Marzlover: hey this is my new story of king and his princes so aragorn and legolas slash okay.

Aragorn is a king living a royal life but all he wants is legolas greenleaf prince of

Mirkwood because aragorn is in love with the prince as well as legolas is in

love with the king of Gondor and can't stop thing of him. One day aragorn was

in the garden in till he saw legolas walking around the garden as well.

"legolas" legolas stop in his tracts and look to where the voice came from and

saw aragorn. "aragorn what a pleasure to see you", aragorn walk over to legolas

and ask to sit and talk so they sat on a near by bench and look at each other in

till legolas spoke "aragorn what do you want to talk about" "well legolas i be

having weird feelings for someone and i can't get them off my mind" "really wow,

well i have the same problem" "really" "yes why not you tell me about this

person" "well they are amazing at archery" "yes" "has blonde hair like

yours" "right" "and he care about his friends and is a elf like you and a prince

who i love" "okay" "why not you tell me about your person" "okay well he has

black dirty hair and sometimes acts like a ranger" "okay" "he is a leader and a

great friend and good with a sword like you are" "ah huh" "and is also a king

who i feel in love with" "really well that oh most like me" "funny right" "yeah"

they look at each other and they couldn't hide their feelings "Amin mela lle (i love

you)" they started laughing and stop and aragorn grab legolas waist and legolas

put his arms around aragorn neck and they kiss and they broke apart and smile

at each other and kiss longer and the others where watching them. "well it

about time they got together" "yeah gandalf i agreed with you they had

feelings for each other but to scared to say it in till now" they others nodded

with yami say and they left the 2 lovers alone in peace to keep in joying the moment.

Marzlover: that it sorry no lemon in this chapter but their will be more,

leave nice reviews and comments peace.