This is the Lunarian Language Codex!

I had once said I didn't want anyone to use this, but I have completely changed my mind! If you want to use any or all of this for your story, GO FOR IT!

I had a blast making this up; below is the introduction to how the language works, and then there is a list of all words, certain phrases, and Lunarian city names used in Shards of History.

In general, the Lunarian language is sharp, succinct and the words, shortened, to what we're used to speaking. I've taken the idea of many earth-based languages when constructing this, and have made it easier to understand by using the same characters and sounds we do, for the most part. Keeping the letters and sounds familiar is also easier when writing it into a story, and easier, I hope, to read it as well.

One thing to keep in mind are that the emphasis on the words is on the syllables. This idea was gleaned by the apparent 'naming' system the Lunarians we see have. (IE: FuSoYa, KluYa,)

Therefore, all the sharp sounds are on each syllable unless denoted by a – or a '. In the case of a -, it's a break from the single word. (IE: Phen'Doe-Mar. Phen'Doe is one word, the Mar is added with a bit of a pause.) In the case of a ', that is a slight pause when speaking, as if it were another syllable. (IE: Phen'Doe-Mar. Phen (one) Doe (Second))

Another characteristic of the language is that they 'render' their words in "Positive" and "Negative."

Since they are a telepathic species, it makes sense that they would be overly interesting in conveying emotions and messages through their speech as well as their telepathy. Thus, they 'render' their words to set a certain tone to the reader.

Example: The words yes and no are actually the same word, "Yensa and YenSa" Rendered in the 'negative', to convey a negative, unsavory theme, is without any emphasis on the syllables. It's a less sharp sound, but it's also spoken quicker and with less tone.

If written in the 'positive', the emphasis is there; "YenSa" to convey passion and zeal when speaking.

Certain times, Lunarian words or names will be seen in both positive and negative to set the tone of an entire conversation or phrase.

Also, it's possible for names to rendered in the negative, such as Zemus. Since he is outcast and 'fallen from grace' Lunarians say his name without emphasis to show this in speech and characters. His name, formerly, would have been "ZeMus" now it's rendered and spoken "Zemus".

The written word of Lunarians is, in my head, similar to our own, making the planet's even more compatible. However, since we can't actually see any of it, it's not nearly as important.

The language is far from complete, and I've taken shortcuts with grammar and proper 'rules' in certain places, but there is enough compiled here where people may be able to use some of the words, and use common phrases. I even made a swear word or two!

Lastly, and possibly most importantly, is that these are not direct translations to English. More often than not, the word or phrase is to convey a feeling and a tone, so the Lunarian phrase for 'thank-you' is "Jhet'Leya" but that is not the actual word for thank or the word for you. It is, at its core, an expression of gratitude. In the same way, "Yensa" or "YenSa" is literally an 'answer' to any question. The closest translation we have offer is to yes or no.

Lun'Na – Name of their world, translates to the ancient word 'Luna' due to mispronunciation

YunNa-LesKa – Capital city of Lun'Na

Ta'Va-Roe – A city on Lun'Na

El'eCron – A city on Lun'Na

Sri-ValStahl – A city on Lun'Na

Sel'ene device (Rendered in the negative because it failed. Otherwise rendered as Sel'Ene in ancient texts)

ChanDra – a popular lake on Lun'Na

Bran-Bal – A city on Lun'Na, TinSouRe's and Zemus's home town

Tem-Tem – As in making a word a verb, like adding ING to the end of a word; "Living" "Running" "Flying" etc. Always added with a '

Lun'Na Wi'el – Name of their transport ship, which was mistranslated. Wi'el means "Hope" So basically the ships name means "Luna's Hope"

TarKa TarKa VaLe - Lunarian phrase, hard to translate. Closest is an expression of surrender/despair. Used to refer to the destruction of their home

I'Zi'Diez Tez DessDah Va'I - "Fear the absence of understanding" – A popular Lunarian phrase

Drak-Pla'As I'net – "The End of Time" A phrase the Lunarians use

AckTry DiLess - Access denied

AckTry Nil-Ma – Access granted

VicTa AyLo-Cri Sin PolyLas - Power overload in progress

TatRa! KyRe ZoTar Nus Xia Yensa Ty-ViLett – Roughly translates to something along the lines of; "Wait! We're friends and we mean you no harm."

TatRa – "Wait", "Hold", "Stop"

Kel-NoVar – Roughly translates to "Soul-bond"

Fal-Tor-Voh – A phrase used to comfort those about to die.

Phen'Doe Mar – The Lunarian phrase used to described the matter transfer devices (IE; serpent's road, etc.) "Matter displacement channel"

TrAce'De Mar – The Lunarian phrase used to describe transporters. "Matter transport stream"

Xia – "You"

Kia – "Me" or "I", to refer to oneself

Mia – "Them", used to describe only when person is not present

Zen – Not a direct translation, more an explanation of having more then something, used in a sentence like the word "And"

Nessa-Rue – "Beautiful"

DuRa – More, an overabundance of one thing

Sha – Used in sentence as the words "Then" or "Than"

Tez – "The", "This", "That", etc.

Ra'Iss – Used in between larger words, such as we might use "Are" or "Is"

L'In – A question of method, such as asking someone "Why?"

Ro'V – Pain

La – prefix meaning "Light" (Light-light, as in sun light, bright light, white light)

Le – Prefix meaning "Light" (Dark-light, as in moonlight, dim light)

Cie – The actual word translating directly to "Light" without modifiers.

Uo'Ru – "Blighted" or "Cursed"

Kastra – Lunarian swear word(Rendered in the negative)

MurKa KurKy – A phrase to denote humor in a sentence, almost like saying; "I'm just kidding," after speaking.

RickEn-Lashe Cie - Day of Last Light – The Lunarian's way of describing the day their planet shattered

TaVaLon UnGoo'Ru - Spiral of Decay – The Lunarian's way of describing the many failings of their core

Ves'per – Magic (Board term used in regards to spells and radiation (magic) and also to certain natural phenomena) Describes waves of energy and the like.

Ventu – Primitive

Hec Tor'Ress – The name of the pod machines used for sleep/suspended animation

Jhet'Leya – "Thank you" – an expression of gratitude

Yensa/YenSa – Rendered determines meaning. In negative means "No", in positive means "Yes" - Literally is an answer

Vox – Sound, noise, etc.

Yox – Quiet, silence, etc.

Virage – "Danger", "Warning", etc. (Rendered in the negative)

A'Don – "Male" (Man, boy, etc)

I'Don – "Female" (Woman, girl, etc.)

Ii'Tash – A type of device used to measure radiation output. Device takes the form of a bracelet-like reader

SevRhen – A type of long-range weapon the Lunarians used that is powered by magical-like energy

I'in – "Idiot"

Sty-let – Insult on the same level as "Bastard" or "Bitch"

Shi – Meaning "Live, life, etc"

K'Ash – An action, as in, "To go" "To come from" to "Move" as it were

Za'el – "Dream"

Yun – "Strength"

Dia – "Promise"

Val'Lon – The Luarian prefix to add to MarVell (Weapon) to describe metallic weapons like swords

KamBer – "Explosion"

K'Ash Eeli'Os – Literal translation is "to kill"; not death, or the end of life, but the action of killing something

Al-Ter'R – A certain kind of fragile metal by-product unique to Lun'Na

Cel'Ia – "Health"

Tas'Len Affer-Mish – A phrase to caution and wish luck; no direct translation, but something along the lines of; "Be careful and good luck."

Dav'Kak - Inability, unable, etc. (Can't)

T'Iz – "For" in the sense of "to give" (IE: This is for you)

Te'ish – Roughly translates; "To cleanse" as in, to remove contaminates

Un'Phar – "Gel" or, a semi-solid, semi-liquid form

EmMa-En-Vikta – The term used to describe a mental illness on Lun'Na

A'In-Cad – "Trust"

Ack'Lar – "Value" – denotes something of value, or worth. Also "Valuable" not in terms of money

ShiMil'Lae – "Repair" or, "To fix"

TisA – A unit of measurement in reference to time that the Lunarians use; does not line up with any common form of telling time.

TalCel – "Secret"

Ma'Ru – "Impossible" or with similar meaning

Fem'Dar – "Object" or "Item", usually with a modifier to further describe

Tre'y-Cy – A special type of crystal that is capable of storing something other than data

Nik'Tev – To possess, to own (Also used as the word 'have')

Selo-Dee – Past

Selo – Present

Selo-Ii - Future

Lam'Ph – A type of sphere or orb that glows; also functions like a battery

Da'Jor – Protect, guard, etc.

F'oss – Confused; a state of confusion, or, being "confused"

Je'Elle – A board term to describe anything that can be consumed, usually with a modifier to further describe

Re'Tu – "Alert"


Shin – "Hate"

Dyne – The Lunarian word for 'reactor' or other such devices

T'Aire – "Flight" or "Fly"

Van-Kel – "Will" As in, a person's will

Sa'La – "Key"

Set'Tet Su'S – "Sphere Map" A type of 3D rendering of a certain location, like a holographic map. This term does not cover all holographic tech that the Lunarians use. It is only the term used for mapping.

Con-Ver – A word used to describe a search or quest

VaRon – when used in a sentence, like the word "not". Literally, the advice of "not" doing an action (IE: I wouldn't do that if I were you)

Nep-StyrKa - "Attack" or similar words

Sha-Ver – Close, as in, a position. Standing close to other another, etc.

Para'A'Ion – A person of high esteem, a model/paragon/important figure

Para'A'- An object of great importance

ReHas – "Open"

LiiShee - Happy

SoUne – "Gifted" or "Blessed" or "Special"

Mel'Deis – "Memory"

CaLik-Ka – "Brave"

DreMiz – "Prototype"

Ve'Ta – A unit of something; as in, counting

EetTa – A word to describe the phenomenon known as "Gravity"

ConTriSa HalEn – "Safe/store house"

CallaDeen – A state of inactivity, including suspended animation or sleep

NamSeA – "Hello" or, an expression of greeting

Z'I – "Help"

N'Dele – Logic/Logical

Z'ate – "Truth"

Ali-Shan – "Outcast" or "Exile"

Rem'Tah – Fast, speed, etc.

MarVell – "Weapon"

KayMor – "Record" Also used as a word for "History"

LyLam'Tiz – "To reverse" something; the opposite of something, but only in terms of an action. (Reversing polarity, reversing direction, etc.)

DessDah – Missing, absence, similar words

Jai – "Ours" - belonging to more then one

Kava - Anger

Hel-Eis – "Jealous"

Ev'Si – Something that looks bad/gross, as in saying "that looks hideous/that looks terrible," etc.

Mer'An – An expanse of water; comparable to our word "ocean"

Nev'Se – "Focus", in terms of a focus to do something; your calling in life, a job.

Siam'A-Yan – Describes the concept of "everything". Not a direct translation of the word everything, but the idea of ALL

RuNe-Eyz – Knowledge, to know something

Pac'Dak – A word to describe the size of something; when rendered in the positive, means "Large", when rendered negative, means "Small"

Sep'Tak – A term to describe certain forms of radiation

Ran'U Gar-O – Forget, Forgotten

Nas'SaDa – Lock out, lock down

An'Dros – "Engine"

Ast'Tron-Ema - A type of holographic display, using light and photons to recreate visuals from memories

Ven'Jix – "Virus"

Jem'HaDar – Lunarian word for their version of "Crystals" (The tech, not actual crystalline compounds found in nature)

MeZoti – Board term for "Navigation"

Azan – Board term for "Controls" as in, control panel, control pad, etc.

Rebi – Board term for "Security"

IcHeb – Board term for "Components" As in, components for technology

Cho'Zo – "Machine" or similar words (Like robot, etc.)

Phaz'On-Ing – "Nightmare"

Dov'Ah-Mut – "Dragon" or, a certain creature of dragon-like appearance. Similar to Bahamut (Rendered Ba'Ha-Mut)

Ba'Ha – "Black" or "Darkness" – not the color, but more the absence of light

Va'I – "Understanding" or, similar meaning

Ken-Di – "Intruders" or "Trespassers"

Vam'Ose – An expression of confusion or bafflement

Raa'ck-Nor - An expression of regret, as in saying "Apologies"

Tem'Iss – Emotion, feelings (Board term, usually used with a modifier of what type of emotion)

T'u-Uz – A phrase of assurance, or surety. Not a direct translation to any word, more of a board term

Van – "Good"

Nye – "Bad"

Kap – "Group"

I'Zi'Diez – "Fear"

Nav'A – Sadness, sorrow

Aja – Infinite, endless, etc.

Tar-Nank – To "Give up" (not surrender, as in, TarKa Tarka VaLe)

Th'Ea – "Peace"

F'al-Deis – A term to describe a rudimentary artificial intelligence

C'al-Deis – A term to describe a complex artificial intelligence, such as those contained within the final byproducts of the Crystals, or Bab-Il's "voice"

Ker'Ise – Database, Mainframe; a term to describe a computerized core.

I'Tennin – Monster/creature/beast

Y'Ice – "Choice"

Rem-En – Never, none, similar words


The modern words for certain elements and spells came from mistranslation of Lunarian words. When the Lunarians first came to the planet, ancient peoples used some of their words and adapted them. Because of the altered translation and delusion of words from their cores, the modern magical spells based off of Lunarian magic differ slightly in type and power. In most cases, the original Lunarian is more potent.

More advanced spells such as Firaga are a combination of the word for 'fire' and the spoken word of 'two, double' or 'three, triple'. Example: Firaga. Fie'Er + Aga = Triple fire.

Below is a list of the Lunarian words and their modern translations:

Fie'Er – Fire

Wat'Tor – Water

Thun'Dor – Thunder

Aer – Air

Bliz'Ard – Blizzard

Ry'is – Rise (Literally translate to 'reset' since your resetting your vitals)

K'year – Cure


Lunarians count with a different set of numbers then modern terms. Below is a list of the Lunarian numbers as if spoken.

Aba (1)

Ara (2)

Aga (3)

Ava (4)

Asa (5)

Ana (6)

Aka (7)

Ama (8)

Ata (9)