Looking up at the stars, I couldn't help but let my mind wander to him. I hadn't seen him in a few days, hadn't really talked too much to him either. The slight twinge in my chest told me, on countless occasions, that I was missing the stupid beyblader. Was he thinking of me at all?

Pots and pans clashed below my position on the roof, signaling the beginning of supper time. With a sigh, I decided that I wasn't hungry. Really hadn't been lately.

I heard a faint click and the sound of the window being opened. Darn. I was really starting to enjoy my alone time.

I sat up and looked to the intruder, who was immediately forgiven by my stomach, since he held two plates of food with him. Well, perhaps I was hungry after all.

"I thought you might want some company," Ray said, handing me a plate and promptly taking a seat next to me.

I stayed silent and nibbled on the grilled fish in front of me. Grilled fish, macaroni and cheese, and smothered green beans – the best. Neither of us spoke as we ate, and it was a comfortable silence. Perhaps this was something I needed.

The silence was broken when I finally spoke. "I miss him, Ray," I said, looking over to him. "I miss him, and yet he's still here. How is that possible?" I shook my head and looked down at my plate, not really wanting to say much else.

Tears burned behind my eyes, but I was literally sick of crying. I was even starting to get a little agitated with myself.

Ray shifted in his seat – I heard him – and put his arm around me, pulling me to his chest. It was a friendly, comfortable notion, and not foreign. Ray always gave the best hugs.

With a small smile, I tentatively wrapped my arms around him.

"I know," he told me, soothing my hair. "I'm sorry."

We sat there for a while, not really saying much of anything. His masculine arms, which had once scrawny, wrapped around me securely. I felt safe. I almost felt bad, wondering why I hadn't chosen Ray instead. He was perfect in every single way.

Perhaps. . . It wouldn't be such a terrible idea. To have him hold me like this every night would be a blessing. I wouldn't be lonely anymore. I'd be loved. Maybe he would be worth it. Maybe. . . Just maybe I could let myself fall in love with Ray Kon instead.