Hi wonderful fallers! It's been a while hasn't it? I STILL haven't updated My Fake Smile, but only because I have been working and balancing my ideas for the sequel of I'm Sorry. I know its been like two months but we had Thanksgiving break and I had to go to a Thanksgiving celebration an my parents left early so we stayed in a hotel with NO wifi! Then I had school and apparently teachers like to give quizzes and tests and a whole bunch of homework between Thanksgiving and Winter break so that took a lot of studying. And over Winter break I was with my family so I wasn't really thinking about my fanfictions. Anyways this is the first of many one-shots! This one is a poem, enjoy! :)

What should I do?

The only love I ever knew.


He was more than a brother.

He was like no other.

He was my twin,

My best friend,

And I thought our bond would never end.

In a way it hasn't.

I still hold on.

I still believe in him.

And I know he'd do the same for me too.

But now there's nothing we can do

Because he flew to heaven all too soon.

Okay I'm pretty sure everyone guessed who that was about and who was talking. It was pretty obvious...Oh! In case you guys didn't know I won an award for the 2013 Fanfiction Awards! **Enter 5sec video of me screaming** Thank you for anyone who voted! Also if you have any ideas for another one shot or poem PM me!

Remember to review! :)