I slumped lower into my seat in dismay, cursing the Stolls under my breath. Outside, rows of pine trees blurred past.

The warm summer wind felt cool around my face, as it blew in through the open window.

I shifted uncomfortably, replaying the conversation with Chiron yet again in my mind.

I was planting strawberries in the field, when Miranda my half-sister came running up to me.

"Katie, Chiron wants to see you" she panted breathlessly. I frowned and stood up, wiping my hands on my jeans.

"Do you know why?" Miranda shook her head, and walked away. I walked over to the big house, to find Chiron waiting for me on the deck.

He smiled when he saw me. "Hello Katie, come." I smiled back politely. "Hello Chiron, Miranda said you wanted to see me?"

Chiron nodded. "As you know some demi-gods choose to stay over the summer at camp." I nodded slowly, with no clue where this conversation was heading.

Chiron sighed tiredly. "Well, this year unfortunately nobody can stay." I looked at Chiron in shock.

"Why?" Chiron smiled sadly, "Well the harpies will not be staying since that prank, and Mr D and I will be heading to Olympus for the whole summer."

"Can't the demigods stay alone?" Chiron shook his head. "As much as I trust you I think it would be much better if you didn't stay here alone."

He said in a tone that made it clear that this was final. "But then where am I supposed to go? My dad's not going to be here."

Chiron nodded, and then exhaled deeply. "You are going to be staying with the Stolls." I stared at Chiron, not sure if I heard correctly.

"You. Want. Me. To. Stay. With. The. Stolls?" I asked through gritted teeth. Chiron gave me a sympathetic look,

"I'm sorry Katie but there was nobody else left, and besides you'd be safe there."

I shook my head disbelievingly. I'd rather camp out in the middle of a monster infested forest, then spend even one day with the Stolls.

"I'm sorry Katie, but I'm afraid you have no choice." Pleaded Chiron.

I gave Chiron a stony look and stomped over to the Demeter cabin to pack.

I sighed again in self-pity. Argus cut of the engine, and gestured towards my suitcase.

"No thanks, I can carry them." I said grouchily before getting out of the van and slamming the door shut.

My mouth dropped open as I saw the house. It was a beautiful sight; the house has been built nicely with a Victorian edge to it.

Under the sun, it gleamed a deep blue, with pale ivory running along the edges outlining the house.

The lawn was made up of lush green grass, with a row of blooming Marigolds planted across the side of the driveway.

Neatly trimmed hedges wrapped the exterior of the house and a palm tree shaded the front.

I walked up to the door, admiring the flower bed full of different coloured tulips.

I knocked on the door and it was opened by a middle-aged woman.

I immediately noticed how much she looked like the Stolls. She had the same brown hair, though it wasn't as curly, and the same brown eyes.

She had a small frame and was very pretty. Apart from the faint wrinkles around her eyes there are no tell-tale signs of aging.

She gave me a warm smile and before I could argue she took my suitcase out of my hand and gestured for me to follow her down the hallway.

She led me to the kitchen and sat down on the barstool. I slowly sat down next to her, looking around the room cautiously.

The woman, who I presumed was Mrs Stoll smiled at me kindly, mistaking my discomfort for nervousness.

"Hello Katie, as you already know you will be staying with us for the next few weeks and I would like you to know that we are very delighted to have you here.

So, there's no need to be nervous." Mrs Stoll was such a kind person that I felt myself warming to her almost immediately.

I smiled back timidly. "Thank you Mrs Stoll." Suddenly, I couldn't hold it in anymore. "Where are Travis and Connor?"

I blurted out before I could stop myself. Mrs Stoll raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Oh, they're at school."

She checked her watch. "In fact they should be home soon."

My stomach dropped, "Oh" is all I could say. Mrs Stoll smiled at me sympathetically "I know they're quite a handful but they're not that bad" she laughed.

I smiled dishearteningly. "Yeah" She got up suddenly. "You must be hungry, what would you like to eat?"

"No I'm not…" But Mrs Stoll wouldn't hear any of it. "Katie, you have to eat something." I bit my lip.

"Could I have a shower first?" Mrs Stoll face-palmed and groaned. "I'm so sorry darling, I should've thought of that before.

Of course you can, come I'll show you where you'll be staying."

I followed her up the stairs, into a spacious room. The walls were painted white and covered in hooks and ropes.

The cupboards were swung open with clothes draped over the doors and apart from two un-made beds the room was relatively clean.

Mrs Stoll smiled apologetically. "The guest room is kinda' being used as a storage room, and I'm still cleaning it out.

You wouldn't mind staying here in the boys room for the while being would you, dear?" asked Mrs Stoll.

I stared at her, shocked. Could this day get any worse? "Because if you mind, you can take my room." Said Mrs Stoll.

I shook my head and gave her a grateful smile. "No it's okay, but thanks." I said.

After Mrs Stoll had left I groaned and got a towel out of my suitcase.

Then I grabbed a black tank top and pyjama shorts before heading to the bathroom.

Bottles and containers littered the sink top, but apart from the small mess the bathroom was tidy.

I turned on the shower and stepped under the warm jet of water, and for the first time that day I felt relaxed.

After showering, I got out and wrapped a soft towel around me. Suddenly the door opened and Travis Stoll walked in.

His eyes widened and he frowned as he saw me. A shrill scream escaped my mouth, as my own eyes widened.

Travis tried to speak, but no sound came out. Connor strolled into the bathroom laughing. "Travis why were you screaming?"

Travis turned and glared at his brother. "That wasn't me." Connor turned and noticed me for the first time.

I tightened my grip on the towel. "Could I have some privacy?" I asked. Travis ignored me, still frowning.

"Katie, may I ask what you are doing in my bathroom, naked?"

I felt my face go hot, "I'm not naked." I snapped.

"Yes you are." Said Travis matter-of-factly.

Mrs Stoll barged in. Great, a family reunion, I thought. "

She ushered both the boys out before giving me an apologetic look.

I sighed and grabbed my tank top to get dresses. This was going to be a very long couple of weeks.