I have no excuse for putting another story… I just have too many ideas for OCs in different anime… AkaKuro I fucking love it! But what I really want is to see them in a threesome man! I mean come on! 3 sexy kitty making love… sigh I am such a perv! But seriously Akashi and Kuroko is such a Father Mother pair I find it hot if they both dominate someone smaller or as small as them… And the fact that there is just too little OC yaoi!

Warning: Yaoi! A bit of OOCness… and me writing this without taking my ADHD pill…

Mitsune Kaishi… a name I no longer bear… I am now known as Shiroma Tsuki.

Now I am sure you are all now curious on why I changed my name… The reason is simple. I didn't

You are now currently confused or curious right?

No? I am not surprised, as this seems to be coming straight out of a fanfiction.

Yes… I was reborn. (With white hair and cool looking grey eyes so hey! I am not complaining much.)

Now how?

That would be a bit hard to explain…


"Kai-chan!" I shivered… whatever Rai is going to call me for… it probably wouldn't be good for me.

Rai and I are scientists. I focus on Physics and also a medical degree on psychology while Rai focuses on Chemistry.

But unlike normal Chemist… Rai focuses on causing impossible elements to combine causing incredibly hazardous substance… which he love to test on me…

"Look! I combined all the noble gases and some oxygen! Look what I have made!" He said as he brought a container… of mush…

Oh god how the hell did he do that. The air was distorted… and the whole substance is like… floating and swirling… and in disgusting purple.

I was about to tell him to dispose of it until he trip and drop the container on me.

Flashback End.

And I then I found myself here… in a baby cradle looking at two adults cooing over me…

Shiroma Tsuki… a normal Japanese name… why the hell did I became a baby? Fuck… Rai I am so going to kill you somehow.

Though I suppose… I have no choice but to live this life huh?

My mom and dad have too much energy… I am really tired of them some times… yet I love them for some reason… Love is really something complicated huh.

Though I am less than happy with my life… why?

Cause I am mother-freaking midget… I mean WTF. I was normal in height and everything in my past life but now! I am below average that is funny! I mean come on I ate the right vitamins I work out everyday! I have muscles yet I look so freaking petite! What did I do wrong!

My parents aren't unhappy but quite the opposite they were absurdly happy…

"Ah! My little Tsuki-chan, don't ever grow up! Be my little baby forever! Mommy will not allow any scheming woman to take you away! I will make sure you find a perfect man!" That was what my mother would say… yes she is a hardcore yaoi fan-girl…

My dad usually out for business trips so I don't see him much but I do remember that he visits at every public holiday ever and was always crying about how I was growing so fast (Which I am not!)

"Oh! My adorable little boy is growing up so fast! Next time I visit he isn't going to get a boy or girlfriend is he?" Was what he would say, every single god damn time he came back home.

Overall life was rather all right…

Until I reached middle school…

"Teiko middle school…?" I questioned… wait isn't that like… a place some media mentioned before?

"Oh my smart little Tsuki-chan gets to go into such a good school! Mommy is so proud."

Why did the whole thing seem weird now?

Of course in the first day of school I was in for a huge shock… as a scientist and a psychologist make me very observant so it was easier to see things that are out of place.

So when I see a very unnoticeable blue head which look eerily similar to a main character of a certain basketball manga of a certain author called… ok you got the point… Kuroko fucking Tetsuya is in front of me going to the same school as me…

I keep my best indifferent face as I walked towards the hall where all the students are supposed to go for the opening ceremony while inside I am basically freaking out like hell!

This fucking breaks all logic and space-time continuum! How the hell did I get the hell here! I thought this manga is a work of goddam fiction! There should me absolutely no way that I will be able to get here in all ways other than something out of a goddam horrible fanfiction!

Well technically there should be countless amount of different parallel world so if Kuroko no Basket was a world it shouldn't surprise me and Rai made a compound out of all noble gases, which breaks almost all of the law of physics which could cause some inter-dimensional portal but seriously? It brought me here? Am I going to be caught up in the insanity?

Actually… I should be lucky… if I stuck in any other manga I would probably have died since logic and physics don't work in any goddam way in most manga and compared to most… Kuroko no Basket actually makes more realistic then others…

Then I remembered the Akashi's epic scissor scenes…

Well… mostly make sense…

I sighed as I walked towards class 1A.

Which was when I immediately stiffened for a quick second and luckily not having the red head in the room notice me.

Why the hell for some god reason that I am in the miracle of generation's class?

I sighed… and was about to walk to my seat… only to realize that the only sit left is between Akashi and Kuroko… I hate you whoever up there.

I walked there and sat down as I ignored the future captain of the generation of miracles curious at me, which was actually pretty easy by just thinking that he is Rai trying to smooch of me…

I would be so dead if Akashi ever knows about what I am thinking now.

The class went on as I feel that the class is really just went on too long and I kinda want to tear my hair off as the goddam red head just kept looking at me with a curious gleam… No… No! I will not lose to a person mentally younger than me by 20 years god damn it!

The school bell rang and finally class is released where I tried to leave as fast as I could.

Keyword Tried

"Shiroma Tsuki was it?" Akashi asked as he stood before me… And Goddam it he is like taller than me! Well no much but still! I am like a bit shorter than goddam Kuroko! (Even I counted is only like a cm…)

"Yes? And you?" I asked politely… it wouldn't do me good to anger him I suppose…

"Akashi Seijuro, I was about to go for lunch. Would you join me?" Wait he already took interest in me? What the hell! I don't want to pique his interest I mean come on! I know Akashi have the ability to see the ability in others but what ability do I have?

"Ah I seem forget my wallet today so I afraid that…"

"Its my treat." He was smirking and it was infuriating, he trapped me and we both knew it! I would have won if only I had time to prepare!

"Then I suppose I have no reason to reject it I suppose." I smiled as I tried to stop the twitching of my eyebrows… I feel annoyed right now.

And with some twist of fate we reached Manji burger where Kuroko is drinking milkshake… why is fate so weird?

"Who are you looking at?"

"I just saw someone from our class." I replied. He stared at the direction I was looking at. At first he seems to want to turn to me and ask where did I saw the particular person but he suddenly widened his eyes and saw the little misdirection user.

"Well then I suppose we should join him then." Akashi said before bringing his tray towards Kuroko's table with me following him behind.

"Hello may we seat here?" Akashi smiled as he asked while Kuroko blankly stared before nodding.

God this is going to be weird…

Review and tell me how you like it!