Hey Guys this is Plutone Pilot here with the first chapter of my new project Power Rangers Ninjetti. Now before we get started I'm going to need to say this. If you are a Power Ranger fan, then you probably watched Megaforce. Now whether you like it or not for this story you are going to need to pretend that megaforce never happened and never will. Also, I will make a six ranger for the team later but his Identity, powers and zords are going to be secret. So, look forward for that. Anyway, thanks for reading, and review/ comment and favorite. Now let's get started.
Edit: 12/30/2016: Well this is the first of my reuploaded chapters. I swear that I can't believe I thought that uploading these chapters in the shape that they were ok. I should be shot! Bang! Unshot! And given a bag of money. Yes, this is nice. Ok enough with the nostalgia critic jokes let's get on with the show.
In the city of Turtle Cove the once blue sky has turned black as it was blocked by the thick black smoke from the burning buildings of the dying city. The horizon was dyed red as the flames consumed everything. The Animarium now lay sideways in the lake it once rose from. In the city's center Cole Evans, the red wild force ranger laid moaning in agony. He tried to get up but the searing pain from his broken right leg forced him to halt. He looked to his left where he saw his friend the red lion wild zord laid chopped in half at the waist among what was left of all the wild zords. He looked to his right and saw the corpses of his now dead comrades.
He felt tears well up in his eyes but couldn't wipe them away due to his helmet getting in the way. He looked in front of him as the sound of boots stepping toward him hit his ears and saw a red ranger holding a sword dyed red in blood. As he struggled to move Cole screamed at the top of his lungs in anger at the man who had took everything he had left.
"Why? Why did you do this? Why did you betray us like this? Why did you turn your back on your comrades? Why are you serving Ivan Ooze?" But no answer came as the red ranger raised his sword the steel of the blade gleaming in the light of the red flames. And the last thing Cole ever saw was the swinging of a bloody sword.
Deep in the forests outside of Angel Grove was a large estate and a large building hidden from the outside world. The building was home to many young ninja training in the ancient arts of deception, and ninjutsu. The building if observed by an outsider would say that it stuck out like a sore thumb among the American buildings in the city not far from its location. The building was painted a light lime green giving it the look of pale pea soup. The Architecture was one akin to the ancient Japanese buildings that it was based on by its builder's memories of his once home. The landscape was well kept with freshly cut grass, well-manicured bonsai trees and a large koi pond with a handmade stone bridge going over it to the building's main entrance.
In the building's main hall sat an aging old man in a traditional Japanese kimono colored in a simple black with a white sash around his waist and a white haori. The man looked up from an old jewelry box as he blew out a large amount of smoke from his pipe and looked out the window to his right. In front of him a small 17-inch flat screen monitor was protruding from the floor
"So, Turtle Cove too has fallen to Ivan Ooze. That means the last of the power rangers are now gone." Hiruzen looked down toward the monitor in front of him showing a man in his mid-thirties of Asian descent.
"Yes, it would seem so. With their disappearances over the past year and the swift large scale attacks on the cities they lived in its safe to assume that Ivan's forces have wiped them out." The man said in a solemn voice as he looked at the aging shinobi.
Hiruzen stroked his beard in contemplation as he looked at his old student in contemplation. "So, I take it that you wish to form a new team of rangers out of my students?" the question was a redundant one since they both knew that, that was the purpose of the conversation they were having and the reason why Adam sent him the Jewelry box he now held.
"Yes. With Ivan Ooze's Armies already taking all of Asia, Oceana, and Africa, and now moving into both Europe and the America's we don't have the luxury of training a new team from scratch. We need a team of battle ready rangers now. I've been collecting large amounts of technical assets over the years so I can supply them with the weapons and gear they need. I just need a team to use them."
As a pair of chirping birds flew past the window Hiruzen Sarutobi looked down at the old jewelry box once again contemplating his decision. But it wasn't just power rangers that were slain but even the ninja academies that were once in abundance were now gone only leaving his own left as the last one. And with that thought in his head he finally made up his mind.
"Shizune". He said calling to the 30-year-old woman beyond the door of the large oak wood hall. The door opened to a 30-year-old women with fair skin, dark coal eyes and matching shoulder length hair, slender build in a long bluish-black kimono with white trimmings, held closed by a white obi, and open-toed sandals with low heels. "Yes, Master Sarutobi." The woman said bowing before the much older man. "Call all the students to the training ground. It's time for me to truly test them." Hiruzen said looking at the young woman as she nodded her head and went to carry out the order that she was given.
As she left Hiruzen looked down at the wooden box and opened it up to look at the five golden coins that were inside. On screen Adam smiled as he heard his old master speak to the woman.
In one of the large courtyards surrounding the academy five teenagers trained in the blazing sun. The five wore the same black suits that were seen on the wind and thunder rangers except being all black and having the leaf symbol on their lapel. The first was a young girl with bright emerald eyes and short bright pink hair that stopped at her shoulders with a bright red head band tied in it. She sat under a tall oak tree reading a large book labeled "Basic Anatomy" in gold lettering.
She fondly read the book that was no less than 800 pages that she was half way done with; she looked up from her book hearing a large thump and a sharp yell of pain. She looked up to see a boy on his back with his legs near his head in a very embarrassing position. The boy had large, thick, black eyebrows a bowl-shaped hair cut that shinned in the morning light. In front of him stood a boy with dark blue hair and black eyes with his leg extended in front of him having sweep kicked his teammate. As the black-haired boy rubbed his head in pain he opened his eyes and hopped back to his feet. "That was a most invigorating fight Sasuke! I may have loss this time but I swear I will win next time!" He yelled giving Sasuke his classic nice guy pose.
Sasuke just stood up straight and dusted himself off before replying. "You say that every time I beat you. But go ahead and keep trying it's good practice." He said as if stating the obvious as he gave Lee a cocky smirk.
Behind them a girl with long blond hair in a ponytail and bangs that covered her right eye and icy blue eyes stood with her arms folded. "Seriously Lee this is the twelfth time today. Give it a rest already." She said with aggravation in her voice and a look that said she was clearly tired and annoyed.
This was how it has been all day. Sasuke beating Lee in every spar they had, Lee immediately wanting a rematch when he lost and Ino watching him get knocked on his ass. As she sighed a loud snoring caught her attention and a large vein popped on her head as she turned around and threw a small rock at the source. "Wake up you idiot." She screamed for what seemed like the 13th time that day. The rock hit a boy with dark black hair in a short pony tail suddenly waking him from his nap.
"What time is it?" He asked rubbing his eyes clearly having been deep in his sleep.
"Time to start training you lazy jack ass!" Ino screamed at the youth.
"Training is way too troublesome. I'd rather go back to sleep." Shikamaru said laying back down before Ino kicked him in the stomach growling at him. Seeing the exchange between her four friends Sakura couldn't help but giggle under her breath. She looked down to continue her reading but stopped when she heard a loud bell ringing over the courtyard.
The five looked up at the sound of the loud bell ringing out over the courtyard in confusion. "That's the examination bell. We weren't supposed to be having an exam today." Ino said as she looked amongst her teammates.
Sasuke sighed as he grabbed a towel from the ground and wiped the sweat from his brow. "We might as well go check on it. If someone is ringing the bell than its probably important." Sasuke said he began to walk toward the training grounds followed by his four teammates the while Shikamaru mumbling how the situation was too troublesome.
The five gathered with the hundreds of other students in the academy, all of them lining up in rows of five in the football stadium sized field. They soon saw the headmaster of the academy walk up in front of the large number of shinobi students alongside his assistant. "Right now, you all are probably confused as to why you were all called here. I was recently contacted by a former student of mine who wishes to utilize your skills for the most difficult mission you may ever go on. I am going to put you all through three tests. Tests that will test your mind, your strength, and your will. So, prepare yourself."
The members of team seven sat on the moss-covered forest floor breathing heavily. The tests were grueling swiftly eliminating over half of the students in the first test alone. The first test tested their ability to solve problems under pressure by forcing them to solve 30 critical thinking problems in 10 minutes. Those teams who didn't all finish or scored lower than a accumulated score of 80 and above were eliminated. The next test found the students all balancing on 30-foot-high bamboo stalks. The stalks were only wide enough for them to balance on one foot. For hours, they waited constantly concentrating on keeping their balance on the natural pole for hours but soon enough after 3 hours 40 of the remaining teams were eliminated. In the final test Hiruzen had the remaining teams in a battle royal where the only way to escape is to defeat the other teams.
For hours' team seven were fighting against the other teams, dealing with ambushes from multiple teams and sneak attacks. The five teens sat around on the forest floor each leaning against a different tree in utter exhaustion. Sakura breathed heavily as she drank from a canteen she brought with her as she looked over to blond best friend next to her." My God, this test just gets worse and worse. I don't think I've ever been more exhausted."
Ino nodded in agreement as she also drank from her canteen as well. "Yeah its weird. Master Hiruzen never puts us in elimination style tests. I wonder what's up?" Ino looked her toward her male teammates. Shikamaru was laid out on the floor appearing to be asleep, Sasuke was leaning against a tree with his eyes closed and his arms folded, while Lee was doing highspeed pushups. Ino shook her head at the bowl cut eccentric.
Before she could comment on Lee's fitness obsession Sasuke's ear twitched as he opened his eyes. "We have company." The four looked up from what they were doing to look at the 20-year-old as he got up from where he was sitting. The others nodded and stood up as they all jumped into the shadows of the trees above them. The group squatted down on the large tree branches as they waited for their attackers. They saw the five ninja enter the area as the group looked up at Sasuke. Sasuke gave them a few quick hand signals telling them to engage them from behind. The five nodded as they all split up to ambush the rival team.
The group of ninja looked around in confusion at the empty forest around them. They knew that the last team was here. They had heard them talking amongst themselves so where did they go? Right as they were about to give up and look for them else were they were each grabbed from behind and ragged to the shadows behind them. And before they knew it they were quickly knocked unconscious by the team.
Ino fell hard on her backside as she let out a load groan in exhaustion. "Are we done yet?!" The girl wined as she felt as if her legs would turn to mush at any second.
"Yes, you are done." The five looked up to se Shizune standing in front of them with a soft smile on her face. "If you all would please, Master Hiruzen would like to speak to you all." Shizune then began to lead the five out of the forest.
As the six walked down the halls of the academy the five teammates couldn't help but wonder why their master would want to see them after the rigorous tests that they forced to take. They came in front of the large doors that lead to the main hall and Shizune opened them and ushered them in closing it behind them. They all walked into the center of the dojo-esque main hall lining up single file with Sasuke on the far right, Sakura on the far left, Lee on Sasuke's left, Ino on Sakura's right, and Shikamaru in the center. They all waited patiently for Hiruzen to speak. They didn't have long to since after a few seconds he cleared his throat and began to stand up.
"I have called you all because I have a dangerous mission for you all to do. This mission is probably the most dangerous that you will ever face." Hiruzen said as he began to walk up to the five. "As you all may not know over 2 million years ago, the world was ruled by an evil being known as Ivan Ooze. But he was defeated and sealed away by Zordon of Eltar and Ninjor the creator of all ninjutsu. But one year ago, Ivan was freed from his prison and now most of the world is in his control." Hiruzen stopped as he closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"I've been dreading the decision that I'm about to make but" Hiruzen explained as he held the wooden jewelry box in his hands. " It is with a heavy heart that I now give you your new power coins." Hiruzen then opened the box to show them the five power coins. The five-looked shocked at what they were told.
"BbbbBut master we were told that the power coins were destroyed!" Sakura stammered out in utter shock at what she had been just told. "Yes, that is correct but the ninja power remained in the coins of the alien rangers of Aquitar. You see when the alien rangers first came to this planet all those years ago, their coins were infused with the ninja ranger power from the rangers of earth to power the earth rangers zords. While at the time the power was very much immature. Now the power has had time to grow and fully meld with the coins forming a hybrid between the two powers." Hiruzen explained as he came to a stop in front of the five.
"But how do you know all of this?" Lee asked as he finally began to wrap his mind around what was happening.
"I was told these things by an old student who was one of the original Power Rangers. His name was Adam Park. He and the Alien Rangers told me this a few months ago, after Ivan was released from his prison. This was also when they gave me the power coins so that if the current Power Rangers fail then it will be up to me to bring up the next generation or rangers." Hiruzen said telling the tale of how he got the coins. The five-looked convinced but still had questions.
"But why us?" Ino asked feeling it her turn to ask a question.
"Because you are the best students I've ever had. If there is anyone who has what it takes to be rangers, it's you. To use the power coins, you must be strong of mind, body, will, and pure of heart. Qualities I'm sure you all have." Hiruzen answered as he let out a small smile. The five looked among themselves for a moment before a look of determination appeared on their faces.
"We'll do it master. We promise we won't fail." Sakura stated for the team voicing the determination that they all felt. Hiruzen nodded and showed them the power coins giving them a better view of them. The coins were solid gold, each with a different symbol on it. In the very center was a coin with a large S etched into it. The one to its right had a square symbol in it and the one on its left was decorated in a pentagonal design. The coins below it featured a triangle and a sideways arrowhead pointing left. As the five gazed upon the coins they seemed to gleam in the light captivating them more.
"Now Sakura step forward." Hiruzen said proceeding to get to the chase. As Sakura stepped up to him he picked up the coin with the arrowhead symbol and held it in front of him with his left hand and the wooden box in his right. "Sakura, you are smart, kind, and graceful. I hereby dub you the pink ranger of the team." Hiruzen said smiling when he saw her take the coin into her hand. Sakura nodded her head in affirmation before stepping back.
Ino then stepped forward noticing Hiruzen looking at her. "Ino, you are strong, fierce, and protective of those you care about. I here by name you the yellow ranger." Hiruzen said handing her the triangle power coin. Ino smiled and slightly bowed before stepping back in line. Shikamaru lazily yawned before stepping up his face looked bored, and his hands in his pockets. "Shikamaru, you are very smart, cunning, and patient, you will be the black ranger." Hiruzen sighed seeing how uninterested the young man looked. He handed him the pentagon etched coin and watched as Lee took his place.
"Lee, you are swift, courageous, and loyal you will be the blue ranger." Hiruzen said as he handed him the square coin. Lee gave him a wide toothy smile before stepping back and watching as Sasuke took his place. "Sasuke, you are strong, wise, and intuitive. I hereby make you the new red ranger and team leader." Hiruzen said as Sasuke let out a cocky smirk and behind him his teammates seemed to smile agreeing with the decision. As Sasuke reached to grab the last coin a small barrier came around it keeping him from grabbing the coin. His friend's smiles turned into faces of shock at seeing their team leader rejected by the coin.
"What's going on here? How come I can't grab the coin?" Sasuke asked getting angry as he continuously tried and failed to grab the coin.
"I was afraid of this Sasuke. It seems You are not worthy to wield the coin after all." Hiruzen sighed in disappointment closing the box and holding it behind him denying Sasuke another chance to try for the coin again. Ino then step forward disbelieving what she was hearing.
"But Master Sasuke is the strongest one of all of us!" she practically screamed. Hiruzen seemed unfazed expecting the reaction from one of them.
"Yes, Sasuke is the one with the most physical strength and skill among you all but it's not his strength that's the problem but his heart. Sasuke your heart is wavering, uncertain, and it is filled with a deep hatred. I can see it in your eyes now just like I could when you first came here six years ago. I was hoping making friends would help remove these feelings from you but it seems I was wrong." Hiruzen said each word sending daggers into Sasuke's ego until he snapped.
"Are you saying my heart is weak?! Are you saying all my training was wasted? I lead this team for six years and made them the best, and while they become power rangers you say that I'm not worthy?!" Sasuke screamed in rage as he felt his pride insulted by what the man said to him.
"Sasuke you have too much pride. That is your biggest weakness and will only lead you to destruction. And until you learn to deal with it you will never be worthy of the power coin. Now you are dismissed." Hiruzen said with a cold look in his eye that said that for him to back down. Even more enraged Sasuke turned around and stormed out of the room.
Hiruzen sighed as the other four looked deeply shocked at what happened. "Well now that, that is done the four of you must now go and pack your things you all will be going to Angel grove and will be staying with my old student Adam at his dojo. He will be your new advisor in the use of your ranger powers and provide you with the gear you need to use your new coins." Hiruzen said as he began to walk away from them back to his seat at the front of the hall
"But what about the last coin? We need a leader! If not Sasuke who?" Ino asked speaking before the others had a chance.
Hiruzen then stopped in his tracks before he turned around to face them again. "You will find a fifth ranger soon. But not here I feel that the one destined to wield this coin is somewhere in Angel grove. As for your leader. Until the red ranger spot is filled I hear by make Sakura acting team leader." Hiruzen said as Sakura looked shocked but otherwise accepted. The four then bowed and turned to leave but Sakura was stopped by Hiruzen." Sakura hold on a moment. I need to have a word with you." Sakura nodded and remained while the others continued.
"What is it master?" Sakura asked wondering what they needed to talk about.
"Sakura I want you to take the red power coin." Hiruzen said giving the coin to Sakura.
"But why me?" She asked wondering aloud.
"Because I want you to pick the new red ranger. I trust your judgement. You can see the best in people. And I feel the others won't be as up to it. Shikamaru is far too lazy, Lee is while trusting is too trusting and not to bright, And Ino is not so trusting to have a total newcomer be her leader. So, trust your instincts, keep your mind and heart open, and always look beneath the underneath. If you do you will see the potential in people as well as their true selves. It is there that you will find your new red ranger." Hiruzen said smiling at the young girl.
Sakura nodded her head and took the coin into her hand. "I won't fail you master." Sakura said as she smiled at the old man who seemed to have a great deal of faith in her.
"I know you won't. Now the others must not know that you have the coin. You can tell Adam but not the others. Also, take this map it has an outline to Adam's dojo. That is where you will meet him." He said handing her the map that had a red line drawn through it showing her the way to her location. She nodded her head and ran to her room to prepare for her journey.
She rushed to her room and went into her small closet grabbing her duffle bag and began to put all her things in it. She didn't really have much. She had a small picture of her parents on her dresser, her anatomy book, multiple pairs of undergarments, a couple of shirts, a couple pair of pants, and a pair of sneakers. She never was one to have a lot of clothes especially since she wore her uniform whenever she wasn't sleeping like the rest of the students here.
After she emptied her closet and dresser of all her belongings except for a White tee shirt with a red cherry and a red collar and sleeve bordering, a pair of low cut blue jean shorts, and her white boots that stopped at her ankles with two and a half inch long and one inch wide heels and red laces. She quickly stripped off the leather top, pants and boots tossing them into her duffle bag before grabbing her shirt and began to put it on. As she pulled on her shirt she looked in the mirror on her dresser and observed her own figure. Her shirt was tight and emphasized her torso showing that while she was curvy and had an hourglass shape she lacked the large chest her teammate and best friend Ino had. With Ino having a chest the size of a double d, while hers was a modest b cup. She sighed at one of her self-proclaimed flaws and continued getting dressed. After she was done she placed her duffle bag on her left shoulder grabbed the map her master gave her and left her old room for the last time.
In a large citadel hidden by powerful magics laid the head general of Ivan's armies General Typhon kneeling before a large pool that held the image of his master Ivan Ooze. Typhon looked like a something from a Greek myth. His body was covered in tiny scales that was the color of spoiled milk with blue tribal markings along his body. The whites of his eyes were black, his pupils were slits, and his eyes shined a blistering yellow. He had claws as sharp as steel and fangs like small knives. His face was shaped like that of a handsome human man in his thirties. He had long pointed ears, and long flowing Black hair that stopped in the middle of his back. He wore a silver breastplate with a golden fleece around his shoulders, as well as a white short sleeved tunic that stopped at his ankles. And large feathery wings folded along his back.
"My lord everything is going as planned. We have conquered most of the western seaboard and are preparing to move forward." Typhon said kneeling before his master.
"Good, very good general. Now that all the power rangers are taken care of I'm pulling my main forces out and heading to Europe. I want you and your forces to handle this country while I'm gone. I'll return in six months general, I'll expect results in that time." Ivan said to the monster before the pool turned clear and his image vanished. Typhon rose from his kneeling position as he looked around the area. He saw a golden monster that looked like a humanoid dragon with a golden armor like leathery body, and had a reptilian face with piercing red snake eyes, and a large flowing black cape. In his hand was a serrated Japanese chokuto with a shitogi tsuba, a double-edged blade, and a handle resembling a dragon's arm holding a smooth, round, purple jewel in its claws.
"Ryuga." Typhon identified the reptilian monster as. "Go into the nearby city, take a squad of oozelings with you and destroy it. I want this over with quickly." He said as he went and sat on what looked like a large throne made of pure white bone. Ryuga nodded his head before leaving his cape flowing behind him his eyes glowing a deadly fiery red.
As Sakura finally walked out into the front gate she saw her friends impatiently waiting on her. She looked around and saw that her friends also decided to change into civilian's clothes. Ino wore a black halter top along with black leggings that went down to her ankles. She wore a deep purple vest over her halter top along with a matching pleated skirt that stopped at her knees along with a pair of blue low healed sandals, a pair of small gold hoop earrings, and a gold necklace around her neck.
Shikamaru wore a black hooded jacket with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and opened to show the white tee he wore underneath. Around his neck was a black and green checkered neckerchief, as well as a pair of blue jeans, black and white sneakers, and a pair of diamond studs in his ears.
Ino was constantly tapping her foot in the ground and clenching her teeth in irritation a large vein pooping in her forehead. As Sakura finally walked up to the three Ino turned to the pink haired girl seething in rage her visibly icy blue eye lit aflame as she gazed at her best friend. "What the hell took you so long?!" Ino yelled at their temporary leader making her wince.
Sakura quickly remembered what Hiruzen told her and quickly came up with a lie. "Master forgot to give me the map to the dojo and wanted to tell me how we can get there." Sakura said with her usual amount of confidence in her voice. Ino accepted the lie while Shikamaru looked slightly unconvinced but otherwise nodded in acceptance. Sakura looked around the entrance in confusion as she looked for her eccentric teammate. "Where's lee?"
Ino shook her head in frustration as Shikamaru shook his head as he leaned against a tree behind him. Sakura thought about sitting down when she saw her final teammate walking out of the academy. She along with her two other teammates nearly hit the floor as they noticed what Lee was wearing. Lee walked out of the academy wearing a tight, green, and shiny rubber jumpsuit along with orange leg warmers and flipflop sandals., bandages on his hands and forearms that went up to his elbows on top of his jumpsuit, an orange headband, a pine green zip up vest and a large gold peace sign necklace.
Sakura felt her temples throbbing at the site of the gaudy outfit. Shikamaru slapped himself in the forehead, while Ino began to stomp over toward the green clad ninja grabbed him by his rubber jacket and brought him closer to her to stair him in his eyes, hers blazing in fury. "Lee, what…the hell…are you wearing."
Lee began to sweat under the enraged blonde's gaze as he felt it boring into his skull. "Do you like it? Guy sensei gave me these clothes when he heard I was going on an extended mission he gave me these awesome clothes." Lee said to the 19-year-old who dropped him as she groaned in frustration.
Sakura shook her head as she pulled out the map she got from Hiruzen. "Ok guys I think it's time we got going." Sakura sad as she grabbed her duffle bag and began to head out of the forest along with her.
It took no more than ten minutes to reach the barrier that hid the ninja academy from the outside world. They walked down an old beaten path used for many years by hikers that frequently walked through the area. After what seemed like half an hour they came upon a large empty grove devoid of any form of grass or plant life, nothing but a large pit of dirt that lead to a large open road.
As Sakura checked her map she found that they were currently facing west and were about 15 miles south of the city limits. She rolled up the map placing it in her pocket before turning to her team mates. "Ok were about 15 miles south of the city limits. Once we get into town we'll take a bus the rest of the way to the dojo." She said to them getting a nod in response before continuing their way. Instead of walking on the road itself they decided that it would be safer to stay in the forest lining road. The walk to the city was long and quit as the group made their way down alongside the road to the start of their new lives.
After three and a half hours the city finally came into view and they decided it to walk the rest of the way on street since no cars seemed to be coming. Once they entered the city limits it only took about another 25 minutes before they found a bus stop sitting in front of a small gas station. The bus stop was a simple bench enclosed on three sides around them and above them by clear plexiglass with enough room to easily seat them all. As they all sat down on the bench finally able to rest for a moment Sakura looked through her things finding that she still had some of the money left over from a previous mission.
She really didn't have much need for it up until now but it was still nice to have. She looked over to her best friend Ino who was listening to her iPod since they left the academy. Sakura couldn't discern what exactly she was listening to but the faint melodies and the thumping beats told her that it was some sort of techno music. She just shrugged her shoulders and tapped her friend on the shoulder making her hit the pause button on her iPod and taking out her right ear bud and turning her head to look at her. "Watch my stuff I'm going to go buy something to eat. You want something?"
Ino shook her head no to the girl not wanting to eat anything that came from a gas station. Sakura just shook her head and walked inside the old building. As Sakura walked through the aisles of the old building she found what looked like to be a newspaper. As she grabbed it she read the headlines that read "World under siege" with the front picture being the charred, shattered, and bloody helmet of the yellow wild force ranger. Her broken sword seen clearly behind it.
Sakura felt her blood run cold as she read the report of how numerous bodies of dead rangers being found among the wreckage of burned down cities. 'I can't believe it. They're dead. They were the ones that have been saving the world for years. If they couldn't stop Ivan then what choice do, we have?' Sakura thought to herself continuing to read the article. Not seeing anything else of note in it she placed the paper back and grabbed a couple of microwaveable breakfast sandwiches and a large cup of coffee after adding the right amount of cream and sugar to it for her taste not liking it black. She heated up the sandwiches in the microwave underneath the coffee maker payed for her food and walked back to the bust stop to wait for the bus.
It had been three hours since they had arrived in Angel Grove and it had taken two hours for the bus to come pick them up so they could continue their journey. The bus took them into the heart of downtown where their destination was imminent. Sakura looked out her window and saw that they were only one block away from Adam's dojo and decided to pull the stop cord above her. She turned around behind her and nudged the sleeping blue ranger awake. Lee sputtered awake wiping the drool that began to drip down his mouth during his sleep. As the bus began to slow down at the following stop the quartet got up from their seats and began to walk to the front of the bus reaching it when the bus finally came to a stop.
They all walked off the bus and it then rode off seeing no new passengers at the stop disappearing into the web of traffic behind them. Sakura pulled the map back out and looked back down at it and saw they were only down the street from their destination and began to walk down the busy streets of downtown Angel Grove. In less than twenty minutes they finally reached their destination. The building was two stories tall made of white painted cinder blocks, a large glass front and notable windows on the top floor. The sign on the front was large yellow sign with red bordering and letting that said "Park Martial arts".
Sakura inspected the window and found that there was only one person in the building. The person was a tall blonde that looked around her age. He had spiky blond hair that seemed to radiate out like rays of the sun. He had bright blue eyes and tanned skin that contrasted with her own pale complexion. He wore an orange tank top with jet black shorts that had a thin orange stripe that went down the front and back of both pants legs.
He stood in the middle of the padded blue floor flinging a boa staff around himself making it look as if it was made of rubber. She could tell he had been at it for a while looking at the amount of sweat dripping off him. He grabbed the staff in both hands above himself before doing several back flips before doing high jump kick following with a sweep kick and slamming the staff down in front of himself. Sakura then decided to go on and enter the building and find the man they came to find.
She reached for the door and found that it was unlocked. As she opened the door a small bell rang alerting the blond to the visitors entering the dojo. He quickly grabbed a white towel off the nearby bench and wiped his brow before dropping it over his shoulders and smiled at the four. "Hey welcome to Park Martial arts. I'm sorry but if you came to take a class it won't start for another three hours." He said to the group with a smile as bright as the sun.
Sakura shook her head before responding" We're not here for a class. We're looking for a man named Adam Park. Do you know if he's around?" she asked politely looking around the square room at the mirror lined walls.
The blond looked slightly puzzled before he responded "Yeah he's in the back I'll go get him for you." he said before turning around and walking through a door that lead behind the dojo.
Sakura watched him leave before hearing a loud crunch behind her. She turned and saw that Lee was messily eating a bag of potato chips getting crumbs on shiny blue mats. Sakura gave him a small glare at the bowl cut messy eater. "You're making a mess baka!" Sakura said getting more annoyed at her teammates lack of manners.
Lee looked down at the floor below him to see the large number of crumbs and quickly bowed his head in apology. "I'm deeply sorry Sakura! I shall clean this mess at once." As lee bent over more chips fell onto the floor making a bigger mess before he quickly went to his bag and pulled a full-sized broom and dust pan from nowhere and proceeded to clean everything but the chips he wasted.
Sakura felt a vein protruding on her head and began to let loose a string of curses in her native tongue Japanese. "Hey if you're gonna insult him at least say it in English. Ino said finding the situation amusing.
Before Sakura could say anymore the door behind her opened as the blond from before came back in along with a man that was in his early to mid-thirties and of Asian descent. "Hello I'm Adam park I hear you all were looking for me." Adam said introducing himself and extending his hand in a handshake.
Sakura nodded her head and shook the hand back. "Yeah, I'm Sakura Haruno and these are my friends Rock Lee, Ino Yamanaka, and Shikamaru Nara. We have come here by orders of Master Hiruzen Sarutobi." with those words Adam's eye's widened slightly but he quickly recovered.
"Right my old sensei told me he would send someone but I didn't expect to see you so soon. "Adam said as he turned to look at his blonde compatriot. "Naruto, would you lock the shop up for me? I need to speak with them alone You can take the rest of the day off." Adam said to the younger man. The now named Naruto nodded his head and walked to the front doors and began to lock them as Adam began to walk into the back of the dojo having Sakura and her friends follow right behind him.
He led them through a beige hallway that had four doors on it the first being Adam's office, the next two were the men and women's bathroom and the last being a pair of elevator doors. He pressed the up button on the door opening it for them and the closed button once they were all inside. He then pulled out a small key from his pocket and put into a small keyhole above the button panel and revealed a button that went down. He pressed the button sending them all downward into an unknown location. From the length of the elevator ride Sakura could tell that they went down at least five floors underground before the elevator stopped and opened to reveal a large room that had stainless steel walls, a large monitor, and numerous control panels in front of the monitor.
"Welcome rangers welcome to your new strategic command center. This is where you will be able to monitor numerous parts of the country as well as this city. This is also where you will get all your weapons and gear." Adam said as he walked out of the elevator and showed them their new base.
They all looked around with amazement at the technological wonder also seeing a 5-foot-tall gold and red robot with a head that looked like a gold ufo with a line shaped ocular sensor with two constantly moving red dots, it had golden boot shaped feet, blue tubing over his arms and legs, and a yellow thunder bolt on its chest. "Why Hello there I'm Alpha 6 it's a pleasure to meet you all." The robot said in a high pitched as it walked up to them.
"Alpha I would like to introduce to you the next generation of rangers. Sakura, Lee, Shikamaru, and Ino. Rangers this is Alpha 6 or Alpha for short. He's my technical assistant and an old friend of mine." Adam said introducing the four to his robotic buddy.
"This place is Amazing! How did you get the money to build all this?" Ino asked amazed and excited about their new command center.
"Well most of this stuff came from the underground tunnels under our old command center back from my days as a power ranger. And the rest came from the lab of an old friend of mine after he left the country." Adam explained as he walked up to one of the consuls. He pressed a few buttons on the control panel and a secret compartment opened showing five gold and black rectangular boxes with a large round black circle with the kanji for ninja in the middle. Going down the center was a black strip with five shapes going down it. The five shapes were a red circle, a pink arrow head, a yellow triangle, a blue square, and a black pentagon.
Adam grabbed four of the morphers and walked over to them. "Here theses are your Ninjetti morphers. Theses in conjunction with your power coins will allow you to become power rangers. All you must do is press the button on the side and place your coin inside. Once that happens you just say its morphin time and you will be transformed." Adam told them as he walked up to them.
They each grabbed one of the morphers and pressed the button on the side to open the morpher and place their coins inside. "Good now that that's done. Alpha will you show them to their rooms?" the robot happily agreed to the request and began to lead them away except Sakura remained.
"Adam, can you give me the last morpher?" Sakura asked looking stoic and serious. Adam looked confused but otherwise retrieved the last morpher.
"Sure, but why do you needed it." He asked as he handed it to the pinkette.
"Because master Hiruzen trusted me with the last power coin. He asked me to find our new red ranger and you're the only one I can tell." She said as she placed the last coin into the morpher and placed it into her back pocket.
"Why didn't he pick someone for the red ranger spot?' Adam asked her curious about the decision. Sakura looked down cast for a moment when asked the question but answered anyway.
"The one sensei picked wasn't pure enough to wield the coin. So, he asked me to find the red ranger." Sakura said retelling how Sasuke couldn't use the coin. Adam nodded his head and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"If he has faith in you then so do I." Adam said with a slight smile on his face. Sakura smiled back and grabbed her duffle bag and went to find Alpha and the group.
On top of a skyscraper in the middle of the city Ryuga stood looking over the city his cape flowing in the wind. He held his sword by the bottom of its hilt the tip of the blade planted firmly into the ground. He turned behind him and saw a large squad of 20 oozeling foot soldiers. The oozelings were human shaped, had blue skin with white ghost like faces on their faces, chest and on there right thighs. They also held in their hands white and blue swords with the ghost like face on it its blade.
"Now to begin our conquest of this city. We shall bring this city to its knees and secure a victory for Lord Ivan." Ryuga said raising his sword in the air. The oozelings let out a loud garbled cry before they all ran to the edge of the skyscraper before jumping off. Ryuga looked at the sight before he took his sword and fired fiery orange beam of energy at the building in front of him wiping out the top of the building in a fiery explosion extinguishing dozens of lives in an instant. Ryuga smiled as he heard the screams of the innocent.
The alarms in the command center blared startling the occupants and having the six occupants ran up to see the monitor. "Alpha what's going on?" Adam asked as Alpha began to press buttons on the console.
"Ai-yai-yai-yai-yai! A monster is attacking the city with a group of ooze monsters!" Alpha said as the image of Ryuga and the oozelings attacking the citizens around them. Adam turned around to the four rangers and said
"It's time to get to work." The four nodded their heads as they began to walk the elevator.
"Alpha where are they attacking?" Sakura asked as they stepped into the elevator.
"There in the downtown commercial district. On 2nd and main street." Alpha said as the doors closed and they were taken up. After the doors opened they ran to the front of the now empty dojo and out the front door after turning the lock to unlock the door. They ran down the streets of Angel Grove squeezing thru the frantic crowds soon finding themselves at the center of the destruction with nearly all the citizens in the area either hiding, or ran out of the area.
Ryuga stopped the advance of his troops as he gazed upon the serious faces of the four-young people standing before him.
"Well, well, I didn't think that you humans had any fight left in you since your champions have fallen to Ivan's armies." Ryuga said as he gazed upon the four.
"That's the funny things about us humans. We're like roaches sometimes. You kill a few of us more come back to take their place!" Sakura shouted back to the armored monster.
"Then let me crush you like roaches then. "Ryuga declared as he hefted his serrated sword and pointed it at them competitively.
Sakura looked around at her team squashing the small amount of fear rising in her throat. 'This is it. Now it begins.' With that thought she grabbed her morpher and held it across her chest in her in her right hand the tip of it touching her left collarbone. "You guys ready?!" She shouted as her team mirrored her actions holding their own morphers.
"Ready!" "Its morphin time." They shouted as they placed their left hands on top of their morphers and thrust them forward. A bright light shone in the area and standing in the place of the four young adults were the form of four power rangers. The rangers were of similar design to the alien rangers except for all of them having white boots and gloves with a thick black strip around there shins and forearms, they also had white neck braces and the once cyan and white rangers were now a royal blue and a bright pink respectively.
Ryuga felt his deep red eyes widen in surprise as he gazed upon the four power rangers. 'How is this possible? They're all supposed to be dead. The only ones left are supposed to be with lord Ivan in Europe. How can there be more of them?' Ryuga screamed in his head knowing that he didn't have the answers.
"Graceful like the crane pink ninja ranger." Sakura shouted as she made the sign of the ninjetti with her hands before taking the stance of the crane.
"Swift like the wolf blue ninja ranger." Lee also said forming the sign of the ninjetti with his hands before taking the stance of the wolf.
"Cunning like the frog black ninja ranger" Shikamaru announced forming the sign of the ninjetti with his hands before taking the stance of the frog
"Strong like the bear yellow ninja ranger" Ino said forming the sign of the ninjetti with her hands before taking the stance of the bear. They all formed the sign of the ram and held it and brought it down reciting the rest of their war cry.
"Force of shadows, power of light, powers unite, Power Rangers Ninjetti" The rangers said as they grabbed the hilts of their swords in their right hands and the bottom of their sheaths in their left.
"I don't care who you are you will fall like the rest of the Power Rangers. Now oozelings attack." Ryuga said sending his troops into battle.
They grabbed their ninja blades from their sheaths and charged into the fray in a blur. Sakura did multiple backflips past their front lines landing in the heart of their numbers. She took her sword and placed three quick slashes at the first oozeling she saw. She then raised her left leg up in a backwards kick to the head sending another one down to the ground before stabbing it through the head and continuing her carnage.
Lee jumped into the air his sword held high as he began to cleave his opponent s in two. He formed the symbol of the ram and soon he disappeared before he could be hit with two of the oozelings swords. A large plume of dust and smoke came up from behind them as Lee slashed them in the back on the upswing. On his descent, he kicked another oozeling that tried to attack him with a jumping slash with its sword. He spun and cut down another enemy before running to the next.
Ino jumped into the middle of five oozelings and slammed her hands together in the tiger sign "Mind Destruction Jutsu" She whispered under her breath as she forced the five to turn on each other before cutting down the lone survivor with her sword and moving on to the next.
Shikamaru flipped to avoid the several purple laser blasts coming from the oozelings swords. As he stopped his backflips an oozeling tried to stab him from behind but only to hit an empty uniform. They all looked around looking for their black clad foe only to be shoot from an indiscriminate angle by a white and golden beam of energy.
Shikamaru stepped out from his spot fused to the wall of a nearby bank ninja blaster in hand. He did a cowboy style gun twirl before holstering his gun in its holster at his side. Ryuga watched in mild horror as his entire squad was decimated in under three minutes. The four rangers lined up in front of Ryuga ready to take on the golden dragonoid before he leapt away in a haze of flames retreating to his base. Sakura cursed under her breath before she turned to her teammates.
"He got away. We better leave as well." the others nodded in agreement and Sakura formed the tiger sign summoning a large smoke screen obscuring their escape unaware of the blue eyes watching them from the shadows.
Well guys that was chapter one. I hope you liked it. I know that this chapter centered around Sakura a lot but the next one will focus more on Naruto more so with that said see you at the next chapter. Also, I'm going to need help with monsters, both general type monsters and your everyday monster of the day type monsters. If you have any ideas, please leave me a comment or a note.
Edit: Sweet lord was this a rewrite. I had to reconstruct practically the whole thing it's crazy. Oh well hopefully this came better than the original. And If you noticed Which you should I replaced Kiba with Lee. Why other than all the other reasons I've stated? Cause I fucking love Lee. He's funny as hell that's why. I can be way more creative for Lee than Kiba whose shtick I wore out by chapter 6. Any way now to start on chapter four of Kallen of the rebellion.