AN: Hello guys, it's me again, though I'm not back with an update.

I guess you all want an explanation of why I haven't updated in… wow, almost a year.

Well, I guess I should start by telling you all that I've started and almost ended ninth grade, so for those who are in my seat, you know exactly how stressful that is. Almost every evening/night since I started has consisted of writing essays and doing homework, and it's not often I've had time to do something of my own interest.

And because of this, I've broken up with my best friend. So yeah, to say that I've been sad is an understatement, since we've been friends since sixth grade and have gone through so much together. Though I think the worst thing is that I've had a crush on her since seventh grade, so I'll just put that on top of my heartache.

In conclusion, I haven't had the time, energy or will to update this story. I've tried going back into writing, (the outcome of that being my new story, A Rift Through Dimensions) and I'm sort of getting the hang of it again.

And now this morning, I finally went to the reviews on this story, and I saw that so many people had wanted me to come back and finish it. And the one comment that stood out to me was the one sent from a Guest around 3 am (Swedish time) and I couldn't help but feel like I had to answer it. So, I'll just show you what they said:

"PLEASE WRIGHT MORE! Please! For the doctor! PLEASE! I NEEDZ to know what happens next! David Tennant would be ashamed if you didn't finish! PLEASE! I've been reading your story since you first published..and its been FOREVER since you updated...I miss the adventures of Crazy and Carrot Head..give her sight back! Make Lloyd big again! Help them! That's like...the worst way to end a seriously...please!"

I'm so sorry about this, but for me, this story is dead.

If I'll ever update again after this, I don't know, but at least you deserve an explanation of why this story has ended.

Though, I always imagined that I would actually finish the story.

So if anyone wants to know how the story was supposed to end, or maybe even help me finish it, go ahead and give me a message. I'll see you there, maybe?

Anyways, I guess this is it, the end of it all. I want to thank all of those who actually stayed with me for so long, all of those who reviewed the story and supported me all the way through. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but everything has to end at some point.

Thank you all so much for everything, and goodbye.
