So this is it guys. The last chapter. I never like endings but what can you do… It has to be done. Anyway since school starts again the day after tomorrow I thought it would be smart to post now so yea, here you go. Hope you like it.

There were feathers everywhere. White but golden also, with only me standing there in the middle of it. A bloody blade in my hand.

And all because of one fire message.

It came yesterday after a month of nothing. Jem, Will and I met up a while ago but no Magnus. I still didn't give up hope though. Even after we separated again, on our own this time, there was still no word of Magnus.

But I know patience. I've mastered patience after so many years and know how Magnus is when he's on a run. No contact until he's sure he's safe enough. So I could only hope that's the time I haven't heard from him yet.

Archangels came and went but I became pretty good at slipping them and just staying to the shadows, the black of my wings actually helping me with that. It's easier to blend with the darkness if your wings are darkness. So that's what the last month was. Hiding.

Not running, just hiding.

And then he message came with the cracking of flames. Blue flames.

Seeing it I couldn't do anything more but smile because the wait was worth it. He's okay. He's alive.

The massage was only an address. An address only two cities away from where I was actually so it wasn't that hard to get where I needed to.

But my eagerness to see him blinded me for a second and that second was enough to have the archangels on me the next one. But I'm not an angel anymore. I'm a fallen angel now. A fallen angel with nothing else to lose but the one I'm going to meet.

They fell so easy, not expecting me to fight back with a blade of their own making. One by one archangels, but also angels fell under my blade. Feathers falling everywhere and blood covering my own clothes as well as the floor.

I didn't like it. I could never like killing my own. But this was about survival and I had no choice. So one by one they went down until I was left alone in the alley way they cornered me in.

It was a minute of me just standing there before footsteps echoed from behind me. One step, two, three. Soft steps I would know anywhere no matter how much time we spend apart.

And it only took one glance up to see it. The gold and green eyes I've been so desperate to see for a month now. The gold and green cat eyes I always loved so much.

"Alexander." It was a breathless whisper but I still heard it as he came to a stop in front of me. Not even glancing at the dead angels at my feet. I could only imagine how many he had to kill in all the years he has lived. It was a sad thought but a true one nonetheless.

A beat passed as we just stared. One beat of my own heart and his before Magnus opened his mouth and spoke one more, voice still not above a whisper. "Miss me?" And then there was a smile.

I couldn't help but laugh at the words that weren't even close to explaining just how I felt these past weeks but that will still have to do.

"So much." I whispered back and pulled him in for a kiss, feeling as the wind picked up and with that carried the feathers of the fallen along.

But I couldn't care less. I'm home. I'm with Magnus.

After so long I'm finally home.

"Did you know that one butterfly in Costa Rica has a life expectancy of about two days, and can live ten days at the most?" Magnus asked as we both just lazed around in bed, neither willing to get up just yet even if it is noon already.

The random fact made make me chuckle as I cast my eyes towards him, only to find his eyes glued to the window. In front of whish of course a butterfly was flying happily.

"Yes I did know that actually." I replied after looking at the colorful butterfly for a second.

"Did you know that I love you?" The cat eyes turned to me this time, that spark still there. The spark that just screams happy. Just like it has been every time we met before and now that we have been actually living together for a month it's there constantly. I couldn't help but love the adoration I can see in those eyes so clearly every time he looks at me. Love and happiness.

A smile tugged at my lips. "I know that too."

A month we have been together. Still on a run but together. We will probably be on a run for the rest of our lives too but it's worth it still. So worth it because it's Magnus and he loves me. And even if were on the run I'm still happy.

Because we're together and it's going to stay that way this time.

"Magnus." I whispered after a few minutes of silence as we just layed side by side, his fingers founding my feathers like they always do as he absent mindedly started stroking my wings so softly it made me feel warm and safe. So relaxed.

He could only hum in response as he turned around to look at me.

"I love you."

Magnus smiled brighter then ever before.

Did you like it? Tell me what you think.

Not sure if you liked this or not. The first part was because I just wanted to make Alec badass. A little bit of influence from CoHF about what desperation and love can make him do. Hope you liked it. Oh and I hope you loved the ending. I'm sorry I won't be writing anything more but this was how I saw it ending. No epilogue this time guys. I'm done. Please leave a review with your thoughts on this chapter and the story in whole. As you all know I live on those. Again hope you liked this.

So review my lovelies.