AN: My 2nd story! This one will be a NinjaGo fanfic with my two OCs, but it'll switch between them during the story. But at the end of the story, they will have conversations with each other. Well, enough crap- writing, let's start the story! Warning: contains "SOME" randomness.

I don't own NinjaGo, if I did it would never end!

(Now it starts.) (Alicias POV.)

Alone… again. My parents are traveling, they are always traveling. And they always leave me at home. Am I sad? Nah, not really. I hate traveling anyway, it's much better to stay home and watch NinjaGo. And speaking of it, tonight's time for the first episode of the new season! Am I excited or what?! I guess 'What' is the answer, because I'm more than excited! I just wish I could watch it with my friend, Hannah. If it wasn't for her being sick, we would have a sleepover- party to watch the new episode together, and she would fangirl- out every, SINGLE, TIME Kai did something awesome. If you didn't get that he's her favorite character, then now you know. Who's my favorite character you ask? Well, you probably didn't… but it's Lloyd! I can't really explain why, but I have three reasons. 1: He's intelligent (for being his real age.) 2: HE'S SUPER CUTE! And 3: (Haha, 3: looks like someone covering their mouth) He's just a frie dipped in tons of AWESOME- SAUCE! Maybe it sounds crazy, but that's how I am! Now it's time for the new episode to start, so I sat down at the couch after turning on the TV, and waited for it to start. Five minutes past, thirty minutes past, an hour past! Why didn't the episode start? I waited for another hour, but nope. The episode never started. I turned off the TV, walked to my room and sat down by the window. I looked up at the sky and started to count the stars. Wait, who does that? Oh, that's right. ME! When I just counted to 904, I saw a shooting star. I closed my eyes and made a wish.

"I wish, I could move to Ninjago sometime. To meet the ninja, and everyone else." I whispered and opened my eyes again. And then I continued to count stars… BUTT NUGGET, I forgot my count. Now I'll have to start over again. Uuh! 1, 2, 3…

(Hannas POV.)

Bluuuuuhhhh… I hate being sick! If it wasn't for this cold I have, I would be at Crazys house right now. Crazy is my nickname for Alicia, because you can describe her with that one word. CRAZY! She called me Carrot- head, because I'm ginger. We would be watching NinjaGo right now. Sit at the floor, eat ketchup- chips (Yeah, THAT EXISTS!) and argue about why Kai's more awesome than Lloyd. I like Kai, no wait, I ABSOLOUTLEY LOVE HIM TO THE INFINITY, AND BEYOND! He's more than awesome… HE'S KAI! I was sitting by the computer and watching the last episode of season 2 of NinjaGo, and I looked up just in time to see a shooting star. I paused the video and closed my eyes.

"I wish I lived in Ninjago, together with Alicia, and all of the ninja." I said, and played the video again.

(Later that night.)

I was dreaming about me and Crazy beating the crap out of some Stone warriors. And our weapons? A giant, pink, FRYING PAN! I was just going to hit a stone warrior (who was wearing a pink dress) in the head, when I heard a sound that came from reality. I woke up, but thought I was still dreaming. At the end of my bed there was a big pink, blue and white portal, which looked to be the one made from Travellers- tea. I got out of bed and grabbed my back pack, packed some clothes and a bottle of water, and tossed it over my back. I pulled a hoodie over my pajamas and jumped laughing through the portal.

(Alicias POV.)

I was just about to fall back to sleep (after having a midnight milkshake), when I saw a bright light, and then a portal. The portal looked familiar, for whatever reason. I grabbed my back pack, packed some clothes and my sketchbook, and tossed it over my back. I jumped out of my bed and stood right in front of the portal. It smelled like tea. Mmm, tea. I looked at my messy room.

"Okay, listen up room! I'll be gone for only the Doctor knows how long, so promise you won't be clean when I get home! Promise?" I said to my room. It stayed quiet.

"Good. See ya later!" I said and turned to the portal.

"Well, only one thing to do. ALLONSYYYYYY!" I shouted and jumped through the portal.

(End of chapter 1.)

AN: So, I hoped you enjoyed reading this.

Crazy: Yeah, I know I did! Now, I'm going to go kick some serpentine- butt!

Carrot- head: I'm coming with you! Remember readers, if you liked the story…

Crazy: FOLLOW, FAVORITE AND REVIEW! *rides around on a Serpentine*

Carrot- head: Hey, I was going to say that!

Crazy: Well too bad! WHHEEEEEEEE…

Carrot- head: Oh, don't make me send a Dalek after you!

Crazy: HAHA, YOU CAN TRY! *pulls up a Sonic Screwdriver*

Carrot- head: -_- Uuhh… We'll be back on Saturday. See ya then!