Her hair stuck to her face in a mix of sweat, blood, and tears. She looked lost and afraid. In that, at least, we were the same. This women who had come so far for her child. For me… For the purity that had once been mine.

"Who is she?" She meant me.

"She is Alessa." I replied in the voice of a child. The lilting voice that comforted me. The only voice I have left, and the only voice these ears of mine had truly heard in so long.

"Then who are you?" The women's voice was pretty. Pretty…. Like I must have been then…. Like I should have been now… Would I sound like that if thing were different? Bitterness swept over my heart…

Who am I? I have been called many things. Witch. Demon. Devil. Whore. Lilith. Temptress of men.

"I have many names." I smiled at her. "Right now I am the dark part of Alessa."

The women draw back from my child form.

I hated her for that. But we needed her. I needed her. My innocence…. In my innocence I loved this women as my own mother. My mother…. I loved her…. Even after….

This mother was strong. She was 'good' she came to me….

A sigh escaped these shrivelled lips, and I smiled at her.

"Christbella will find Sharon." I lilted. My small hand touching the smooth cheek of my savour. "And she intends to purify her."

"Oh my god no!"

Yes…. She would help us…. She chose Sharon…. Chose me…. I always knew she would….

As we entered her soul, her warmth enveloped us. Her love. Her hate. Even our angel had hate… Fear and love twist even the purist of souls… Love… I loved…. I loved myself, the child I had been, and the child I now was… I loved even this body of mine re-shaped by fire. Re-formed by the evil of mankind. I remember long ago… before the splitting, my mother told me that god made the devil. So fitting then, that she who so loved this god had made this devil… We smiled within the women, Rose. The devil within the rose…. A witch was I? A demon? She would soon see me. The devil of her own making.