Hey everyone! So I thought I would make a story that's… a bit different from my others… Beware that it contains: Traumatization! For both the reader and the characters. This is probably the most insane story I've done so far. Its based on a little thing a friend and I did on Twitter. Also, I DON'T kill characters, so be secure in knowing that no matter how bad it may seem to get, the character won't die :) So, here it goes!


It was just a normal day in Danville. Same as every summer day. In the backyard of the Flynn-Fletcher house, two boys were getting ready to start the day ahead of them.

"Ok, Ferb," the redhead spoke to his stepbrother. "You ready for today?" he asked. His silent brother lifted his hand for a thumbs up.

"Alright!" the boy, Phineas paused a moment to think. "Hey! Why don't YOU choose today's activity?" he asked happily. Ferb held up his other thumb in a thumbs up, next to the other.

"Great! So, what do you-" Phineas was stopped by a ringing from his pocket. He looked down a moment and then quickly pulled out his cell phone to answer it. He took no notice of the unknown number.

"Hello! Phineas Flynn speaking!" he spoke in his normal cheery voice. He sat there under the tree and listened to what the unidentified person told him. "Uh huh… Cool! We'll be there right away!" he said before he hung up. He turned to his brother Ferb.

"Hey Ferb! Someone invited us over! They said it was a surprise or something! Isn't that cool Ferb? Sorry, but you're gonna have to choose tomorrow's activity instead" he said. Ferb just waved his hand to show it was alright.

The two boys got up and walked into the house. Their mom was no where to be found at the moment. Candace was at the table, fussing with her soggy cereal.

"Hey Candace! If you see mom, tell her we're at a surprise party!" Phineas told his older sister. He figured that if it was a surprise, it had to be a party of some sorts. Candace turned and narrowed her eyes at the two.

"And what exactly is it you two plan on doing? What suspicious and possibly bustable scheme do you have planned?" she asked her younger brother.

"We don't know yet! It's a surprise!" Phineas responded, taking no notice in her plan to bust them. Candace sat there looking back and forth between the two innocent looking boys. Lowering her head in almost a mockery of defeat she responded.

"Oh, what's the point? i can't even bust you guys when you're IN the backyard! What would make me think I can do it when you're somewhere else?! Just go on now…" she said, keeping her head on the table.

"Alright Candace! See you later!" Phineas said. The boys waved at their older sister as they left the house.


In the meantime, a stranger sat at her desk. She leaned back in her big fancy black chair, with her feet up in front of her. She smiled with a large grin to herself.

"I have a feeling this is going to go well," she said to herself.