Week of the Broken

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia

Summary: After living for so long and enduring so much it seems almost comical that it would be something so small that broke them in the end. England, Norway, Canada, Greece, Romano

Warning: passing mentions of abuse and drinking, implied suicide, and the occasional swear word.

Chapter Five: Expectant Thursday

Romano stands there, still as one of the sculptures his brother is known for. He doesn't speak. He doesn't move. He doesn't blink. He doesn't even breathe. Unable to look away as everything he worked so hard for is so easily and carelessly destroyed by the younger brother he had given everything else to. Unable to stop the tears sliding silently down his face as the man he had hurried to grow up for asked to be with another.

"So Cute! Ita-chan will you marry me?!"

The words stab straight into Romano's heart. Killing everything and leaving behind a cold numbing hurt that also fades into nothingness rather quickly.

It was Thursday.

Any other day he could take it, damn it, any other day he could have expected it even…

…. But today was Thursday…

…. The anniversary of the day Spain had taken him from Austria's place.

….The anniversary of the day Spain had started teaching him how to plant tomatoes.

…. The anniversary of the day Spain had asked HIM to grow up so HE could marry him.

It was Thursday.

And while the two most important people in his life smiled and laughed all Lovino wanted to do was disappear forever…

…. So why not? What was stopping him, weak, overshadowed, forgotten, unimportant, loud, obnoxious, violent, Southern Italy, from doing so now? Now that even Spain and Feliciano don't want him?

Turning around he walks back up to his room completely unnoticed by the happy couple still laughing together outside.

He should have expected it really. It was only himself he could blame. Spain was almost never serious so why would he have been then? Or maybe he had been at the time but Lovino had either taken too long or was no longer seen as good enough for the Spaniard. Either way the fault lay on Romano's own shoulders. For not only believing the Tomato Bastard but expecting that anyone could see him as not only an equal to Feliciano but as the better of the two twins.

Hadn't Grandpa Rome chosen Feliciano over him? Hadn't Austria given him away without a second thought? Hadn't Spain always given Feliciano the better gifts from his adventures? Hadn't the world as a whole as well as the Italian government itself chosen Feliciano as the main representative of their country even though as the older twin and the one who had the country's capital in his section the title was supposed to be his by birthright? Hadn't the world always run to protect Feliciano first without sparing him a glance even when he was the most injured out of the two? Hadn't Spain tried to swap him for Feliciano when they were younger?

Hadn't he been told over and over and over again way too many times to count that he should act more like his younger brother?

But in the end, no matter how much you try to meet them, some expectations are simply much too great to achieve.

It was Thursday.

Locking his bedroom door softly and picking up the gun he had for when he was walking around the Italian underground; Romano unlocks the safety.

It was Thursday…

… And Lovino Vargas, Personification of Southern Italy, was done trying to meet expectations…


Hello everyone! I hope you like WotB so far. If you have any suggestions for the last two chapters I will receive them gladly. Also, if Thursday seemed to be written slightly differently then what you're used to that would be because it was actually written about a month before Sunday and my writing style has changed since then at least a little bit. I was thinking of getting a Fictionpress but I'm not too sure since I already have a Fanfiction and a Wattpad. Besides, that site is still slightly confusing to me... Comments, suggestions, and/or reviews are always welcome. Until next time...
