So Wayne and Magee started dating again. Most of the elves were okay with this, with some being really happy about it (Magee's mom, Wayne's parents, Noel, and Lanny specifically). However there was one who wasn't so happy: Mr. Thistleton. He always had a crush on Magee and so was jealous that she and Wayne had started dating again. It wasn't long before he confronted Wayne about it either.

"How can you and Magee be dating again?" Mr. Thistleton frowned. "I mean what could she possibly see in you?"

"Beats the heck out of me." Wayne chuckled. "But I'm not going to look at this gift reindeer in the mouth."

"But...but I thought she loved me." Mr. Thistleton now looked really upset. "I mean, she did kiss me once..."

"But she never asked you out." Wayne shrugged. "However she wanted to try dating me again, and since I still love her I agreed."

"But what could you have to offer her? Did you invent anything? Did you create machines that have made every Christmas brighter than a Christmas tree? I mean kringle bytes! I have so much more to give her-!"

Wayne, tired of Mr. Thistleton's ranting, had hit him with a Sparkle Ornament. See Wayne had caught on to Mr. Thistleton's jealousy earlier and so decided to carry a few Sparkle Ornaments just in case. Obviously Mr. Thistleton fell asleep that very second.

"Have a nice afternoon nap, you'll need it." Wayne chuckled as he dragged Mr. Thistleton to a nearby bench. "I mean seriously, maybe I should give him a coupon to Spa Navidad this Christmas."

Later, he and Magee went on another date.

"Well, here's our third date of our second try." Wayne grinned as he raised his wine glass.

"Let's hope our second try lasts much longer." Magee chuckled as she tapped her wine glass to his.

"Me too, there apparently are some elves who would love to have a chance to go out with you." Wayne said, this time not joking.

"You ran into Mr. Thistleton earlier didn't you?" Magee guessed. "I figured he had a crush on me."

"Yeah...and apparently you kissed him once." Wayne added. "I mean I'm not jealous or anything, just...confused I guess. You never seemed to like the guy."

"I don't, he's too vain and boastful." Magee shook her head. "But the Christmas I kissed him...well, that was the same Christmas the Database Tree Farm nearly backfired and labeled every kid naughty. You see I was Mr. Thistleton's Secret Santa then. I had no idea what to give him, so when I caught onto his crush on me I just went 'what the heck' and gave him a kiss for his Christmas present. It was an early present, so I later sent him a note that said that he already got his present. Plus I guess I kissed him out of relief, since it happened after Christmas had been saved."

"Ah." Wayne smiled. "That makes a lot of sense. And as long as all your sincere kisses are for me I don't mind you kissing other guys. Especially if said guy happens to be under the mistletoe at the time."

"I'm glad you're more understanding than most other guys I've known." Magee smiled with relief.

"Well, it's not like you're property or anything." Wayne shrugged. "Besides, I don't want to risk hurting our relationship again."

"Me neither, not for anything in the world." Magee agreed.

They took a sip of wine, and then Wayne felt a question coming on. One he needed to ask.

"So, when I ran into Mr. Thistleton he asked what I had to offer you." Wayne said awkwardly. "And...I've been wondering that myself."

Magee looked at him with surprise...and then remembered that he had a low self-esteem problem.

"Sweetie, you should really stop this low self-esteem problem of yours." She said with a caring tone. "You really are a great guy deep down. Besides, you offer me a lot. Sincere love, fun, support, care...not to mention us dating again finally got my mom off my back about that." She added with a chuckle; Wayne chuckled too. "But seriously, even though I'm tired of you giving me advice on how to do my job I am grateful that you care that much about me. Plus the little talks we've had really help me when I'm having a stressful time...I think they help me even more than my eggnog lattes and that's saying something."

They both chuckled again.

"I really do want to be with you for a long time...maybe even forever." Magee admitted.

Wayne smiled.

"I want to be with you forever too." He admitted back. "You're the only thing that's ever made my life worthwhile. Not even Prep and Landing does that, though it does come close to it. And I promise not to give you anymore advice about your job...but can I still give you advice on how to relax?"

"Since you're only doing that out of concern for my health I'll allow that much." Magee grinned. "Just don't do it when it looks like I've got a headache."

"No problem, I have a better thing to do during that anyway." Wayne grinned back.

"Really? What?"

Wayne kissed the top if her head. Magee actually blushed a little.

"That...that actually does help." She admitted.

They both smiled at each other, ordered their food, and enjoyed the rest of their date. They enjoyed the many dates they had after that as well. And Mr. Thistleton? Magee explained to him what the kiss she gave him was really about. He was hurt, but got over it. So Magee and Wayne had nothing to worry about.