Models Know Best

I brushed my honey blonde hair of my shoulders and let the blonde curls roll down my back. I squared my shoulders and peered at the guy behind me. He wore a dark gray suit and he was staring right at me. I winked at him as my name was called for the hundredth time. I did this with every guy who had to strut down the runway after me. To me it was saying 'good luck trying to impress them after me.' He melted like chocolate during a hot California day. I smiled and strutted my way down the runway. I could see all eyes on me as I set down the one in a million sunglasses on my eyes and blew a kiss and made my way back to waiting models. I watched as the man I winked at did one last fixing and cracked his neck—so not attractive. I relaxed my shoulders as I walked towards my impatient friend taped her foot looking for me.

"Grace, I'm right here." I taped her shoulder and she spun around. "Why so fidgety?" I asked censured. She grabbed my shoulder and we stood by the back door.

"Did you see me?" I nodded and she continued, "I almost fell on my face." I laughed. Typically Grace always thinks she messed up.

"You were fine." I replied grabbing her arm and pulling her threw the crowd of reporters. We sat back in the limo as the driver drove out of the parking lot and past the crowds that began to disperse as the limos of the other models left.

"Easy for you to say, you're fear less!" I chucked staring out the window. "No really, how do you do it?" I looked at her questioning face and saw she really wanted to know.

"I don't know!" She gave up and picked up a water bottle. I laughed at her nervous habit of drinking water and leaned back.

We pulled to a mansion already packed with limos and celebrities. Somehow they kept the news and reporters away leaving Grace and I an easy stroll through the front door. The music was loud and Grace refused to let go of my arm. The room was packed and I could see models and actors everywhere. I tried to yank my arm out of Grace's grip but failed. I looked around the room and saw a tallish Latino around my age—17. I flicked Grace's side and pointed. I could see her follow my finger.

"Go talk to him." She almost immediately let go of my arm and ran to him. I began walking around, bumping into people.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." I felt two muscular arms wrap around my waist and what felt like a six pack rub on my back. "Do I know- woo!" I said turning around and getting a good look of his face. He had a tan complexion—like everyone in Cali. He had the most adorable birth marks on his cheeks and long luscious brown hair.

"I don't think we have met." I nodded slowly, "I'm Jack Brewer or your boss's son." He smirked as if I really cared.

"Wow I'm surprised." He smirk feeling completed and I simply acted innocent.

"Oh you shouldn't be I'm only blood related to the most high end designer of the world." He said it as if it would affect me.

"No, I'm surprised you know your own name." I could see the shock in him face, "Well a blood relative to the most high end designer in the world should always be pampered and never had to work a day in his life." With that I simply left. Five minutes later, I'm guessing after the shock wore off, I felt the familiar arms wrap my stomach. I turned.

"May I help you?" I asked exactly like every lady I've ever saw in a clothing store.

"I wouldn't be calling me pampered. What about miss hottest teen in the world?" I smirked.

"I had to work to become this successful, you were born with a rich mommy and everything your skater boy heart desired." I chuckled. I looked over his shoulder at Grace across the room and saw her dance with the Latino. I meet him only minutes ago as Jerry, a new model and dancer. I smiled and looked back at Jack. I began to turn around and walk away when Jack held grip of me tighter.

"So you stalk me now?" I was stunned.

"What?" I asked confused and frankly terrified. I have to admit I googled him once or twice to know about his family and his past but I wouldn't call that stalking.

"How did you know I skate?" I let out a deep breath and laughed at his I caught you there face. I pointed up at him.

"Your hair" His expression fell and I took that as a good time to walk away.