wahhhh! I'm back, BABY! Sorry it took so long, been buzy and grounded. Anyway, I hope that you enjoy this chapter! I really, really, really, really hope you enjoy this chapter! Forgot to mention that the characters don't belong to me, but the plot does! (thought that was obvious )

My Little One

Chapter 2

"How could they?! How could they!?" A girl yelled. She had blond hair that went down her back. She wore a white coat, a blue tank top, a black mini-skirt, fishnet leggings and black, knee-high boots.

"Miss Mai," a black hair boy said. "Please clam down. We can't have another broken room," he said worriedly. He too wore a white coat (must be a fashion statement ;).)

"How can I, Zack?" Mai yelled again. "The Palace let four Spirits escape! And one of them was the Angel! And, what more! They were planning on killing him!" she yelled as she flipped her desk upside down. "How could they! No-How dare them! I didn't give them the information nor the DNA nor anything to do as they please!" she kicked her chair and it hit the wall, breaking into pieces.

"Miss Mai!" Zack yelled. "Can't we just get them back? Send someone to catch them and bring them here and not there?"

"But no one can! They're Harik's and The Angel. We don't have no one capable to!" she said as she jumped on her desk. "We," stomp. "Don't," stomp. "Have," stomp. "Anyone!" Stomp. Stomp. Stomp, and Mai kept stomping.

"But what if we send The Yami's?"

And then everything was quite.

"The Yami's?...The…Yami's?" she said as she step off the broken and abused desk with a dark expression. She made her way slowly and a bit wobbly to Zack. "You're saying…that we should… send…The Yami's?"

Zack gulped and slowly nodded his head feeling too scared to speak.

Mai grabbed his shoulders and imitated Zack a bit more seeing as he was a few inches shorter. "That's a brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of that?! The Harik's may be strong, but The Yami's were made to be stronger! And The Angel has yet to awaken considering how they wish to kill him! As long as we get them before The Palace does…" she then starting laughing to herself as she turned away from Zack.

"Miss Mai?" Zack said utterly terrified.

"Zack! Go get me The Yami's! And bring to my other office! Number 25!"

"Ye-Yes!" Zack said as he ran out of the office, almost tripping on his way. Miss Mai could be scary when she wants to be and she had already had 24 offices destroyed now.


Fuck him. Fuck her. Fuck this place. Fuck the dude next to me. Fuck the other ones. Fuck my life.

"Bakura!" said an annoying, high pitch, female voice. Oh! Fuck her too… painfully.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you even listening? We need to think of the plan before Marik wakes up!" Auzu said. Auzu had brown, short, fucked up hair, a white, mid-length sleeved, shirt, and a horrible mini-skirt with an ugly design of squares. (Plaid, but Bakura really hates her, wanted you to get the pic) And oh, how annoying she was.

I gave her the look that said 'are you fucking serious?'

"Stop fighting and help us out," Yami said.

"Whatever," I mumbled.

"Oh, please," Yami said. "You're only displeased that your species was named after me.

Yami had a crimson, black, star-shape hair style with blond streaks and bangs and had a shade of violet eyes. He wore a black tank top and black skinny jeans. We all wore black jeans, but we didn't have a buckle fetish. It was very disturbing.

Seto and Marik were also here. Seto was sitting on a tree root while Marik was sleeping against it and Yami was leaning against the tree stump. Auzu was sitting on the floor, like me, but I had put a lot of distance between us. Seto had short, brown hair and blue piercing eyes. I almost felt a little sorry for the little lamb who would anger him. Key word, almost. Marik had platinum blond hair that spiked up everywhere, but near his face and had a hard lavender colored eyes. He wore a purple shirt while Seto wore a white one and a blue coat.

"We need to be able to find The Harik's first, idiot," I said to them.

"We already know that and we have a plan for it, but how are we going to get them back, idiot?" Yami said, saying the last word smugly.

"Oh~" I said, now feeling annoyed. "And how are you going to accomplish that?"


"Oh shut up!" Seto half yelled. "Not helping."

I sighed. "Why can't we just kidnap them?"

"We can't do that!" Auzu said. "Don't you remember what Mai said? They can be just as strong as us!"

~ .o~

"Finally! You're here!" Mai said as we walked into the room. "I have something I want you to do!"

"And what makes you think we'll do it?" Seto asked.

"Because if you do I'll give you something back. Anything."

"Really?" Marik said.

"Then what is this 'something' you want back?" Yami asked

"I need you to retrieve, to bring back, The Harik's."

"Can't you do that on your own?" I asked.

"No, we cannot. You see, The Harik's are just as strong as you, if not stronger, but wouldn't be if you get them now."

"Excuse me," Yami said. "But aren't The Harik's in the Palace?"

Mai's expression turned dark. "Yes. They were, but they escaped and I want them here. Away from the Palace!"

"Why would we do that?" Auzu asked.

"Because~ I could give you anything you want…Please just give me them."

"How do you expect us to?" Seto asked.

"I don't know! Your abilities should help you. I doubt they'll show you their wings so they only way you'll know is the code on their necks. Right where yours are."

"What are they?"

"H5791, H0577, H37813, and A0003."

"Whoa! That one's like mine!" Marik said. "Excepted I have a Y and a 4 instead of an H and an 8."

"Why is there an A?" Yami asked

"I'll answer that when you bring them to me! Zack, give these to them," she said as she gave him a file of paper who then gave it to Yami.

"Who said we'd do it?" Seto asked.

"Do I care? No I don't! I can't allow the Palace to kill them… any of them…" she said quietly.

Yami started flipping throw the file then he smirked. "We can do this. Unless you're scared?"

"I-i-i-I'm not scared!" Auzu said as she puffed out her chest looking a bit angry.

"Mph," Seto mumbled.


And that was that. So now we're in the forest deciding this.

"If we can't take them then we'll need to persuade them," Seto said.

"What was their code?" Auzu asked.

"H5791, H0577, H37813, and A0003," Marik said tiredly.

"Welcome to the land of living," I said to him. I should pull a prank like that on him sometime.

"Well, since you're up," yami said. "Start tracking them. We need you to use your senses to find them they escaped four days ago, so they shouldn't be that far."

"Fine," Marik said as he closed his eyes.

"While he is doing that, let's make sure that we have a plan."

"We should first get on their good side," Auzu said. "Befriend them, make them think we're on their side."

"So, you're saying that we should act as escapees, like them?" I asked.

"That might work," Yami said. "But just us or The Kingdom?"

"Us would be better," Seto said.

"Why?" Auzu asked.

"Because they ran away from the Palace, so they think that the Palace are the bad guys," Seto said. "if they found out that there was another that did the same as the Palace, and that we're with them, it would be harder to get their trust if any at all."

"I see," Yami said. "We first need their trust, but how are we going to bring them to the kingdom?"

"A diversion," I said. "Where they think they're in danger so we bring them there where they think they're safe."

"We can do that," Auzu said.

"Oh, Seto," Yami said looking at the file. "H0577 is telepathic. Thought you should know. We'll need you to protect our minds from him, but secretly."

"How do you expect that? If I block our minds, it would raise suspicion."

"Just give him false memories."


"Marik, have you found them?"

"I smelt blood. A lot of it," Marik said as he opened his eyes. "That way." He pointed south.

"Let's go," I said.


We came to a spot on a river that Marik said they were there. We found two bloodied clothes.

"Do you think one of them died?" Auzu asked.

"No I don't smell anything dead," Marik said. He was being serious right now which was rare, but it didn't last long. Soon enough, he will start acting like an idiotic.

"What happen? I mean for them to be injured?" Auzu said.

"Well, they did escape from The Palace. So my guess is that while they were escaping, one of the doctors or whoever, fired at them," I said.

"They got shot?!" Auzu asked

"Well, what other weapons do you think they have?" Yami asked the stupid brunette.

"Did they continue south?" Seto asked Marik cutting off Auzu. Who wanted to hear her annoying voice anymore?

"Yeah, but there is a new smell with them. No doubt human." Marik said.

"They must got help." Auzu said much to my dismays.

"This will be difficult," Seto said.

"Why?" the idiotic asked.

"Because this means that there is a possibility that it will make it harder to gain there trust."

"Or make it easier," Yami said.


Marik than decided to giggle. Such a shame.

"Let's go." Yami said. Then we headed south.

Done! the second chapter is done! but i can't do the third yet. i need help with all their powers. i already have half of joeys and setos, marik too, but i need help with the others, not ryou cause i already have that diecided, sceret. i wanted something unique, not in other stories. any sugestions would be nice. thanks. also there was this way where i got their codes. i just put three sets of of numbers o 0. started with the alphabet and stoped on each letter in the name and kept on doing so till i got done with the name. did that for everyone, but ryou. oh! by the way, there is no animals in this world. got something planned for them.