I'm back with another DBZ story. Hopefully I do better this time, as there is always room for improvement!

Anyhow, just know that the development might seem slow at first. But hold on. There are a few "Oh My Holy" scenes Lol. (Is what I think.)

One and One

"Fighters of Earth. Raise your fists high, because right now is time to battle it all out!" The gong looped around in everyone's ears. "In the red corner we have Marsupial Magic at 6 ounces! And at the blue corner we have Pink Beet with 6 ounces as well. Ready, set, go!" two small brown insects crawled over to the finish lines, with a crowd roaring while holding cash in their hands.

"This is pathetic." The prince of Saiyans face palmed himself. While Androids were doomed to come here in less than two weeks, humans ran underground for shelter from the desert sun. "The sun is the least of your problems." He smirked to himself while crossing his arms. He sat at the bar now, with both elbows propped on the table. "A whiskey." He looked up twice to search around for something that he felt here. While training outdoors for once, he found a strange presence in the desert part of town. Perhaps the androids had come earlier than expected. But when he arrived at the area, the power level disappeared.

"Coming up." A girl with mid-length caramel hair mixed the drinks handed him the glass. Out of everyone here, she was the only girl. And young at that. She wore a plain black tee with jeans, and no pieces of jewelry except for a ring that he noticed because every now and then it would reflect light into his eyes.

"Would you stop that?" He grumbled holding the shot.

"Stop what?" He looked at her ring with an arched eyebrow. "Oh this." She smirked reflecting it back and forth into his eyes.

"You little—" he clenched the shot glass and accidentally pulverized it.

"Calm down." She backed away. "You know you have to pay for this right?"

He pulled out a wad of one hundreds. "That should be enough. If not take the whole thing." He threw out his open wallet.

"Rich guy huh?" she crossed her arms. "What a life you have going on there."

He looked her up and down. "Why do you even work here?"

"I'm not such a little girl, that I don't know what I'm doing. I can take care of myself."

"Hey Sweet cakes." one of the men hopped by the bar. "So did you finally break up with that boyfriend of yours?"

"Nope. And guess what he just proposed. So we're not breaking up any time soon, it's best to give up now while you're not hurt."

"That does hurt." Another guy held his chest, with swollen cheeks and breath that reeked of alcohol. "But don't worry. We'll be here for you if you ever want to have a fling."

"Keep dreaming." She placed the glass back onto the shelf. Vegeta couldn't help but smirk.

"What's so funny?" the drunk guy pulled up his shirt.

"Just the fact that you loons have no life but to hit on a young woman. You're not a real man."

He inched closer now to the prince. "Huh Pipsqueak? You think that just because you're young, that we older gentlemen have no chance with this little lady is it? Well, let me tell you this, you're just a small teeny weenie boy with no spine. So carry your little spandex wearing fashion somewhere else."

Vegeta grabbed a beer bottle and crushed it in his hands. "That's just a millionth of my power. Try me."

"Who are you?" The man finally let him go. "We don't let in customers without the secret password, and I've never seen you before.

"A speakeasy huh? Well—"

"He's my fiancé." The young woman intervened. "You know, the one that just proposed to me?" She looked over at him forcefully. "Isn't that right Vegeta?"

"Alright." He unzipped a bit of his pants. "I'll let this go if you give me one for the way." Walking on over, he forced himself on her, body and all.

For a moment, she stayed quiet as he hugged her with his hands searching her back up and down. The prince watched uninterested. "Alright." He finally spoke. "That's as far as you go."

"Shut up!" he pulled out a gun and held it at her head. "Any closer, and I'll shoot." While he was off guard, he took the chance and shot. The Saiyan easily dodged. Rounds were fired one after another, but nothing happened. "Impossible."

"Who do you think I am?" he laughed with a devilish grin and let go of all the captured bullets. Feet apart, and shoulders wide, he brought his hands up. "Really. Try me."

"Wait. Wait. Wait." The woman suddenly flipped her hands. She looked over to Vegeta. "This isn't your problem, so don't bother to bud in." Then to her assaulter, she flicked her middle finger. "That's supposed to mean something here right?" And with nothing more, she kicked him right in the jaw making him spin before he hit the floor. "Don't ever try to do that again." She spat on him. "Wait up." She called to Vegeta who was out the door now.

"You just lost your job." He walked away coolly.

"It's okay." She stuck her hands in her pocket. "I was going to quit anyway. So what's a guy like you doing around here? I've never seen you before."

"Hunting." he looked around, feeling the level again, but every time it quickly faded.

"You're really good at martial arts. I can tell." She held her hands behind her. "That was just the basic form back there, but I can tell you're able to do much." He looked at her almost stunned, and almost showing her his expression inside. "I know, you're not human huh?" Then she laughed. "Oh, I'm being silly again with reading all those manga with aliens and beings from outer space."

"What's so funny about that?" he crossed his arms. "They exist, some even live here."

She snickered and pat him, making him take a step forward to stop his fall. "I know. Just I haven't met them in person yet, so they still feel like a story to me."

"Well, what about you? How did you figure out my name?"

She put her jazz hands up and motioned a rainbow. "Magic" she laughed. "Just kidding, I saw your ID in your Wallet. By the way, what brings you to this small town?"

"I thought I saw someone."

"Hm." She shook her head as they continued to walk.

"What?" he asked defensively.

"Nothing." A playful smile spread across her lips. "A rich boy like you has no worries in the world. Girlfriend problems huh?"

"Sure." He looked away feeling the energy again. "I've got no time for this." With that he was gone. A few minutes after walking in the heat, a heavy dry spell fell.




"Looks like it's never going to let up." She flipped through the blind.

"I guess you'll have to stay." A large man handed a key to her. "78$ a night here."

"That's not so bad." She took out some crumpled dollars. "Even though I'm mostly broke. You don't suppose you could lower the price." She tucked strands of caramel behind her ear.

"68$" He crossed his arms and looked at her with pig eyes. "What kind of appeal is that? You're going to have to show some skin if you want it free." Before he could go any further she punched him square in the eye.

"Take it in your dreams creep." She held the keys in her hands determined to get a good nights sleep.

"That's mine." A swift black shadow ran across snatching away the keys.

"I thought you were out of here for good." She rolled her eyes at Vegeta.

"Don't you have a home to return to?" he eluded her question.

"The bar was my home." She snatched the keys. "I earned this fair and square."

He laughed. "I guess sexual appeal isn't your forte, so you resorted to violence. What a classic."

"That's not a compliment." She sneered and headed up the stairs. "Why are you following me?"

"That's also my room."

"What part?" the door swung open. "I paid for all of it."

"There are no other rooms in this town. Believe it or not, this is the only hotel."

She bit her lips, with a kind heart. "Fine." She finally whispered. "But you have to sleep on the couch."

He nodded once and then slumped right onto the furniture. "That is so like a woman."

Scoffing, she threw her bag down. "And that is so man like. I bet that's why your girlfriend ran away." He turned the covers and went to sleep as she grinned triumphant.

Tell me what you think? Review and I might thrown another one in tomorrow.
