
Two weeks after the travesty, Elsa had successfully restored peace to her kingdom. She rightfully went through her kingdom and was able to tell apart the people who were actually confused and the people who were just waiting to see her out of the kingdom. Sure the whole sister in love thing, they would have to get used to, but hey it happened in other countries between brothers and sisters. Whoever didn't like it would just have to deal with it or suffer Elsa's frozen consequences.

The Verona brothers were spending their last day in an Arendelle dungeon cell as of today, after the very angry letters written to the king and his kingdom, their parents would be picking them up, only to lock them up in their own dungeon. However Gabriel and Carla would have to rot underground Arendelle until the day they died.

Anna went downstairs with the guards to open up and transport Anton and Andre to the fjord where she would never have to see them again, but wanted to stick her tongue out at them just one more time.

"Serves you right." Anna scowled as she gave the boys faces once they were chained together and began heading up the winding stairs. Anna followed closely behind them yelling rude names, including some of profane nature.

They made it all the way to the port and Anna was still antagonizing them. She went to Elsa's side on the dock and they could see the ship in the distance.

Andre looked to Anton and attempted to whisper in his ear, "We could both just jump in together now and help each other swim." He said with a smile looking from his brother's eyes to the chains on them. Anton was about to reply when Elsa interrupted him.

"And upon you doing that, I would then proceed to freeze the fjords and then what would you do? Gnaw through with your teeth." Elsa walked up to them casually with a little hip swing and stuck her face between theirs. "You're lucky I didn't kill you and I'm letting you go home to your daddy." The two men gulped as Elsa pulled away and Anna gave her a weird look. "You had your fun insulting them, it was my turn to scare them." Elsa winked and Anna just rolled her eyes.

The ship rolled into port and upon docking, the king, queen, and, a surprise visitor quickly strolled off the boat onto the wood planks.

"Your majesty." They all said in unison and bowed. The third visitor was a troll and quickly caught Kristoff's attention from a distance. This wasn't a troll from his family though. It was Pebble. The head troll of the south. He looked on as the exchanges began.

The king spoke first and never straightened out from his bow, "I am terribly sorry Queen Elsa of Arendelle and Princess Anna of Arendelle for the trouble that my "sons" have caused you. You bet they will be punished respectively and you will be compensated greatly."

Anna replied quickly, "We're just happy it's over." Anna smiled but Elsa gave her a look and she shrunk back in a little bit. Realizing that her sister was still queen. She even found it slightly attractive how in control her sister was sometimes. She bit her lip and listened to her sister.

"They have done my family, my kingdom, and, I much harm." Elsa said sternly.

The king and queen winced. They were unsure of what to expect next and knew just how awful the actions of their sons were.

"However, I do want their lives spared, because I have noticed that people make mistakes. No matter their intentions." Referring to herself of course, because she was the last person to put the kingdom in danger. "What they did was unforgivable but I have showed them mercy. Now please stand up from your bow." She smiled at them and Anna relaxed.

The king and queen gave her gracious smiles in return. Then the king shouted, "Please take these prisoners to our brig." With his demand, his loyal subjects quickly grabbed the men from the Arendelle

guards and dragged them up to the ship all the while shouts of protest were being yelled.

"Also, your majesty, I have brought a visitor that would like to speak with your sister." He said as the troll began walking closer.

"Proceed." Elsa stated as she took a couple step backs and Anna took a couple closer.

"I have heard from across the way what these terrible men have done to you. As a token of how very sorry I am that any of this happened. I have made this special potion which I will never be making again, along with the one that took your powers. This one will be able to restore them, but that choice is solely up to you." Anna bent down and reached out her hand and Pebble extended his hand out with a small glass vile ornate with green vines. He grabbed her hand with his other one and gave her a dear smile. "Whatever choice you make, I wish the best for you. However, this potion is different from the other one. There was never an exact reversal potion this one will drain Elsa's powers partially and share them with you. I already have talked to her through letters and she told me that she would do it if you wanted her to."

Anna looked back momentarily and saw that Elsa wouldn't look at her but was only slightly blushing. She smiled and turned back to the troll as she began to stand up. He nodded his head but then surprised when Anna all of a sudden gave him a huge hug.

"Thank you so much, I will have to think about the choice I will make but you have no idea how much this means to me!"

Pebble was slightly being strangled when Anna realized and let go.

"Oops, sorry." Anna's face lit up and she ran back to Elsa's side and grabbed her arm very tightly while rubbing her face into it.

The king and queen bowed one last time before they all said more apologies and goodbyes. They headed back onto the ship and began steering directly for Verona.

"Good ridden!" Anna screamed from the end of the dock.

The few townspeople that were watching the ordeal had already dispersed so now it was just Kristoff, Olaf, Sven, Elsa, and, Anna. They all turned and walked back to the palace together.

"So are you going to use the potion?" Kristoff pried as he nudged her playfully.

"Yeah Anna, are you? You being able to make the summer would be so wonderful!" Olaf drawled as he held his hands together and bounced. Sven gave a grunt of approval.

"You know what? I'm really not sure." Anna replied as she lifted a finger to her chin and looked upward while walking. Elsa on the other side of her just giggled. "You can do whatever you want." She whispered in a feisty tone drawing Anna out of her stupor.

Anna bit her lip but kept on subject, "Yeah, I know. It's just I mean do I really need the powers? What if they cause more harm again? I did really enjoy them though, and, wow, I was so awesome! Just like you Elsa! And.." Anna was rambling until Elsa stopped in her place and put one finger gently on her younger sister's lips. "Anna, whatever you choose will be perfectly fine. Don't worry so much. Plus no one said you had to use it today, you could save it."

Elsa tilted her head and smiled down at Anna her cheeks becoming red as she noticed Anna's doing the same. She lowered her lips to Anna's and pressed firmly, causing the princess to moan so quietly it was merely a vibration on the queen's lips, only exciting her more.

"Ahem." Kristoff coughed into his hand from about 10 meters in front of them. Olaf was still waddling with Sven until they turned around to see the pair separating from a passionate kiss.

"I just haven't kissed you enough from all that's been happening lately." Elsa reasoned.

"I know, I feel the same way," Anna said with a sultry look in her eyes.

"Get a room." Kristoff scoffed as he turned around and began walking back to the castle with the other two companions.

Anna waved upwards and broke from Elsa's embrace almost tripping as she ran towards Kristoff, Elsa giggled and followed behind at normal walking pace. "Hey Kristoff, are you going to stay with us again? Olaf? Sven?" Anna pranced as she finally caught up to them.

"I feel like I'm living here." Kristoff replied and laughed.

"Hey that's a good idea." Anna's eyes lit up and she began facing the opposite direction she was walking with Elsa behind her as they neared the castle gates.

"Elsa, I mean, Queen, would it be all right if Kristoff, Sven, and, Olaf moved in with us?" She put on her largest puppy dog eyes while she accidentally ran right into the gate.

Elsa pondered if Anna was using the 'Queen' thing hoping that it would help her case but she had her mind already made up. She pushed herself against Anna on the gate and said, "Of course, they can."

Anna squealed and ran to Kristoff, "Do you want to? Do you want to? Say yes please."

"You know.." Kristoff shrugged as they began walking up the stairs to the door, "This place isn't' really my style." Kristoff was joking but Anna nor Sven could tell as they both leaned in really close, whined, and, pouted.

"But, yeah I'll stay. What about that buddy?" He looked to Sven as the reindeer grunted and jumped. Anna tried to hug them both at the same time but it was very difficult. She then bent down to her snowman pal. "So, what about you Olaf?"

Olaf's eyes widened and he raised his arms.

"Are you kidding? Of course I'll stay! This is the best day ever!" Anna reached in and gave him a warm hug and promptly after he ran to Elsa to do the same.

Once inside the castle, Kristoff and Sven headed to their separate rooms from the Queen and Princess. The sun was already setting and everyone was excited that the last thing reminding them of their last horrible experience was gone. Well almost.

They reached Elsa's room and the queen held the door wide open for her and Anna to enter. Anna did a small curtsy and was happy that Elsa was being so inviting now. Everything was truly changing for the best.

"So," Elsa began as she sat down on her vanity and changed into an icy white night gown, "I am curious. Do you think you want your powers back? After all that's happened?"

Anna sat on the queen's bed and held her arms up. Before answering the question, she yelped a little, 'Hey change me as well." and with a little flick of her wrist, Elsa had Anna wrapped in a light blue night gown. Once she was pleased with the silky piece on her body. She used one hand to usher Elsa to the bed and another was held up shaking the potion delicately in her hand. Elsa was there in a split-second and casually crawled on top of her princess underneath her, who appeared to be breathing a little heavier than normal and a little flush. Elsa bit her own lip and smiled. Her sister was hot and now there was nothing between them. She laid sweet kisses from her chest, to her neck, to the corner of her mouth, and, then to her lips.

Anna smiled deeply and then brought the potion to right in front of Elsa's face and then set it down beside them.

"I have made up my mind." Anna said with a pretend stern face and then a giggle, her freckled cheeks bouncing.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Elsa played, giving her usual smirk.

"That I want to have my powers back." She picked up the bottle again, drank half of it, and, then handed the other half to Elsa. "And then I want to use them on you." Her eyelids lowered and she could feel herself shiver. Elsa quickly grasped the bottle and drank it quickly while looking at the glowing Anna beneath her. She could feel her powers transferring with Anna's. It was hot and cold and you could bet it felt amazing. She leaned in for a long- hard kiss to seal the deal. One last separation of them for the entire night that lay ahead.

"I love you Elsa." Anna said as she brushed her fingers on Elsa's cheeks.

"I love you Anna." Elsa smiled and brought her soft lips to Anna's ear. "You are my sunshine."

Well that is the end of the story! Thank you for reading. I'm sorry about all the random update times and such like that but hey it's finally done. If I get some requests I will write one last smut chapter or maybe make a one shot about it. But yes! Maybe even a sequel we'll see! But yes, thanks to everyone who read, favorited, followed, reviewed, and, everything! :D

I am currently still writing and updating "In a Fortnight!" A Flight Attendant!Elsanna story! :3