I wanted to explain (my theory) on Guy's reason for staying with the Croods (since it was left up to interpretation in the film based on Guy's facial expressions) as well elaborate more on his interaction with Eep following his decision as I felt more could've been said between them here.

Guy ran as fast as he could towards a massive overhanging clam shell. Once behind it, he panted with relief. Finally, he was free of that wretched log. Slowly, he peeked around from the refuge of his clam shell. Grug sat on the log, defeated. The rest of the Croods re-attempted crossing the coral field, of course to no avail. But rather than feeling satisfied at his new found freedom, he felt a sense of guilt; which seemed to grow the longer he stared at them. Yes, the Croods scared the living daylights out of him. Yes, they had (sort of) taken him hostage (in a rather humiliating fashion). But their reasons were by no means malicious. They needed him & he knew that. His focus shifted to Eep. Her gaze never left Guy, & the look she gave struck a chord within him. Uncertainty written on her face; but in her eyes, something else showed...…fear. This girl, who could face down a Turkeyfish without blinking – was scared. Then he realised, he didn't want to leave. But there was more to it than that. He needed them too. He sighed, shaking his head. 'I can't believe I'm doing this.' Belt gave his own little sigh, before beckoning towards the Croods. 'Heh, come on.' Guy gave a smirk before following.

Guy made it clear to Grug that his help meant the log's permanent disposal. Eep smiled with relief. Then, looking him in the eye; mouthed something to him. 'Thank you.' That one word, was more than enough to make him regret nothing. Pretty soon after, everyone had their shoe needs covered. Guy started on Eep's shoes, but he wanted to make her pair just that little bit more special. But Eep was, for some reason unusually quiet. Then, out of nowhere. 'I'm sorry.' Guy's head jerked up immediately. 'Why?' Averting his gaze, Eep stared at the ground. 'For whatever my family, or I did; to make you consider leaving.' Eep hadn't thought twice about releasing Guy from his log prison, she personally saw it as an annoyance. It wasn't the reason she freed him though. 'But I can't say I blame you. To be honest Guy, there have been plenty of times where I've wanted to do the same. You had every reason, every right to leave….But you didn't.' For a moment, silence followed. But Eep had one more thing to say. 'Ever since you answered my call at the Tundra; I knew I trusted you…...I still do.' Eep knew Guy wasn't a betrayer. He'd made that clear. Guy placed his hand on her shoulder. 'Where we are now, is where I'm staying Eep. Nowhere else.' Eep smiled at him warmly & Guy noticed, there was something distinctive about it. The smile she showed now gave him the same feeling he'd felt when she'd first smiled at him at the Tundra…& when she'd smiled after he told his tiger story, the one that made him see her differently than before.

Then her grin turned cheeky. 'So…...you enjoy getting back at my dad?' Guy paused, trying not to laugh. He didn't quite manage it. 'You have no idea!' Bursts of laughter promptly followed, despite their attempts to muffle it from Grug. But that only made it harder, so Guy focused back on Eep's shoes. 'Close your eyes.'

A few minutes later…'AHHHHHHH! I LOVE THEM!'