
August 13th, 2005

Location: Denver, CO

Time: 19:00 Local Time

The setting sun and the sound of cars running out of and into the city illuminated the backdrop of the mountains on the city. A black suburban with the American star on it drove into the city and down towards 4850 South Saratoga Street. They took a left after three stoplights and came to a house that had two stories and red siding. One of the two men in the back seat let out a depressed sigh and shook his head. "I'm not sure that I want to do this one, Bill." he said.

The other man, an African American with short black curly hair replied, "I'm sorry David, but the kid and his grandma need to know about what happened in Iraq."

"Really, Fowler," David said. "The kid's only eight years old and the grandmother, well, she's sick and his only surviving relative."

William Fowler sighed and was about to say something but decided against it. He only shook his head and said, "Get out of the car and march up to that door, we need to inform the child of his parents' demise and his grandmother of her son's death."

"If you say so." David said, still unwilling to do so.


With a sigh, David got out of the car and William Fowler followed suit. The two walked up to the door and knocked on it. David smoothed out his suit and William did the same. They heard the sound of bare feet running towards the door and then the door opened.

An eight-year-old kid looked up at the two adults in pleasant surprise. "Hi," the kid said cheerfully. "Wanna come in and play?"

"Actually, we were wondering if your grandmother was around," William said. "We'd like to talk with her."

"Sure thing," the kid said. He turned away from the door and yelled, "Grandma, there are two men in suits here to see you." The young kid turned back to the door and said, "My name is…"

"Beau! Get away from the door! You're letting all of the cold inside!" a gentle, yet firm, voice called. A woman in her early sixties approached the door and her face turned pale immediately when she saw the two men in the doorway. "Please, no," she whispered. "God don't let this be true!"

"Sandra Schwarz?" David asked.

"Yes…" the woman gasped, tears gathering in her eyes.

"We are sorry to inform you, but your son, Drew Schwarz was killed in action and so was his wife, Debra Schwarz." David said sadly.

"Grandma, what does that mean?" Beau asked.

"It means that your parents are in a better place now, Beau." Sandra Schwarz replied with tears leaking out of her eyes.

"If there is anything that we can do for you…" David started.

"You can get off of my porch and leave me to grieve for my son and daughter in law!" Sandra gasped.

"Sorry, ma'am," David apologized bowing his head. "I'm so sorry."

William Fowler looked down and saw the dawning and understanding on the little kid's face that his parents were never going to come home to see him again. Tears flowed as if a floodgate opened and Fowler felt immense sadness for this family. "It's time to go, David." he said.

David nodded and gave his condolences once more before Fowler led him away. The two got into the car and drove away. "I'm starting to think that I'm going to hate this job." David muttered.

"It doesn't get any better, this is my tenth one and I still haven't gotten used to it." Fowler said sadly.

"Yeah, but you were also an Army Ranger for how long?" David asked.

"Not long enough." Fowler replied. "I would like to keep tabs on that boy though, I have this strange feeling that something is going to happen to him."

April 7th 2006

Location: Superior, WI

Time: 12:30 CT

Driving along Tower Avenue and towards Belknap, Beau was looking out of the window of the Dodge Mini Van. His grandma had died five months ago and he had been forced to move around from foster home to foster home around the country. This was his third stop in the five months. Today as it happened was also Beau's birthday. "What is it Beau?" his foster mom asked.

"This is my first birthday without my parents and grandparents around." Beau replied.

"Don't you like it here?"

Beau shrugged in the back seat and kept looking out the window. "Give him some time," Beau's foster dad replied. "He's getting used to this sort of thing, and frankly so are we."

Beau's foster dad worked for the shipping industry and was rarely home, leaving only Beau and his foster mother around for weeks at a time. This was the longest tenure that Beau had received from any foster family. They usually couldn't put up with his anger and depression. Beau's foster mother ran her own day care center out of their three-story house and Beau usually just read his books in his room.

After they got to the house on Elm Avenue, Beau got out and went right to his room like he always did and locked himself away in there. He was right above the living room and could hear everything that was said down below him.

"I can't take this anymore," his foster mom said. "He's been like this for two months and from what I've heard he hasn't gotten any better, even with counseling!"

"Maybe your brother, Leland will take him."

"I hope so, when is he coming?"


Beau dreaded this, another move and he felt like he was a failure.

Beau came down for dinner and saw a man with a large frame and graying black hair. Across his face was what looked to be a fresh scar, but Beau didn't want to comment on it for fear of reprimands. "So, this is Beau." the man said in a deep voice.

"This is, will you take him and tutor him?" Beau's foster mom asked.

"Of course, sister," Leland said smiling at Beau. "Of course, I love children and don't have any of my own."

Present Day

My eyes snapped open and I groaned. I got up out of bed and cracked my neck, and then my back followed. I had been with Leland Bishop for nine and a half years now and he had gotten me into military shape. I had been able to forget most of my life previous to eight years old, those were the only memories I had and I always had them as dreams. I had no idea where I was currently, most likely still in the military type truck and I groaned. "I see you're awake." Leland said.

"Morning, sir." I greeted.

"Sleep well, Beau?" Leland asked, or as his followers called him: Silas.

"Yes, sir." I answered.

"Good, because we're in Nevada."

"I like warm weather, never been one for the cold." I said.

"Good, because since you're a part of MECH now," Silas said and I inwardly cringed. I had not originally wanted to become a part of this organization, but I decided eh, what the heck. "You'll be apart of a covert operation to infiltrate the inward makings of school."

"Shit." I swore. I had been homeschooled ever since Silas had started raising me. I was seventeen and headed to be what I guessed was a Senior in high school. "What city?" I asked.

"Not a city, town," Silas corrected me. "It's called Jasper. I have a house set up just for you with a motorcycle. You have a bank account there under your name and I don't want any trouble out of you there, understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good." Silas said smiling. "One of these days I will bring you to MECH HQ and show you around. But for now, here's this."

Silas tossed me something and I caught it. I looked down at it and saw that it was a box. It read: Sheffield: Suron 3.5 IN Folding Knife

"What's this for?" I asked.

"In case you need to defend yourself in a sticky situation." Silas responded. The truck stopped and Silas opened the door and motioned for me to get out of the truck. I did and Silas said, "If you want to trade in that motorcycle, you can, I won't stop you."

"Understood." I replied.

The truck peeled away and I turned around to look at the house that I would be calling home. It was a single story house and white. I found the keys in my pocket and opened the door. Everything was already set up, just like Silas said it would be. I shook my head and headed towards what I would consider the master bedroom, or my room. The other bedroom was filled with weights and other things to keep me in shape during the school year. I went over to the bed and sat down on it and rubbed my temples. This was going to be odd living on my own.

Authors Note:

Tell me what you think so far.

I could use some input on a femme name for an Autobot please.

Please R&R