D-Darkness: Remember when i promised to do a chapter every few weeks that was funny joke huh...please don't kill me. Thank you

Reviews give me life

Takato POV

'This place looks awesome.' I had finally arrived at the Broken Heart Mansion. The Team House was located in one of the very few forest patches of the Dust. Although being on the first floor gave the building certain limitations. So Rika's Tower of I'm Better Than You Bitches would take a while to finish but the building blocks were there. It was a stereotypical three tower castle, with a broken heart flag on the middle tower.

Walking inside the castle I saw a scarlet carpet with golden flourish pouring down from the stairs. Right above the window there was a giant picture of Rika. I kinda didn't want to stare at it but it was really hot. That purple bikini is so tight. Rika walked down the stairs and ordered Renamon to destroy the picture, and kept walking. "Sorry about that, I told Henry to take down that picture but it keeps reappearing." she explained to me as she ushered me down a hallway.

"This is the kitchen/dining room combo. Now listen up gogglehead, we eat at that table for dinner at 9 o'clock on the dot" The whole old castle thing was ruined instantly as I noticed the modern looking fridge, stove, sink, and dishwasher. Well at least the utilities are normal, I don't really feel like taking a bath with cold water. There was a black haired chick eating at the wooden table with a orange Salamon with black stripes, it kinda looked like a tabletop tiger. "This is Carla and her partner digimon Taiga. Carla is a bit…..eccentric but she means well." At the mention of her name the caramel skinned girl turned around and squealed. "Mistress Rika why didn't you tell me you were bringing home a new pet, and such a cute one at that." I blushed as the busty girl got closer to me, she grabbed my face and looked at all my features then hugged me. As her boobs pressed against my chest I could see an angry look in Rika's eyes for some odd reason. Carla let go of me and squeezed Rika's butt " Of course he pales in comparison to you Mistress Rika" Rika blushed and smacked the hand away in anger"I thought i told you to keep your hands to yourself, or else you would be punished." Rika summoned her staff and Carla's face twisted into something akin to ecstasy. "I couldn't ask for anything more, Mistress Rika!" Rika's staff turned into a whip, and Henry ran in and shielded my eyes from the semi-sexual act that was about to occur. "Rika, i'll finish Takato's tour. No need to stop what you're doing."

He dragged me through a door into another room, where I could hear what sounded like a TV. Henry pulled his hands from my eyes and I saw another girl who looked a lot like Carla. She was eating popcorn with a dark purple Salamon, they both seemed to be engrossed in some random anime. They were both sitting on the floor even though there were two perfectly good chairs in the room. "This is the living room. The girl on the floor there is Sasha, Carla's twin sister and her Salamon, Puma. She's a lot quieter than her sister but the resemblance well….you'll see." The dark-haired girl turned and waved then came over to talk. "Hi, I'm Sasha, what's your name?" Henry motioned for me to keep quiet but I ignored him and told her my name was Takato. "He is defiant Henry, your love shall flourish greatly. if you need any toys for his butt just ask me. I'm always happy to help two young sexually frustrated men, who haven't learned of their love for each other yet." My eyes glazed over after the thing about our guy-love. Henry told her to shut the hell up and ushered me down another red carpeted hallway. We stopped at a red door he told me this was my room now, and that I could get settled for a few hours. He pointed a ways down the hall at a cream and green colored door told me that was where I could find him if I needed anything.

I opened the door and a menu appeared, it was a room decorator. 'Aw man it cost money to customize this place, i'll just have to use small amount of money Kirito left me. Kirito…...I can't believe he left me like tha- no stop it. He left for now but he's gonna come back and when he does i'll be stronger than him and i'll make him regret leaving me in the dust. My power will be so stifling he will tremble in my presence. I should probably get Guilmon a bed, he's been working really hard lately. I love that little guy even if he eats more than a trash compactor.' "Hey Guilmon, go explore the place. I'm gonna make us a place to sleep and a present for everyone." Guilmon popped out of my D-Gaunt and nodded and started sniffing his way down the hall for some food.

Guilmon POV

'Bread...Bread...Bread where are you. I hope Takatomon is alright he was making a weird face. At least his eyes weren't glowing red again, that was scary. Wait I smell something familiar...I smell a fax. Running...Run run run, there she is. She's taller than before.' "VIXIMON!" We fell as I tackled her. "Guilmon I'm Renamon now. Now could you please get off me." I tried to roll off of her, my face was in her chest fur, for some reason when I turned to the right my face brushed against what felt like meat. So I stood up and so did she. Her furry cheeks were turning red for some reason but I was really focused on her meat. She was hiding something yummy on her chest, and I am going to taste it. I licked my lips in anticipation as she began to say something about her partner. I leaped at her again and bit at her chest, I caught something large and round in my mouth, biting into it,and it didn't tear so I tried sucking it and nothing happened. Renamon was making weird noises but no matter what i did with my mouth or tongue i couldn't get the meat into my stomach. Renamon pushed me away and covered her meat, and for some odd reason her face was as red as my scales. "Guilmon, do you know what you've done." I looked at her cocked my head to the side in confusion. "I was just trying to eat the meat, you know what you were hiding behind your chest fur." Renamon was being stingy with her meat but if she didn't want to share I shouldn't force her. She stopped staring at me as she heard something and disappeared.

'Bread and meat, bread and meat, I wanna eat some bread and meat.' As I sang a song in my head, I saw a flash of green at the end of the corner. 'That looks like fun i wonder what it is' I ran down the hallway and around the corner and all I found were these orange and purple dog things. "Hi, I'm Taiga and this is Puma. Have you seen Renamon?" The two dogs sniffed the air and looked at me. They got a bit closer and started to sniff my scales, which was kinda nasty. I haven't taken a bath in a while "You smell like Renamon, where is she" it was getting awkward so I pushed both of them away. "We were talking about meat, when I think she heard something and disappeared into thin air." They were making the same weird red faces as Renamon so I turned and left. 'I wonder if Takato is done with the room yet?'

Takato POV

I finished decorating a few minutes after Guilmon left, so I even finished my thank you present early. "Haza-." 'What the heck was that' "Hazard..." Terriermon needs to stop playing around. That voice is starting to creep me out. 'Maybe if I close my eyes, i'll stop hallucinating.' "Hazard Bearer, Open thine eyes and gaze upon my form. Only then shall thee learn the truth." I opened my eyes and instead of my new room, The room was pretty much just a glowing crimson red backdrop and one other person In the room. The figure wore what looked like dull brown dragon's armor with the Hazard on his chest plate. "I am the Manifestation of the Hazard, and you're my container Takato Matsuki. I have appeared before you as such because my ethereal form would not suffice for such knowledgeable teaching. Ask me anything, and I shall answer it to the best of my abilities." The man? Told me as i stammered trying to begin to comprehend what he was babbling about. "The Hazard is an ability how can it manifest? Do you know about my powers? If so do you know if I get anymore? What do you know about Shibumi?" I tried to get over the weirdness and give him something so i could get some answers in turn. The person looked at me, as a person would look at a child mystified by a magic trick. "The Hazard is not an Ability, it is The Ability. Should you learn it's true power you could shake the core of the entire Digital World. I shall give you a hint let your emotion be your strength. Your power shall only grow with usage like any skill it must be trained until it is mastered. The Hazard Sigil, does many things one of them being, gives you the power to create certain skills. Not the ability to copy, but to create, if you don't understand now you'll figure it out later. The Creator Shibumi only wanted one thing, that is to make sure everyone had fun." He answered each of my questions even if it only gave me more. He turned and looked back over his shoulder at me. "This will not be our last meeting, next time I will tell you more. Until then, let the Hazard be in ye." I watched the "Hazard" fade into the red. It flashed and my room was back. I rubbed the back of my head in confusion before I noticed it was 8:58. I had to find my way back to the dining room in two minutes. I ran out of the room leaving the present/painting I had finished earlier. 'I'll give it to her later.' It was a painting of Rika she was smiling.


'Who are these guys and why are they roasting that girl? I know I could take both of them. I'll save the girl and get back to Ren and everything will be ok. I'm going to hit them both with some Stun Rounds and a couple of Silence Shots and I'll be back with Ren before they know what hit them.'

I walked deeper into the cave until I had a good view of the two guys. I took aim for them with my Silent Shot Revolver and fired, before either shot could go far, they were intercepted by a white blur.

The one with his back turned toward me slowly stood and turned his body to face mine as the taller of the two walked over next to him and they both stared at me. The Taller of the two looked to be about 6'2 almost a foot taller than myself. He was a Black Flak Vest and Black Cargo pants, his belt was riddled with bombs and smaller weapons. His goldish blonde hair glinted in the fire, as well did his glasses. He had two necklaces one with a dragon on it and the other looked like a pair of dogtags, I couldn't make out what they say, probably just his own name.

He pulled out his F**S and his sterling silver bracelet jingled in response to the fast movement. The other man who seemed to be average sized with an awkward looking crossbow thing on his back. He seemed to be wearing a brown trench coat with what looked like slacks. The slacks had little holsters with tiny arrow looking things in them. The eyes behind his glasses were a dark brown and seemed to be trying to glare a hole through my forehead.

"Who are you and why did you try attacking us"? The taller of the two asked me while pointing his rifle at me. I looked at both of them for a second time regauging their strength noticing i might have gotten into a bit of trouble. "Why are you so calm, we have you at gunpoint"? I just shrugged before spitting it out. "I attacked you guys to save that girl. I don't know what type of human beings would burn another person alive like that but I won't have to wonder much longer as you'll both be dead soon." My talking alerted FanBeemon to something being wrong as it was supposed to be a stealth mission. The little guy came flying in shooting Gear Stingers everywhere, I had tipped his stinger with a paralysis agent before hand. "Wai-" before the big guy could finish his feeble excuse for such cannibalistic behavior he was on the ground. eyes open and unable to speak or move. I walked over the pair of devilish men, and picked the girl out of the fire…..strange her clothes didn't burn. She was a small red haired girl, she was wearing a purple vest with what looked like some matching baggy pants. I put her on my back and pulled out a teleport crystal, and transported myself and the passenger currently drooling on my back.

To say that Ren was pissed was an understatement. We had been staying in a Apartment in Evergreen and when she woke up she saw I wasn't there but a girl was laying on the couch. I walked into the apartment with some coffee and donuts, when I heard them both scream. I walked in and saw Ren on the floor and the other girl sitting upright. I walked over to Ren and lifted her up, put my hand over her mouth and tried to explain the situation. "I saved this girl from these two sketchy cannibal guys. Then I brought her here to tell us what happened to her." I said with a smug look on my face. Ren looked at me, bit my hand, stomped my foot and then told the girl to start talking. She stood up and looked at me like an girl had turquoise hair that stopped halfway down her back. Her blue eyes blazed like cerulean hellfire. "So you kidnapped me thinking I was in trouble." I nodded for a few seconds then stopped. I looked at her for a few seconds before answering."Thinking...you were sleeping in a fire pit!They obviously drugged you and tried to roast you. Unsuccessfully as all of your health seems to be intact, which is strange." She looked at me like I was the dumbest person on the planet. "My friends will come looking for me let's hope they don't kill you." As soon as the last syllable left her lips I heard a knock at the door. She jutted her head at me then the door signaling i should probably answer it. I humored her and went to open it and saw some old acquaintances: the two guys from last night. "Hey, guys. Sorry about the misunderstanding, she just woke up and explained it us." They both looked at me before the big guy punched me in the stomach and the trenchcoat guy walked past me. "So dumbass, you wanna explain to us why we shouldn't kill you or your girl?" The trench coat was hugging the girl and the big dude was just watching me suffer. I stood up and began to explain my folly.

"And that is what happened, sorry for all the trouble I caused." Ren smacked me upside the head. The big guy chuckled, while the trench coat guy looked on with a knowing look. "I guess we'll introduce ourselves now seeing as we won't need to kill you...currently. I'm Barrett Talahasee Crules, just call me Crules, my silent friend over here is Wayne, and this is Maya. Beause Wayne and I are so understanding we will only ask for your help instead of killing you. We need to do a quest, but we need at least 6 people so if you could help us we would appreciate it." I looked Crules in the eyes and stuck my hand out. "I think we can help you as long as we can be friends after. Because as i'm sure you know in this place there's safety in numbers." He looked back at me and grasped my hand with a strong grip, and smirked as he shook it. "We'll take as many allies as possible. So do you have anybody in mind for the last slot in our squad." I took that time to look through my contact list. Seyeh. If i remember that was the chick who helped Ren and I through the Hagurumon Factory. Yeah she'll do.

DWO Skill Breakdown

Karma Is A Badass

The wielder of such a skill should be a bit more conscious on how the Universe views him. The more you lean towards the "Bad" in your life the more you will be caught in embarrassing or easily misunderstood situations. When you see your way back to the "good" side you will be treated nicer and sometimes given gifts to help you along on your journey. The individuals standing with the universe will displayed under their Health and MP bars as a Luck bar. Shining Gold or Eerily Radiating Black to represent whichever outcome will most likely occur next. If ever completely balanced it can activate to help the User in a pinch, giving unimaginable status boosts and specific Class Augmenting skills or One-Shot Kill Moves.

D-Darkness: I really hope i didn't lose anybody. I love all you fan peoples, those reviews and followings are the only things that push me to write. Because even though i write this story for myself it's mostly for you guys.