Hello everyone!

I know I haven't finished my other fic yet and thank you for all of the reviews they are so lovely to read! I have been working on this fic in the run up to christmas and was going to do it as a one shot but the ideas kept coming I am going to write chapter 9 of my other fic soon so please stay with me! If you like this Christmas fanfic please review or share with your friends I would really appreciate some feedback and after recent events in Storybrooke that have upset me so much (Regina and Emma being separated) I would like to inform you that in my fics that did not happen ! Thank you and enjoy love Rouge xxx

Chapter 1

A year had passed since Henry had been rescued from Neverland and the residence had set their feet back on the ground of Storybrooke for the first time to the sound of applause from the town members who welcomed them home. Emma and Regina's relationship had grown stronger in the first two, short months after their return, and they eventually voiced their true feelings for each other and realised that their chance of happiness had been right in front of them the whole time...being together! Although telling Emma's parents about their relationship was hard, after much deliberation and argumentative behaviour from both Mary Margaret and David, they started to see just how much Emma and Regina cared for each other, how much love they had for each other and they started to come around. Henry couldn't be happier, he had his dad Neal who had stuck by his word to be there for him, he had his grandparents who he knew loved him dearly and now he had both of his mothers, happy and together. Although it had of course came as a shock to him that his mothers were actually each other's true loves however, seeing them together it wasn't strange at all they just clicked they were happy and so was he.

Emma had moved into the mansion with Regina and Henry which really pained Mary Margaret to see, not because she didn't agree with the relationship but because it really felt like Emma had flown the nest and had grown up and because Mary Margaret had not gotten a chance to be a mother to her when she was a baby, this caused her much distress. Emma and Regina had officially been a couple for 8 months before they had gotten married and became Mrs and Mrs Swan-Mills! Emma had proposed to Regina by the well that Regina had used to save her life and Regina had accepted, with tears in her eyes. The wedding was a small, intimate ceremony at the town hall, both women wore beautiful, white gowns although Emma really wanted to wear a suit, but Regina wouldn't hear of it so she gave in and wore a dress. She was happy to do anything it took to make Regina happy and she knew Regina felt the same way.

It was now the 22nd of December and it was getting very close to Christmas. This would be their first Christmas as a married couple and as a true family with Henry, they were all very excited especially Emma and Regina because, growing up in foster care never gave Emma a chance to celebrate Christmas as a member of a proper family and Regina had never had a family Christmas like this it had always just been her and Henry and she wanted to get Emma a special gift this year.

Emma was waiting outside Henry's school, waiting to pick him up after his last day of school before the Christmas holidays. As she heard the bell ring she started to walk slowly across the playground to the main entrance as lots of excited school children ran past her to make their way to their parents to go home for the holidays. Emma knew that Henry would be the last child out of the school because Mary Margaret was his teacher and she always liked to walk out with him to see her or Regina when they picked Henry up.

"Hi Mom" Henry greeted her as he walked out of school closely followed by his grandmother.

"Hey Kid" she hugged him and then greeted her mother.

"Oh gosh it's freezing out here" Mary Margaret pointed out to a very cold Emma.

"Really? I hadn't noticed" Emma joked sarcastically as she stood there with her hands in her pockets for warmth as Henry giggled at her remark and Mary Margaret smiled.

"Go on, you go home into the warm, have a good holiday both of you and I will see you in a few days for Christmas" Mary Margaret hugged her daughter and her grandson tightly, which Emma mostly appreciated because of the warmth, and then quickly walked in the opposite direction heading into town to her home in the loft.

When Henry and Emma arrived home Regina was busy in the kitchen fixing dinner for them and making Christmas cookies.

"Mmmmm" Henry said as he entered the kitchen "Hi Mom, something smells amazing" he said with a smile on his face as he hugged his other mother.

"Why thank you dear, but you can't have any until after dinner" Regina smirked sussing out her sons intentions.

"awww" Henry moaned but he smiled too. "Look what I got today" he pulled off his backpack putting it on the counter and unzipping it taking out his latest math test showing Regina that he got an A.

"Well done Henry, you are so clever!" she told him proudly hanging this latest achievement on the fridge with his other tests, certificates and pictures of Regina, Emma and Henry together as Henry smiled watching.

"Thanks mom" Henry said as Emma who had removed her coat and boots came into the kitchen.

"Mmmm" She also said.

"Yes yes I know they smell delicious but they are Christmas cookies for later" Regina smiled as she waited for the cookies to cool down

"Awww ok Regina, we understand don't we Henry?" Emma said as she came behind her brunette, putting her arms around her waist gently and kissing her on the cheek sweetly to say hello. Regina reached her hand back to Emma's neck keeping her head still as she moved her own so that she was facing her blonde saviour and then kissed her lips gently. Emma quickly held onto Regina tightly.

"Henry quick!" Emma said playfully as she held Regina. Henry reached over the counter and took two cookie's and ran into the hall followed by Emma after releasing Regina. Emma took one cookie and ate it as Henry ate his.

"I can't believe you did that! Did you two have that planned or something?" Regina laughed replaying the last few moments in her head with her hands on her hips. "You had better not ruin your tea!" she stated turning round to place the other cookies safely in a tin and out of the way until later as Henry and Emma stood giggling in the hall with their mouths full.

When Henry had swallowed his cookie he asked "Mom its 22nd of December and we haven't decorated our christmas tree yet, can we do it now while we wait for tea?" knowing it will take a few hours for the tea to be ready.

"Yes let's do it Regina! It looks too bare just standing there with nothing on it" Emma said. She was more excited because she had never had a family christmas tree before. They used to have one in her care home when she stayed there and she used to decorate a little one in her flat where Henry found her, but it was never the same. This year she was actually going to have a family christmas tree...and an actual family of her own to celebrate with and she honestly couldn't wait.

"Ok we have time now if you want to" Regina said walking into the hall and getting all of the decorations out of the closet and heading into the living room where the tree stood next to the fire place. Henry started rummaging around in the boxes trying to find his favourite ornaments to put on the tree. "Hold on dear" Regina gently said "Its tinsel first remember, then ornaments and then lights" smiling at her son as Emma opened the box of tinsel.

They spend the next hour arranging the decorations on the Christmas tree. Henry showed Emma all the ornaments that he had made over the years at school and she looked at each one as if they were precious jewels, she never thought that she would have any of these moments with her son and she was thankful for every one of them and was thankful for the opportunity to share some of his past with him. The room was filled with laughter as Henry couldn't make the tinsel stay on the tree even though he tried numerous times and Emma managed to get herself tangled in the lights as she was wrapping them round the tree. However, when it was finished and all lit up, they were all sure it was the best Christmas tree they had ever seen. They all stood intertwined with each other admiring their work when Regina realised that the tea must be nearly done so she went out into the kitchen to check.

"You two go upstairs and wash up please tea is almost ready" Regina called to Emma and Henry who raced up the stairs realising just how hungry they had grew over the last hour. By the time they had returned to the kitchen the table was set and the meal was served. They all sat down and began to eat.

"So" Regina started the conversation "Christmas day, what time are your parents expecting us?"

"I think Mary Margaret said we were eating at 4" Emma replied after she had swallowed her food "This is so good Regina"

"Thank you dear" Regina always welcomed compliments about her food. "I'm really happy that everything is ok now with them, in terms of our relationship I mean" She took another mouthful of food.

"Me too" Emma replied swallowing "It was touch and go for a while but I am really glad that they decided to share this with us and be a part of my life again...well our life" picking up some more food with her folk.

"Did you see the newest addition to the fridge?" Regina asked pointing over to it with her folk

"The math test? Yeah! I don't know how he is so clever I really don't, you definitely didn't get that from me kid, I'm really bad at math...and your dad is worse than me" Emma said to her smiling son as he happily gulped down his food. "It must be Regina's influence" Emma continued as she smiled at Regina who was beaming with the inclusion in the battle of the DNA strands.

"I like to think so" Regina smirked at her own confidence as Emma giggled finishing her meal.

"Mom? Mom? Can we watch a christmas film tonight?" Henry asked as he finished his meal. Both mothers looked at each other and agreed it would be a good idea and when Regina had finished her meal and the dishes were cleared away they all settled down on the couch in the living room and Henry put Elf on.

"Before we press play, I have something I need to tell both of you" Regina announced as both Emma and Henry looked at her. "I'm afraid tomorrow I have to go out of town" Emma and Henry both looked shocked.

"What? Why?" Emma questioned quickly

"It's ok I will be back in the evening, I just have to travel two towns over to pick up something" Regina explained

"Mom, you can't! Its christmas eve, eve tomorrow" Henry exclaimed

"I know dear but I will be home tomorrow night! Look Emma, your Christmas present was delivered there by mistake and if I don't go they won't be able to deliver it on time" Regina explained

"I don't mind" Emma said "I just want you here for christmas"

"And I will be dear, look this present is special ok and I really want you to open it on christmas day when the rest of us are opening presents, I will only be gone half a day" Regina said smiling that her family cared so much about her

"Ok...if you're sure" Emma agreed and Henry nodded his head slowly in agreement too even though neither of them wanted to see her go. Emma and Henry didn't really like seeing people leave Storybrooke because they were always afraid that they wouldn't come back to them and, with it being Regina this time they were extremely worried about her departure.

"Come on lets watch the film, it will cheer you both up a little bit, ok?" Regina pressed play and the film began.