step on our favorite three-haired protagonist. Eddy closes his eyes, anticipating the end. It never came; he beholds someone standing over him, holding the beast back. It's Ed!

"Away with you, demon of the netherworld!" Ed shouts, throwing the demon five feet away from Eddy. Ed helps Eddy to his feet. The monster gets up and charges at the two Eds. It stops when it feels something thrown onto it. It turned to see an orb wedged into his back. The orb exploded, disabling electricity-powered creature. It roared in pain as it starts to die. It falls to the ground, its eye lights turning off. Edd walks over to rejoice with his friends, only for them to be consumed in an orb of light.

On a remote island, in another universe...

Three huge crabs are chanting around a huge rock pillar with seven floating heads of rock. Each rock head is different: one is a square head with a cheery face; one has long hair, with a buck tooth with three smaller rocks hovering above it; another has a big head of hair that was molded into a curl; another head has an intense look on its face. The other three rocks are in the shape of the Eds' heads.

"Oh, great spirits, allow us to summon the chosen ones from the ancient prophecy to defeat the coming of the dark one: Gamuw," a brown crab chants. Suddenly, purple lightning strikes the rock pillar. "No, not yet!"

The rock shatters into shards, scattering across the island, from the lightning.

"Oh, no!" a purple crab shouts, "The heroes are lost in the great divide!"

"The space between universes! They shall be trapped forever!" another crab shouts.

"Fear not, for some of them made it through; watch." Four figures fall from the sky, landing on the sand bed. One figure stands up. He is by the age of sixteen; he has brown hair that is in a curl at the top, and he had light blue eyes. The other three figures are the Eds.

"Goddamn it!" Eddy shouts, holding his chest.

"Eddy! Language!" Edd shouts back.

"Fuck off, Double D."

"Gravy!" Ed shouts, hugging his friends. The lab coat individual walks over to the Eds.

"Um, excuse me, but who are you?" The lab coat teen asks.

"I'm Ed!" Ed greets, dropping his friend.

"I'm Eddy," Eddy states, standing up.

"My name is Edd also, but with two Ds. So, I go by Double D," Edd states.

"My name is James Issac Neutron. But, I go by Jimmy."

"Greetings, chosen ones!" The brown crab greets, startling the Eds and Jimmy.

"Wise Old Hermit Crab," Jimmy walks over to the crab. "Can I call you 'Shelly,' though; your normal moniker you have is a mouthful."

"Sure. It's been long since the Globulus incident," Shelly states.

"So, why am I here, or more inclusively, why are we all here?" Jimmy points to the Eds.

"They are the chosen ones, as well," Shelly states. "But, your other friends aren't here."

"What? Are they scattered across the island again?" Jimmy asks.

"No, your friends are stuck in the space between worlds." Shelly states.

Dun-Dun-Dun! It seems our heroes have met the one of the Nicktoons. And it seems the Nicktoons have to deal with another life threatening maniacal mad man who wants to rule the universes. Also I know that sappy note Eddy wrote is way out of character, but he's matured a little to see how much his friends mean to him. Also if you figure out who Gawmu is, PM me to tell me.