Chapter 11.
˝Gentlmen, please we have to talk˝ - Julia said and took a drag of her cigarette. She smiled and took a step when the sound of a fired gun tore through the room.
Law was smirking while his gun smoked.
˝Oye boss!˝- Killer shouted, Kidd's shoulder was badly injured and he threw cuss words like candy around.
˝Fucking greaseball...first my woman then this cowardly act˝- Kidd hissed through clenched teeth.
˝She was min-˝ Law started.
˝I am not yours and certainly not yours˝- Julia said in a smooth voice first to Kidd then turning to Law. Her words only made the temperature drop more. Both sides were gripping their guns ready at the first flinch to defend their boss.
˝So you're saying...˝- Kidd started walking to her dangerously slow and narrowing his eyes ˝ sorry excuse of a woman, you used me? To get to HIM?˝ - he growled but Julia stood her ground.
˝Maybe I should explain . Oh no dear, I would never use you, you were precious to me, always so caring. The though mobster secretly heads over heels for his girl. No, I simply went to him at the same time. Can't help that you both fell for it. After all I am beautiful˝- Julia smiled at Kidd who turned red as his hair.
˝Putana˝- Law spat out and glared.
˝Oh please, Lawlie. We both know you enjoyed it˝
˝While you sucked me dry? Si, I have.˝- Law smirked but there wasn't a reaction to his „insult"
˝I have some things to tell you both, now that they've arrived˝- As on clue a couple of silhouettes appeared in the shambles of Law's joint. Heavy and tight coats, short skirts, just like the latest fashion and red lips. Both mob bosses glanced at the newcomers.
Jasmine came in holding onto Vanessa's hand. Her eyes briefly glanced at Killer and she lifter her chin proudly.
˝Ladies, you came right on cue˝-Julia walked over to them and gave them each a peck on the cheek.
˝Trrafic was bad, but we made it. ˝- Jasmine said in a thick accent.
˝Ah I see you told them already..˝-Vanessa rolled her tongue as she scanned the room. There wasn't anything in one piece left, not even the candle holders. Broken chairs and tables, ripped table cloth and everything filled with holes.
˝Oh my the look like cheese˝-Vanessa laughed.
˝Not really, my part only. If you would?˝- Julia turned to Jasmine who's eyes sparkled.
˝Oh, yes˝- Jasmine cleared her throat and turned to the men staring at them. Killer had removed his mask and was staring hard at her. That only made her smile broaden.
˝For the ones that don't know, my name is Jasmine and I run the patisserie with the gun cupcakces˝- she giggled ˝ Most of you think that I've just came to America, but I've been here already, on the west coast.˝- Jasmine said in a perfect American accent. Silence ensued as Killer and Kidd looked at each other. ˝Now to tell you why us three, are linked. It is more than friendship but it is about business as well . You see, you both˝- turning to Kidd and Law ˝Are insenly powerful and we need that. Power. So we took up a plan and I infiltrated your ranks Mr. Eustass while Mrs. Julia here did that on both sides. It was quite entertaining I might add, all of you so trustfully. Funny how you are all really scary gangsters.˝
˝Wait WHAT!?˝- Killer yelled as he stared at Jasmine.
˝Mr. Killer thank you for all the hours of your companionship but I'm afraid I will have to end should I put this, our contract. I thank you for your asistance˝
˝Why ouy little scheming bitch˝- Killer glared and fell. Jasmine smirked at his falling body. ˝You are not needed. Not anymore˝- A clean shot to the head. Instant death.
˝I knew you never loved him..unlike me˝- A smooth, dark voice called out. Jasmine turned and tried to say something but her words were muted by a gun shot.
˝Robin!˝- Law yelled wide eyed. The dark haired woman breathed heavily. Her hand which held a small colt gun lowered and she turned teary eyed at Killer's body. ˝I always loved you...since the day we came to this town˝
˝Well, well this is rather interesting, wouldn't you say Vanessa dear?˝- Julia purred and held the other woman's hand.
˝Ah yes my darling, maybe we should wrap this up? And deal with this...traitor˝- The last venomous words were pointed to Robin who stood near Killers body and stared. The shock of loosing her one true love was too much for her.
˝Kill them˝- Vanessa ordered, the girls from the brothel stepped out holding guns, tommy guns and all pointed at the two mob crews ˝Pity Jasmine went down, I really enjoyed those cupcakes.˝ -Vanessa said and snorted at her body ˝That's what you get getting attached to trash˝
Putana = italian, whore
I've decided to include my notes (I'd do sth like this for every chapter)
gunshot wound - Kid Law
Juliet and Jasmine and Vanessa = power
Robin - Killer - love
Jasmine kills killer
Robin shoots Jasmine
Vanessa takes it all
secretly in a relationship with Julia
SUM = there will be chairs thrown at me
Everyone thank you for the reviews, follows and favourites! *gives out pancakes*
See you on the next one :)