Chapter 18

Sorry but if I include another OC, I'm gonna get another one out for now. I have problems keeping track myself and I have already decided about Takeshi a long time ago. What I mean with that? You'll see way later. For now, this is the last time you'll see him.

About the other OC I only got purple hair, so I'll go with it.

"I cannot allow you to go on any further."

Takeshi sighed. "Of all people I'd have never thought you'd come to stop me. I've heard a lot about you...Nyx."

"Hmm, as expected from a 'fate challenger'."

"Fate challenger? Oh man, last time I heard it...oh it's been so long." He took a sip of his glass and put it back on the table.

"I never thought about it this way actually."

"...? You didn't? Then why are you trying in the first place?"

" keep a stupid promise I already broke." He laughed sadly. "It's a long-shot, but it's not like I have anything to lose." He turned towards the goddess.

"So you want to kill me? Then you better give your best! I may have retired, but that doesn't mean I am defenseless."

The dark hour struck in just then. Takeshi grinned. He knew his chances to win were beyond zero, no matter what he would try.

"Even if your goal doesn't clashes mine, I cannot allow you to continue."

"Why all this talking anyway?" he asked. "You're a goddess. As far as I know most of you don't care about us humans at all."


"Well, let's get started shall we?"


"...Nyx?" Minako asked.


The auburn haired girl sighed in relief. "Thank you." Nyx placed herself on the bed. "Hey Nyx, why don't you just take me hostage? You'll get everything you want." Minako asked.



"Do you want me to destroy everything?" the goddess asked. "Do you wish for the eternal night?" she pressed on.

Minako smiled weakly. "After all this talk, I don't know anymore. I just know I don't want Minato to suffer anymore."

"Is your brother all you care about?"

"'re not letting me go that easy, huh? You haven't answered my question, by the way."


Minato's head landed on the table again. It was the day of the mission and he didn't get any shut-eye. Junpei didn't check out the rumor, so Minato had to announce a normal Tartarus mission, hoping they would get to the right floor at the right time.

It was a long shot. Maybe he should come up with the story himself. Or pretend to get lost or get lost on purpose. He should be able to handle the shadows all by himself, right? A quick megidoalaon and it doesn't matter what weakness they have.

He could feel Maiko stroking through his hair and allowed himself to smile.

"Minato" she whispered.

He turned his face towards hers and could see her smile. "You're such a sleepy head."

"You already said that." he pointed out. "Do we need to go?"

"Nah, we still have another 30 minutes." she replied.

The rest of SEES came downstairs. Even Mitsuru was still there, which was pretty rare.

Suddenly his phone started ringing. He had a new message.

'You have 60 seconds to open the door.'

"What does that mean?" asked Maiko. Then there was another text.

'Screw it, I'm just coming in.'

Before anyone could ask, everyone heard the door being slammed open.

"HEY BLUEJERK! GET YOUR ASS HERE, NOW!" shouted a female voice.

Everyone jerked up and headed towards the living room. The intruder was just getting the door back to place and froze it from the inside.

"Who are you?" asked Mitsuru.

"...Yuriko?" asked Minato, surprising everyone. The girl had long purple hair, onyx eyes, wore a black top, jeans and black shoes. She had two katanas attached to her belt.

"I thought you were overseas."

"I thought you were dead."

"Arisato, you know this girl?" asked the heiress.

"What were you thinking anyway? You know how shit I felt when I heard about it?" she asked.

"Uhh, so you..."

"Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, since you're here, I'm gonna kick your ass."


"'Cause of what you did." She unsheathed her swords.

"You might-"

"No." she replied immediately, taking fighting stance. Minato sighed, while the rest was on edge.

Yuriko charged, already a sukukaja on her. Maiko stepped in front, but was shoved away by Minato who sidestepped in the last second. He summoned an ice-rapier and charged, but was blocked by one sword, while Yuriko attacked with the other.

Minato caught it with his left hand.

"Can we at least change location?"

She jumped back, casting a magarudyne to through everyone and apparently thing away. Poor Junpei was out cold. "Better?" Yuriko asked.

Minato casted a ziodyne, to which Yuriko only cringe. 'Not weak against electricity?'

"I thought of going outside."

Yuriko replied with an Agidyne. Minato blocked it. "In broad daylight? Nah, not in the mood." She charged again, but Minato had already switched to physical immune.

He charged a gods hand. Yuriko's eyes widened and she casted a quick tetrakarn.

Minato smiled. He got an idea.

Yuriko jumped back, casting bufudyne on him. Minato decided to take Messiah until he got his chance.

And he got it. He summoned Loki for a nifelheim. All of the sudden Yuriko was weak against it. 'Wild card?' he thought, when he approached the frozen girl slowly for the dramatic effect. She meanwhile tried to unfreeze herself. When she managed it, he already had a hand on her shoulder, casting energy drain until Yuriko collapsed on her knees.

"Okay, okay," she huffed several times. "You win, we got it, the mighty universe arcana, blah,blah, blah."


Everyone in SEES, including the chairman, was surrounding the girl in the command room, who leaned against a wall. Minato had his emotionless expression, although he knew it wouldn't work with Yuriko.

"Who are you and why are you here?" asked the Kirijo heiress.

"...Are you lesbian?"

Silence. Minato totally forgot: Yuriko didn't take anyone or anything serious. The air began to feel really cold. Before any more casualties happened, Minato stepped in.

"Her name is Yuriko Omega and she's my childhood friend." he said. "So might telling us why you're here? And I think she's bi."

All eyes on Minato. Everyone (except Yuriko) took a step back from him. "Arisato..."

"I'm obviously here to help out. And yeah, I'm a wild card too."

"Wild card?" asked Ikutsuki.

"Guys who can summon more than one persona." she explained.

"And how exactly did you learn about us?" he asked.

"Not my fault you got abused as a child." She said taking out a chewing gum. The man's eyebrow twitched.

"Meaning: None of your business." Minato translated. He sighed. "And how did you get here?"

"The same way as your girlfriend. It wasn't easy, I can tell you. Had to go through a lot of places and don't ask me how I ended up in Nyx' bedroom."



"Yeah, in Tartarus. The thing is much bigger, than just climbing all the way up. I swear that girl was mad, when I told her yesterday." she laughed.

Everyone was silent for different reasons. Minato felt the sudden urge to get drunk. Before he could ask further, Yuriko leaned forward until her face was on the same level as Maiko's stomach.

"'Sup, Kimiko, how's it going, little devil?" she petted Maiko's stomach, who took a step back.

"...You know her too?" asked Minato. Yuriko let out a deep sigh. "You survive a freaking car accident, you're able to obtain the fucking mighty universe arcana, you're not afraid of gods and here you're having amnesia. What's wrong with you?"

"Maybe you might explain a few things." tried Mitsuru.

Yuriko shook her head. "None can do sis. I plan on killing at least one person in this room, besides your mother is probably highly disappointed of you."

"That's Yuriko for you."

Minato took Maiko out of the way. Mitsuru learned this day, wild cards are not easy to execute, neither with ice, nor with a rapier.

"Whatever" Yuriko continued, again sending Mitsuru and the rest of uninformed members flying.

"We need to talk." She motioned at Minato and Maiko. Opening one of her hands a card, circling in the air, a familiar blue mist surrounding it appeared.

"Metatron!" she announced and crushed the card, summoning the angel. A bright light surrounded her, Maiko and Minato and they disappeared.


"Whoa!" exclaimed Minako, when suddenly three people appeared out of nowhere.

"Maiko? Minato? Yuriko?!"

It took a while for the first two to recover.

"We' hospital?" asked Minato.

"Nice trick huh? Okay, you guys are probably as confused as fuck, just let me explain a few things, 'kay?"


Yuriko's Story

Chapter 1

"Work, work, work..." I mumbled under my breath. Why did I decide to become a teacher? Oh right, NO FUCKING CLUE!

Sighing I looked at the next name on my list.

"Oh great, let's get this over with."

Maiko entered the faculty office, like always. Hands in her pocket, bored expression, back a little bent over. Minato in girl version.

"Hmm, I wonder... *ahem* So Maiko, I'd now ask you the normal questions, but I know you good enough. You'll simply answer the same way as last year. Is there anything you might add?" I asked.

She shook her head and left.

Every time I saw her, I got this nagging feeling in my chest. And it wouldn't leave me this time.


Another year was over. Another year without them. I went to the next best bar and decided to get drunk. Screw teacher's reputation.

So after filling my system with alcohol and emptying my wallet, I somehow managed to get home. I woke up the next day. The nagging feeling was still there. I asked my personas and they agreed, something was off, totally.

After getting something into my stomach, I went into my little office in my apartment and took out newspapers, stolen hospital files, and every little note I could find over the years, I investigated the death of my two best friends. Should I say 3?

"Nah, there's no way Kimiko got killed. But if she didn't got killed, what exactly happened to her?" I asked myself. Kimiko was by far off NOT a normal person. Okay she wasn't human or anything close to be honest.

I read through everything I got, but it just gave me a headache. You'd think dealing with shadows, angels and demons hardens you up against weirdness, but apparently not.

"Okay, let's think this through. After the car accident, they forgot about Kimiko, but still had dreams of her, while I could still directly talk to her. I needed to leave at one point. Next Minako died from the apathy syndrome. And after Minato died, the apathy syndrome completely ended. Grr, time to face a certain Kirijo."

I'd have enough. I needed answers and it all lead towards the Kirijo group.

Luckily I had a friend inside the group, who told me she was visiting HIS grave and usually stayed for a week.


I arrived at port island in the evening. I left my weapons inside my car and visited the graveyard, where I found her. She was not alone, though. Some people were with her.

"Looks like Minato made quite a bunch of friends." I announced myself, already preparing a summoning. Some were not persona users, I could sense it, but I so didn't care.

"Norn!" I announced and summoned my persona. This tricked cost me quite the amount of SP, but I was in top condition. Time seemed to stop around us, but I wasn't strong enough to do something like this. In reality I send us a little off from the original dimension. As they all started to shout and panic, I silenced them, well at least the not persona users.

"Alright." I stepped forward. "No need to ask pointless questions. All I want to know is what happened to Minato. You tell me now, or you'll pay!"

Sorry if it took me a while to update, two reasons: one writers block. Two: I'm working on a birthday present fic.

Ever thought what would happen if anyone awakens to Nyx as a persona? Shouldn't be impossible, right?